
Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar March 27, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar March 27, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Sunday, March 27, 2022 (25 february of the lunar calendar). Stem branches: 壬寅, 癸卯, 己卯.

Good luck on the day

Xiao Ji: Aung Su, Jian ri, four green stars lin sun.

Ji Shen: Ming Tang, Yue Dehe, Tian'en, Guan Ri, Wu he.

Fierceness: Moon Construction, Tufu, Disgust, Hour, Swagger.

Suitable: sacrifice, blessing, travel, congregation, nacai, tailoring, bed, coffin removal, crown rise, sweeping house, coming of age ceremony.

Taboo: build, move the soil.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to rats, monkeys, pigs, sheep, and dogs.

Unfavorable chicken, dragon Pepsi do not use.

Shipping colors: black, white, yellow.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

Yoshikata February:

Tiande is in Shenfang, and Yuede is in Party A. Heaven and virtue are on the side, and the moon is on their own side. The moon is in the Ding side, and the moon sky is in the Geng side. Shi Xian was in Qianfang after the sun was stung, and after the spring equinox, it was in Qianfang. The Heavenly Emperor is in the Kanfang, and the Heavenly Emperor is in the Departure Fang. The three-element sun is in Kun, and the yin is in Sundanese. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is in Sundanese, and the Heavenly Solution Star is shaking. The Yang Nobles are in the middle, and the Yin Nobles are in the exchange.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the middle, six white stars are in the north, eight white stars are in the east, and nine purple stars are in the southeast.

This month's funeral is great: A, Chen, Xun, 巳, C, Ding, Wei, Kun, Qian.

Dali Xiufang: A, Tatsu, Xun, 巳, C, D, Wei, Kun.

February Killer:

The moon breaks on the unitary side. The three brakes are in the Gengyou Xin Shen Shu Fang. Zhengyin Province is in ZhenkunFang, and The Side Yin Province is in Yi Geng.

The monthly punishment is on the sub-side, and the moon harm is on the tatsu side. The Heavenly Official Symbol is in the Redemption Side, and the Earth Official Symbol is in the Gong Side. The big moon is built in the nongzi decoction side, and the small moon is built in the qianhai side. The funeral door is shaking, the white tiger is leaving, and the five yellows are leaving. Sword blade in B.

This month's fetal god party: the fetal god is at the window.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are due north and southwest; Lu Shen is due south, Stagecoach is in the southeast, and Wenchang is due west.

One white star is in the southwest, six white stars are due west, eight white stars are due south, and nine purple stars are due north.

The murderer of the day:

The three fires are in the west, the five yellows are in the northwest, and it is not appropriate to build in Gengyouxin, Shenjiao, qianhaifang, moving the earth, anmen, an stove, an bed and so on.

The fetal god is in the gate toilet and due south, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Twelve o'clock

A Zi 1, B Ugly 2, Ying Yin 3, Ding Di 4,

Peng Chen5, Hemi 6, Gengwu 7, Xin Wei8,


The ugly time of the day, the time of Yin, the time of the sun, the time of the untime, the auspicious time of the sea.

Unfavorable time, 卯時, 戌時 fierce.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day is his own soil, and in the spring of the month of death, the year, month, and day are all wood, so the land branch wood Wangguan kills Wang, and the heavenly dry nondecan water also comes to support the Yin wood, then the soil is extremely weak. If the official kills too strong, it needs to be made into an auspicious, and if the wood is difficult to control, it is better to be discharged, so the eight characters are happy to see the fire to pass the customs, to vent the power of the official killing, and can also use the robbery to help and serve as a financial official. Therefore, the available hours: 己巳, 戊辰.

Hours and hours: hours and hours, the fire plays a role in clearing the customs and discharging the official killing, and seeing the fire can also adjust the warm situation, the land of the countryside likes to see the sun to shine, and seeing that their own soil is more beneficial than helping themselves, so they can be used.

Hours and hours: Hours and hours are mainly used to help the body to serve as a financial official, but the official killing is still not systematic, and there is no fire to release the official killing to clear the customs and be born, so it is preferred to be self-made, and the pentachen is used secondarily.

Therefore, from a comprehensive point of view, the time of self is better.

Eight-character brief analysis: The eight-character year and month pillar are all a combination of financial officials, so they are more concerned about fame and fortune, have a strong sense of enterprise, and have the mentality and desire to achieve great things, but the financial officials need to circulate or be systematic, and the shizhi fire has played a good role in passing customs, forming a combination of financial officials and seals, so it represents the opportunity to get fame and fortune.

The eight-character seal star fire is a vital role, but also the best use of the bureau, so to protect and strengthen, and can not be damaged, you can increase the power of the star through more learning, as well as learn more from the elders around you, rely on the mother's care and help, and strive to obtain diplomas, etc., which is conducive to the people and things represented by the star to bless themselves and be more conducive to the future career development. In terms of career, it is also very suitable for public office, and it is very good to work in enterprises and institutions.

In terms of fortune, the wealth is revealed, and the circulation combination that forms the seal of the treasurer is circulated into the body and is obtained by oneself, so there is no shortage of wealth.

In terms of marriage, there is a mixture of spouse stars, then the opposite sex fate is not weak, so men and women will be easy to face some choices or tests in the treatment of marital feelings. Therefore, we must not forget our original intentions and emotionally maintain them well.

Judging from the great fortune, the male life is better.

Recommended eight characters:

壬寅 癸卯 己卯 己巳

With God: Fire Earth

Jealousy: Mizuki

Male Fate Fortune: 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉.

Five-element arrangement: wood, earth, wood, fire, fire, fire, earth, earth, and gold.

Great Fortune of Female Life: 壬寅 辛 ugly 庚子 己海 戊戌 丁酉.

Five-element arrangement: mizuki gold earth gold water earth earth earth earth fire gold.

Li Shuanglin said

This day is auspicious, small things are feasible. Every month to build the earth house to the side, the construction of the soil is not appropriate, the east of the sick spell, quiet is appropriate.

Construct the Ji Gengshan A direction, the unitary mountain 卯 direction, and the Xinshan Yi direction. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. Cultivators can correct the East, which is not good for the West, and it is not good for those who belong to the chicken.

Today' fetal god is in the gate toilet, there are pregnant women in the home do not move this party, can not randomly knock and smash, move scissors, moving objects, etc., easy to be unfavorable to the fetus pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

Monthly construction is not good for major events

Moon Builder, the pointing at the top of the handle of the Big Dipper is also built. The day of the month is the same day as the month branch. New Moon Jianyin, February Jianji, March Day, April Day, Noon Day, June Day, July Shen Day, August Unitary Day, September Day, October Hai Day, November Day, December Ugly Day. The moon construction is also more than the tufu, and the party where the moon construction is facing is a big crime, and major events such as construction, burial, and marriage are prohibited.

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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