
D.H.APP_Horoscope of April 11, 2022


You've been running away from an interaction or conversation. Dear Aries, you are usually not so reserved or afraid of encounters. There may be some things you don't want to discuss, but avoidance is not the solution. You can't escape this forever; You can only postpone. Take a moment today to sort out your thoughts and what you want to say. Do so the next time you have a chance to communicate. You can solve this problem without anxiety.


You don't have a crystal ball, so you don't know exactly how the recent effort will turn out. Will it succeed? Will it fail? Taurus, these thoughts may be flashing through your mind. If, in your opinion, things can go in any direction, what harm is it to believe that things will go in the direction you want? There's no harm in that, in fact, it gives you an advantage. If you're optimistic, others will believe you – and it will lead you to success.


When you're trying not to share something you really want to share, you may be biting your lip. This can be a mixture of criticism and encouragement, and you may be worried that the part of the criticism will stir up someone's anger. It could be about improving a relationship – a relationship that needs to change, but you don't want to give up. If this is your effort to make things better, then it should be accepted in this way. It's important to say that you know what you have to say and that the reaction you get will tell you where you stand.


Believe today that others are innocent, even if you don't want to. You may have some doubts. You may not fully trust the person you're dealing with. But now that you've chosen to work with this person, now, you should have confidence in yourself. Sometimes, even if your trust is misplaced, the fact that you have to trust anyway can lead a person to integrity. That's okay in the beginning.


We often expect a dear friend, family member, or other important person to read our minds. They may subconsciously know what we want and need because they know us too well. When this doesn't happen, it can be a source of anything from disappointment to distress to anger and insecurity. If you're feeling bad right now because the people who should know you don't know what you need, say it out loud, Lion. Your exaggerated personality often masks your vulnerable side.


The reward or blessing you are about to receive is deserved. You may know something about it, but you may think it's nothing special and not worth anything in return. But this is not the case. What you give to the world, you often get something, although not immediately. Start seeing yourself as someone valuable so that when it comes, you will fully appreciate and enjoy it.


When we seek important advice, we usually choose people we know and comfort us with. However, this does not always mean that they are the most knowledgeable people available for help. You may need important information right now, but be careful with who you seek help and guidance from. In your world, there may be other people who are more qualified than you and able to give you the help you need right now, even though the request may be a little out of your comfort zone.


The phrase "Getting your foot in the door" comes from the door-to-door salesman's way of selling their products with a tough sales technique. While the term is more metaphorical than literal today, there may be some consequences for you stepping through the doors of this company. If someone really doesn't want to deal with you, they can throw you in the door! But sometimes, being a little aggressive is good for you, Scorpio. Today, if you're careful, a little pushing the limits might get you what you need.


You may be about to do something for yourself that you should have done long ago. However, you will always stop because there is always some other obligation, or someone needs you, and you always put others ahead of yourself. But if you don't invest right now, doing what you need to do for yourself, there will always be something that comes up that might get in your way. You need this, and after that you can do other things.


When we say that someone "only knows enough danger", it means that someone thinks they have expertise they don't know about, which can lead to trouble. Capricorn, you may be working with someone like that now or soon, which is a tricky thing to do, to deal with it without creating conflict. Even so, if it's an important thing and the potential troubles can be troubling, it might be wise to say it — first and foremost in private. But if you don't see the change, you may have to look for other options.


You are a person who strives to understand the world around you. You like to explore topics that interest you. In your personal life, Aquarius, you may be trying to figure out why something is happening, which makes you a little crazy yourself. But not all answers are available at any time. Sometimes we shouldn't know certain things, at least at first. Now that you have all the information you know, you have to be satisfied with it. One day, when you have done what you need, you will be enlightened.


Sometimes, when someone talks to us in a less clear way, the blank space in our minds is filled. It's easier for you to do this because you're very sensitive and intuitive. This can be easier when you're "reading" someone you know. But when someone you know is vague or flickering today, be careful to read it between the lines. As you struggle to understand what they're saying, you may misunderstand what they mean. Ask questions instead of guessing.

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