
The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

author:Kozuki Fangyuan

Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge: A microcosm of the infrastructure gap between China and India

In a corner of the Internet, the video of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge quietly set off waves, especially in the circle of Indian netizens, causing quite a stir. This sea dragon connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be officially opened to traffic on June 30, 2024, shortening the original journey of 2.5 hours to half an hour.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

From the groundbreaking at the end of 2016 to its completion in June 2024, the 1,666-meter-long construction miracle across the sea has a total investment of a staggering 46 billion yuan. Indian netizens can't help but sigh why their bridges can't be so stable, and why a rain can "eclipse" India's bridges. In contrast, the toughness and beauty of China's bridges have become a hot topic of discussion.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

Not only that, but an Australian netizen from Sydney joined the discussion, admiring the speed and efficiency of China's construction, and expressing a good vision for his own country - hoping to enjoy the convenience of such a fast-growing infrastructure. However, he also reluctantly mentioned that his own country seems to be always exhausted by war and destruction, and has failed to focus on construction.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

In terms of the quality of its products, China has also won praise. An Indian businessman in the tire business revealed that the quality of Chinese tires even exceeds that of European famous brands, and the price is more affordable. Unfortunately, the Indian government's anti-dumping tariff policy has made local businesses and consumers bear higher costs, which is undoubtedly a typical example of "shooting yourself in the foot".

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge is not only a bridge, it is a symbol of China's infrastructure strength, and it is also a direct reflection of the gap between China and India in infrastructure construction. It makes us think that infrastructure construction is not only about technology and finance, but also a demonstration of a country's governance capacity. For Indian netizens, this may be a reflection and encouragement, pushing them to look forward to their own country showing the same strength and efficiency one day in the future.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

Note: The above content is based on the original material and aims to convey the same core messages and ideas in a style that is closer to everyday conversation.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, Indian netizens: Don't compare with China, India is not qualified!

As shown in the picture, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge perfectly connects Shenzhen and Zhongshan with its spectacular sight across the sea, which is a vivid portrayal of China's infrastructure strength. I hope this image can make you feel the majesty and magnificence of the Shenzhong Bridge more intuitively. If you have any other requests or need further help, feel free to let me know!

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