
Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

In Naruto, many ninjas have very distinct personal characteristics, in addition to decent characters, many villains also make a very deep impression, in these villain roles, there are even many characters who are not as popular as those villains, so in the anime, what are such villains? Who is the most popular villain in your mind?

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

First of all, Uchiha Ban, banye's popularity in the anime can be said to be very high, as a ninja of the same era as the Thousand Hands Pillar, the strength of Uchiha ban can be said to be very strong, in the ninja war, the performance of Uchiha ban can be said to be god-level, and in the part of the plot of the ninja war, Uchiha ban is also directly gained a lot of fans, and the popularity is also soaring.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

Speaking of Uchiha Ban, the next villain role is Uchiha Belt Soil, although Uchiha Belt Soil was washed white in the later period, but Belt Soil is definitely the representative of the villain role, before the Ninja War, Belt Soil has always appeared in the ninja world as Uchiha Spot, and when Belt Soil was finally re-whitewashed, it gained a large number of fans, although he had made mistakes, but fortunately he changed it.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

The third person is Nagato, Nagato is one of the leaders of the Xiao Organization, he and Xiaonan are the founders of the Xiao Organization, and after Yahiko's death, Nagato's temperament changes greatly, which also leads to the Xiao Organization becoming what it became later, and in the battle of Yu hidden village, Nagato personally ended the life of Shiraiya, and finally washed white under Naruto's mouth escape, Nagato although the villain, but the popularity is not to say.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

Hui Ye as the final boss of the entire anime, the popularity of nature is not to be underestimated, although Hui Ye is a super villain, but Hui Ye's super high appearance still let her gain a lot of fans, but in the ninja war, Hui Ye's brain does not look very bright, is it sealed for too long, resulting in Hui Ye's mind becoming dull? Is it possible?

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

Ōsakamaru was one of the villains in the early days of the anime, but what Ōsakamaru did was not for the peace of the ninja world, just for himself, and in the Ninja War, Ōsakamaru gave up his plan to seize Sasuke's body, but Ōsakamaru also got the cells between the pillars, as for why Ōsakamaru gave up Sasuke, I'm afraid he just simply couldn't beat Sasuke.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

Yakuza has always been a follower of the Great Snake Maru, after the Great Snake Maru was defeated by Sasuke, Yakuza began to find his true self again, and in the Ninja War, YakushiDou became one of the final bosses, and in the Ninja War, Yakushi Tuo summoned the Dirt Rebirth Alliance, and was later defeated by Uchiha Ferret and Sasuke, and regained himself after walking out of the illusion world of Izanami.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

Dried Persimmon Oni is the ninja in the Xiao Organization who is the best at water ninjutsu, and in the Xiao Organization, the Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish is one of the few who knows the existence of the Moon Eye Project, and the Dried Persimmon Ghost Fish is also a poor person, in the anime, the Ghost Fish only sees himself clearly before he dies, and everything he does is to get rid of his past and let himself have companions again, which is what oni wants most.

Which of Naruto's villains is not as popular as the protagonist? Are ferrets villains or decent?

The last thing to say is the Uchiha Ferret, if according to the setting in the anime, Uchiha Ferret is not a villain role, but Uchiha Ferret in the anime is a villain appearance, but if you say popularity, presumably the first few no matter who can not surpass Uchiha Ferret, but in terms of the identity of Uchiha Ferret, is he really a villain?

In your opinion, is Uchiha a villain?

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