
Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar April 15, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Friday, April 15, 2022 (15th day of the 15th lunar month of the lunar calendar). Stem branches: 壬寅, 甲辰, 戊戌.

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar April 15, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Good luck on the day

Fierce Day: Cow Lodge, Broken Sun, Five Yellow Stars Advent.

Ji Shen: Pegasus, Fu Xing, Xie Shen.

Fierceness: White Tiger, Moon Break, Great Waste, Heavy Mourning, Resurrection, Nine Voids.

Suitable: sacrifice, seek medical treatment, cure disease, clean.

Taboo: Don't use it for big things.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to cattle, sheep, tigers, horses, and rabbits.

Unfavorable dragons, chickens Pepsi do not use.

Shipping colors: yellow, green, red.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

Yoshikata March:

Tiande is in nongfang, and Yuede is in nongfang. Tiandehe is in Dingfang, and Yuedehe is in Dingfang. The moon is on the Gengfang side, and the moon is on the C side. Shi Xian sun after qingming in Xinfang, Gu Yu after the unitary side. The Heavenly Emperor is in the departure side, and the Heavenly Emperor is in the Kan side. The three-element sun is in the kan, and the yin is shaking. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is shaking, and the Heavenly Solution Star is in Sundanese. Yang nobles are in Kan, and Yin nobles are dry.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the northwest, six white stars are in the southwest, eight white stars are in the southeast, and nine purple stars are in the middle.

This month's funeral is great: Yin, A, 卯, B, Chen, Kun.

Dali Shufang: 寅, A, 卯, B, 辰, 坤.

March Killer:

The moon is broken in the side of the moon. The three brakes were not squared in the middle of the day. The main yin house is in the Genxun side, and the side yin house is in the prosin side. The monthly punishment is in the Tatsukata side, and the moon is in the 卯方. The Heavenly Official Fu is in the Qianhai Fang, and the Diguan Fu is in the Gengyou Xin Fang. The big moon is built in the Bing Wu Ding fang, and the small moon is built in the Gengyou Xin fang. The funeral door is in Kun, the white tiger is in Gong, and the five yellows are in Kan. The sword blade is in Sundanese.

This month's fetal god side: the fetal god is in the door hall.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are in the northeast and southwest; Lu Shen is in the southeast, stagecoach is in the southwest, and Wenchang is in the southwest. One white star is due north, six white stars are in the northwest, eight white stars are in the northeast, and nine purple stars are due south.

The murderer of the day:

The three fires are in the north, the five yellows are in the middle, and it is not appropriate to build in the nonzi decay, the ugly side, the earth, the anmen, the an stove, the bed and so on.

The fetal god is in the gate and the north, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus and pregnant women.

Twelve o'clock

壬子4,癸 ugly5、甲寅6、乙卯7,,000,000,000,,癸 ugly,,癸统 7,,癸

Bing Chen 8, Ding Wei 9, Peng Wu 1, Ji Wei 2,

Gengshen 3, Xin You 4, 壬戌 5, 癸海6.

The day was ugly, not at the time, and when it was auspicious.

Unfavorable hours, noon hours, and unitary hours.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day is penta soil, and in the month of Tatsuki, he is ordered to sit on the soil and has strong roots. The yen is not weak, it is a strong personality. Therefore, I want to see the golden water to drain the wang as a good luck. Therefore, Gengshen, Yiwei, and C noon are available.

Shichen Gengshen: Gengshen is a god of food, which plays a role in draining the body, but also can play a role in killing, so Gengshen can be used.

ShiChen 癸海: 癸海, for the fortune star, can also be used, the wealth star is combined with the wealth and the wealth is profitable, but the seven kills are not controlled, then the decoction is considered.

On the whole, the Gengshen hour is better.

Eight-character brief analysis:

The eight characters of the body, the god of food, the god of decay, the Lord is wise and talented. Eight characters of wealth and killing, rich officials are prosperous, and the story karma is very strong. The God Eater can rely on talent and ability to obtain good jobs and positions, as well as facilitate the acquisition of official positions and other information. God-eaters are used, have eloquence, and are talented, plus seven kills, have fame and fortune, and have the desire to pursue career, so they can also develop and make achievements in their careers.

In terms of marital feelings, as far as women's lives are concerned, it is easier to have competition or love triangles than robbery and killing, and it is necessary to pay attention to good management and maintenance. In terms of male life, it will be more smooth than female life.

Judging from the great fortune, the life of women is better.

Recommended eight characters: (recommended index of two stars)

壬寅 甲辰 戊戌 庚申

With God: Golden Water

Jealousy: Fire Earth

Male Fate Fortune: Otomi Bing Wu Ding Wei Peng Shen Heying Geng.

Five-element arrangement: wood fire fire fire fire earth earth gold earth gold earth.

Great Fortune of Female Life: 癸卯壬寅辛ug Gengzi 己海戊戌.

Five-element arrangement: Mizuki Mizuki, Mizuki, Jintu, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water,

Daily class review

On this day, the day is broken, and everything is not appropriate, and the big things are not used. On the fifth day of the yellow day, the middle palace is not conducive to the construction of the ground.

Build the C direction of the Ji Nong Mountain, the noon direction of the Zi Shan, and the Ding direction of the Decan Mountain. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. Cultivators can repair the northwest, not the southeast, and not to the dragons.

Today, the fetal god is in the gate perch, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, do not knock and smash, move scissors, move objects, etc., which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus and pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

The ten gods' determinations are taught daily

There are two kinds of determination of the ten gods in the daily lesson, one is to set the ten gods by creating a mountain family or the annual destiny, and the other is to determine the ten gods based on the daily class and the daily stem. Both of these methods can be used, such as the ten gods of the sun dry, which are synchronized with the ten gods of the annual life, and the degree of fulfillment is higher.

Taking the annual life or Rikan and the mountain family as the benchmark as "I", those who give birth to me are yinshou, those who give birth to me are eaten and wounded, those who overcome me are wives and wealth, those who restrain me are officials and ghosts, and those who are similar to me are comparable to robberies.

There are yin and yang in the heavenly stem, and its interaction, so there is a positive and partial point, there is a positive seal, a partial seal, a god of food, a wounded official, a positive wealth, a partial wealth, a positive official, a partial official, a shoulder-to-shoulder, and a total of ten gods, also known as ten stars.

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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