
How do you get along with people to avoid conflict between right and wrong? Li Shuanglin

Author: Li Shuanglin

Case: Dear Teacher Li, hello! In the past, my husband and wife often quarreled over a small matter, and often quarreled, and sometimes fought. After reading your articles recently, I gradually realized my own shortcomings, felt that many of them were my own problems, gradually began to restrain my temper, the number of quarrels was greatly reduced, and I found that life was not as bad as I saw. But I still can't help but write to you, hoping to be selected by you, hoping to get your life guidance.

My daughter was born at 5:20 a.m. on October 25, 1995 in the solar calendar, and my husband was born at 10:00 p.m. on April 24, 1995 in the solar calendar.

I can only describe my childhood life with words like torment and torture. Listen to my grandmother say that my mother left me when I was five months old, and kept making a fuss about divorcing my father and running to marry someone else.

Growing up, I never came to ask me, didn't come to see me, didn't care about anything about me. I think it is already very sad to have no mother, and it is said that a child without a mother is a grass, and I feel that I am not even as good as grass.

My father was not in good health, his spirit was often in a trance, and he did not pay much attention to me since he was a child, and the most impressive thing was that he always sat in a corner and smoked, and then he kept cursing, and often dropped things to vent his emotions. When I was a child, I lived every day in extreme fear and uneasiness, I didn't like to talk to people, I could wake up from various nightmares every night, sweating, my heart beat faster, I didn't dare to fall asleep after waking up, I waited until I was really sleepy, and then I woke up in the morning I was particularly depressed, especially sad, I felt that the whole world was so dark and helpless, and many times I felt that I didn't have the courage to live.

My father had always lived in his own equally pessimistic world, ignoring me and basically not talking to me, which led to my constant fear of accidents outside, because no one could help me, support me, and give me a sense of security.

In this way, I have spent countless days and nights in countless uneasy fears, studying, graduating, looking for a job, getting married and having children.

Fortunately, the feeling of uneasiness and fear after marriage is gradually decreasing. I feel like I'm using my life to heal my childhood, and the shadow of childhood is too big. Also because of the encounter when I was a child, I was also extremely uneasy and afraid of marriage. I think in a very bad way with a little bit of a small thing, and my husband is also very distressed by my often extreme thoughts.

When I was a child, my family was also very poor, and others did not have themselves, so they were particularly inferior. Teacher I would like to ask, will I have good luck in the future?

My husband is also financially limited, only two or three thousand a month, and he himself is not enough to spend. The two of us were also too tight. I myself work in a public institution, is a municipal hospital, please ask the teacher I will have my own career in the future?

I especially admire those strong women in my career, and I also want to be a successful person. I also long for my husband to be able to get ahead, but his current salary is only enough for him to live on his own, can he also have his own fortune in the future?

Last year we had a beautiful daughter, but found that her temper was also particularly bad, not very good, probably because we often quarreled. Don't know if the fate with your daughter is deep? There is still a lack of patience in dealing with children.

Teacher, and I hope I can get along with my mother-in-law, can I get along with my mother-in-law in harmony? Because of the problem of taking children, I had to move back to live with my in-laws, but after living there were various problems, my husband and I did not get along very well. Children do not know whether they can grow up happily in this family atmosphere.

I really hope to be selected by the teacher, I will cherish the opportunity of this lottery, work harder to give charity, and help the poor people. And don't forget your teachings from the teacher. Thank you Teacher Lee!

Question time: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 8:54 a.m.

Li Shuanglin replied:

Kunzao: Yi Hai, Cheng, Ji Ugly, Ding Di (空申酉, Noon Wei)

Great Luck: Ding Hai, Peng Zi, Ji Ugly, Gengyin, Xin Jiao, Nongchen, 癸巳, Jia Wu, Yi Wei (4 years and 8 months on the transport)

How do you get along with people to avoid conflict between right and wrong? Li Shuanglin


Rigan is his own soil, in the month of Shu to get orders, sit ugly soil to get the land, the moon is dry and see the next life of Ding Ding, so the day dry his own soil is not weak, for the fate of partial Prosperity, when the soil is prosperous, he most likes to see wood to make soil, because the soil is more sick, then see wood as medicine, but the year of dry Yi mu revealed, although there is haishui to give birth to Yi Mu, and Yi Mu gave birth to C fire, and when Zhi Ji Mu went to give birth to Ding Fire, then the official killing did not make a robbery, but indirectly helped to rob, and made Tu Wang uncontrolled.

The original bureau soil is the greatest fear of god, so it does not like to see the fire soil, the dry branch is the same, the see is not happy, the heavenly dry soil is damaged, the earth branch sees the soil is hurting the sea, the most afraid of seeing the shu, the greatest damage to the sea water, the deepest damage, the original bureau is the strong and the weak, although it can bear the wealth but has no wealth to bear, and because of the lack of gold and the wealth has no yuan god, it is better than robbing the wealth, the wealth star is too badly damaged, only the great luck to see the gold and wood thinning the soil clearance, can make the fortune improve.

As I stressed in the previous article, the analysis of numerology must first analyze the disposition, because the disposition determines everything, and even determines the fate trend, and it is directly related to one's work, marriage and even health, because all laws arise from a heart, and what kind of heart will have what kind of life.

This life is the most prosperous, the soil of the people are more old-fashioned, do not know how to be flexible, even slightly dull, lack of wisdom, but the soil people do things more stable, but more rigid, will also miss a lot of opportunities, more suitable to do some more stable work, or fixed things, and too flexible change of work is not suitable for themselves.

People who are more robbed than robbers, the temperament is very stubborn, stubborn, but also easy to be self-righteous, and the Indian star is close to the body, it is suspicious, likes to think wildly, and does things with many worries, so it will miss many opportunities, it is difficult to do a career independently, so going to work is the best choice, not suitable for entrepreneurship.

People who are more aggressive than robbers are slightly stronger, less able to accept defeat, even if they are wrong, it is not easy to admit, but also because of such a personality, resulting in a lot of contradictions in married life, noisy will be very much, not considerate and understanding of the other half, but also lack of tolerance, and grumpy, easy to impulsive.

The above personalities must be changed diligently, only in this way can we change our destiny or start again in jedi.

Haishui is used, but the situation of this haishui is very bad, first of all, haishui is overcome by the soil, obviously robbing wealth and seizing wealth, natural fortune is not strong, but also represents the father's disadvantage, mostly reflected in the father's poor luck, living more hard, if not nothing, then it is full of disasters.

Therefore, many times, a person's incompetence and weakness, or vulgar stupidity, is not necessarily a bad thing, because this itself is also a manifestation of a disaster. Most of the disasters are dedicated to the loss of the shrewd.

Haishui can be a father in the year, see the ugly are all officials to kill, then the father's life is also more depressed and hard, many times, as the closest person, or to understand more, in his point of view, it is also very difficult, are ordinary people, and how can you pretend to be fine, and completely put it down, a little emotion is understandable.

Otogi is the Seven Killing Stars, Ben Xi Seven Killings, but the Seven Killing Seals, in order to use the deification of taboos, is not a good thing, the story karma is mediocre.

Wealth is combined in the year, and it is also considered that wealth enters the main position, but the wealth star is too weak, so it can have an income, and there is also wealth, but the wealth is not big, all because the original financial star is too weak.

At this time, we can only look at the great luck and whether it helps the wealth, otherwise the fortune is difficult to improve.

2020 into their own ugly luck, there are ten years of shoulder-to-shoulder luck, not good luck. So in this decade, the following things will be experienced.

First: In the past ten years, because of the heavy shoulder-to-shoulder competition, there is a lot of competition, and there are easy to have villains around, and there are many contradictions between husband and wife, quarreling and quarrelling.

Second: The fortune is mediocre, and it does not gather much wealth, because it is more expensive than robbing the wealth, and the loss of money is also greater.

Third: will be troubled because of the father, or the father is seriously ill and hospitalized, or because of the father and the wealth, etc.

Fourth: It is easy to be framed and betrayed by friends and peers, do not cooperate, I am afraid of right and wrong.

Fifth: Ugly is a canopy, doing this luck, also refers to emotional loneliness, but the Buddha's path is deep, and it can have a lot of improvement in the spiritual world.

Sixth: The three punishments of ugly punishment, and the damage to Haishui, haishui is also the yuan god killed by the official, which indirectly shows that the husband's fortune is also very bad.

From the original bureau, Haishui is a stagecoach + wealth + hanging, representing wealth in the distance, suitable for moving and getting rich, or going to work in the field, fortune is better, and in the hometown fortune is limited, followed by the consumption of wealth, but also the main money consumption, is not much wealth, so we must be cautious in investment, but also pay more attention to saving money, to plan the economy.

After the age of 35, he entered the great fortune of Gengyin, and his fortune naturally improved.

Because Yinmu can go to the robbery, thus alleviating the dilemma of the fortune star, and Gengjin is revealed to the wounded officer, so the fortune is better, but there are other crises, such as marital troubles.

Because of the wounded officer and the official, there will be more contradictions between husband and wife, or they will begin to dislike their husbands, and even have extramarital affairs.

The ugliness of The Day Branch is the husband's palace, representing the position of the husband, here should have seen the official killed, but saw the robbery, there is a sign of contention, this should be noted.

The Japanese branch is shoulder to shoulder + jealousy + too old, it implies that the husband and wife have many contradictions, belong to the quarrel and quarrel for a lifetime, their own personality and the other party's personality, both belong to the relatively strong, not soft, easy to win or lose.

Ugly has the meaning of fighting, the original situation has ugly, it is good to fight, but also easy to cause contradictions because of the field house, shu is fraudulent, shu is to rob the wealth, and to curb their own wealth, so we must pay attention to deceiving the deceived things, than robbing the wealth, but also for the money waste, so we must pay great attention to financial management, everything must have a plan, can not be blind.

It seems that it is also a financial official seal, the year of support and water is full of wealth, the birth year is seven kills, the birth month is dry, and the birthday is dry, but the day is too strong, so this kind of birth is not happy, but also for stability, so it is best to go to work and seek wealth, do not start a business, do not invest, and do not partner.

As for the fate of the children, the main thing is to look at the time pillar, when the dry Ding comes to give birth to himself, the same genus is yin, and the god of eating the moon and the sun is the branch, then more daughters, and the husband's daughter is also the best, because the children are hidden, then the people are not prosperous, and the stars are heavy, and there are also punishments for the children, so the children's weakness is good, the time pillar is seven kills, but also implies that the children are not obedient, and for the small consumption, then for the children to consume the spirit, and the funeral door, disaster, are all fierce stars, but also implies that in the children, there must be more unpleasant places.

However, this does not hurt, most parents under the heavens are like this, only as parents, they know that their parents are difficult to repay.

Because of the prodigy into the tomb, the mother is weak.

When the year comes to the stagecoach and is overcome for the use of god, the family will encounter changes in many early years.

Combined with the great luck, from the small is the Ding Hai great luck, it seems that the water is used, but in fact it is not a great joy, because the water in the original state is very poor, should see the gold, to save the water, Fang Ji.

Secondly, if the name has gold, the fortune will be better, and if the name is with fire, the fortune will be more bumpy.

Giving birth to a baby in 2021 is also the response to the god of food.

Because, the god of food is the star of the child.

2022 Nongyin year, this year is a good year, because the financial officer appeared, so this year will be much easier, the mood will be much better, followed by the financial officer, the work will be a lot smoother.

But this year to pay attention to health, there will be some physical problems, especially in the autumn, pay more attention to the body.

From the original situation, you will have gynecological diseases, because the water is grammed, and the spleen and stomach are not good, it is not easy to be too fat, you must control the weight, otherwise the health is not good, and secondly, you should pay more attention to the heart and lungs.

How do you get along with people to avoid conflict between right and wrong? Li Shuanglin

Q: How are your work luck, marriage, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.


: Open the door for work, Rigan Geng for himself, Geng in Kun Palace, Linkong death, then confused and muddy, Geng + nine days have self-motivation, but Linkong, then lack of action, followed by Lintian Pillar Star as an obstacle, and pay attention to the tongue.

Open the door in the earthquake palace for wood, Kekun Palace, and open the door + white tiger, then the work is stressful, not easy. And this autumn, many people will be troubled by work, especially in the seventh month of the lunar calendar.

However, from the perspective of annual life, the current work is more suitable for themselves, and they must do it well, because B + open the door, which means to work.

As for the husband, in today's society, a little more diligent, a little harder, the monthly salary is more than 2, 3 thousand, you know, the small rich rely on diligence, as long as they are diligent, hard to do, whatever they do, can guarantee that the clothes are worry-free, so the husband is so, there are also their own reasons, if not the stage of learning technology, the current income is really a little too low, as a man, or should think about a new way out, and think about new directions.

From the perspective of fate, marriage has no major problems for the time being, but it is still necessary to pay close attention to the husband, to supervise and supervise, not to get used to it, otherwise there will be problems, or the formation of laziness, which will cause many contradictions for a long time.

From the perspective of Qimen, Liuhe is a marriage, Liuhe + Shocking Door, more quarrels, but C + Xin is a combination, but it also implies that there is no problem at present, but in the Gengyin Great Luck, you still have to pay more attention to it, your marriage is not very smooth, so you must cherish it more, or you must be more acceptable and tolerant of some things, in order to last.

: How the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is related to their own personality, it is also related to the attitude of the husband, of course, it is also related to the way the mother-in-law handles things, this is not a person's play, but to play this play well, it requires everyone's cooperation and efforts.

In short, in the family, as long as you know how to respect your mother-in-law, you can win the tolerance of your mother-in-law, it is very important to talk and do things normally, it is also very important to be appropriate and small favors, and being a daughter-in-law is not better than being a daughter, and every word and deed should be cautious.

Geng is for himself, Ding is his husband, and A is his mother-in-law. Therefore, look at yourself, you are in the palace, the heart of heaven, the mother-in-law belongs to a more careful person, and the position of their own palace, then the problem is not big, as long as you remember what I said, respect some, be generous, pay attention to words and deeds, it does not hurt. As for small frictions, they are normal, all daughters-in-law and mother-in-law under the sky have more or less contradictions, but not all contradictions cannot be cleaned up, so in the face of some contradictions, generosity is particularly important.

How do you get along with people to avoid conflict between right and wrong? Li Shuanglin

Life advice

The ancients said: "One word is enough to summon great calamities, so the ancients kept their mouths as if they were bottles, lest they fall for fear of falling; one line is enough to defile a lifetime, so the ancients were full of sorrow, but they were afraid of flaws." ”

The gist is that an imprudent word is enough to cause great calamity, so the ancients kept their mouths shut like a bottle, lest there be a danger of overturning and decaying; an imprudent act was enough to tarnish the innocence of a lifetime, so the ancients tried to cultivate themselves as white as white, lest there be a flaw.

Simply put, just four words, people should be "careful in words and deeds". In this way, it will avoid unprovoked right and wrong, and even fly to the disaster.

People get along with each other, good or bad relationship, all arise from their own words and deeds, when they say it, they cannot say it inappropriately, and many contradictions stem from the impropriety of a sentence, or the impropriety of a behavior, so if you understand this truth, you will know how to avoid right and wrong and how to stay away from conflict when getting along with people.

To do anything well, in addition to knowing how to do it, you should also have a respectful heart and a sincere heart to achieve things. The same is true of fellowship with people, and if you can always be respectful, you will be friends, and if you are always arrogant and rude, you will be a friend who contradicts each other.

This is true for husband and wife, for friends, and for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

As long as there is a second person, there is a human being, if you do not understand the truth, but whenever you come into contact with people, you will inevitably have contradictions and right and wrong.

Therefore, before doing things, we should be a person first, and when we are a person, we should be the first to be virtuous, and morality is the foundation of self-cultivation, and anyone with high moral character can win the respect of others, and with anyone, it will be unimpeded, and it will be far away from non-villains, and more around the noble gentleman.

The same is true in the family, but often the more familiar people are, the less they pay attention to words and deeds, and even more evil words, all kinds of insults and damage, so hurtfully, but they do not feel it, but they feel that it should be so, if they can reflect, how can they not make the family harmonious and everything prosperous.

As a mother-in-law, when a good example for the daughter-in-law, although the mother-in-law is also a daughter-in-law, the former daughter-in-law today's mother-in-law, the role has not changed, how they are, how their children and grandchildren should also be, this is also a virtue.

As a daughter-in-law, be respectful, know the book and etiquette, know the order of the elderly and the young, respect the elderly, if you can be respectful, you will show it in words and deeds, and the in-laws will rejoice when they see it, and if they can treat the elderly with respect, there will be no family of harmony.

The same is true for a son-in-law, respectful treatment, polite speech, and proper behavior, then there is no contradiction, no right and wrong, no tongue, natural peace.

Husbands and wives get along, the same is true, the husband is grateful to the wife, the wife respects the husband, then the husband and wife are not at odds.

Recently watched a video, the husband poured water for his wife in the middle of the night, because the thermos cup made the boiling water hot and could not be drunk. At this time, the wife first thanked her husband for pouring water, and politely gave suggestions, hoping to put warm water into the cup in the future, and the husband gladly accepted it after listening.

Just a video, but very few couples can do it. For the general couple, the husband does not pour water, the wife does not know gratitude, on the contrary, the husband may blame the husband for pouring water too hot, and the husband will blame the wife for not understanding gratitude, and even cause a quarrel because of a glass of water, and the serious one may go to divorce.

Although the video is short, but it is worth learning from the world's husband and wife, this is the appearance of respecting each other as guests, people should be like this, in order to be able to make families and things prosperous, this is also the excellent etiquette culture of China, our descendants should inherit, carry forward, the ancients said, there has never been a false, can inherit the words, are thousands of years of countless people's personal experience, can not doubt, can not blindly abandon it.

In today's society, husband and wife conflicts occur frequently, quarrels are constant, and divorce is even more frequent, why is this so?

The rapid development of society, the rapid enrichment of materials, and the people's moral character is far behind, more and more materially abundant, while the spirit is more and more empty, so that the heart is anxious, uneasy, impatient with people and things, or blindly pursue equality, without understanding respect and respect.

Zeng Guofan said that people should have a respectful heart and go in and out to see vips, and they should do the same for all things in heaven and earth.

If this is really done, how can there be contradictions and disputes.

Looking at the length of man, everything in the world is my teacher; looking at the shortness of man, there is no one in the world who can be surrendered.

This is true for husband and wife, so are friends, and so is the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

There is no useless mother-in-law under the heavens, as an old man, she always loves her children, even if she loves Wu and Wu.

As a junior, we must understand more about the situation and difficulties of the elderly, learn to think in a different position, look at each other's advantages, do not obliterate the great beauty because of small transgressions, a momentary mistake, everyone has committed it, when the heart is generous, tolerate the things that are difficult to tolerate in the world, natural contradictions can be solved, and it is not possible to rest.

This is the only way to get along with people.

Final Study: Written by Li Shuanglin himself

On the twenty-ninth day of March of the year of Nongyin

Tip: This article is Li Shuanglin's original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

How do you get along with people to avoid conflict between right and wrong? Li Shuanglin

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar May 1, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: May 1, 2022 in the solar calendar (the first day of the fourth lunar month, May Day), Sunday. Stem branches: 壬寅, 甲辰, 甲寅.

Good luck on the day

Auspicious Day: Stars, Open Sun, Nine Purple Stars Advent.

Ji Shen: Si Ming, Stagecoach, Tianhou, Continuation, Anger, Barking.

Fierceness: ostentatious, disgusted, bloody.

Suitable: sacrifice, blessing, travel, membership, engagement, marriage, opening, trading, opening, opening, making an alliance, building, moving, entering the house, making a stove, removing clothes, asking for children, and settling a bed.

Taboo: coffin shifting, meridians.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, and pigs.

Do not use unfavorable monkeys and snakes.

Shipping colors: yellow, red, black.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

Yoshikata March:

Tiande is in nongfang, and Yuede is in nongfang. Tiandehe is in Dingfang, and Yuedehe is in Dingfang. The moon is on the Gengfang side, and the moon is on the C side. Shi Xian sun after qingming in Xinfang, Gu Yu after the unitary side. The Heavenly Emperor is in the departure side, and the Heavenly Emperor is in the Kan side. The three-element sun is in the kan, and the yin is shaking. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is shaking, and the Heavenly Solution Star is in Sundanese. Yang nobles are in Kan, and Yin nobles are dry.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the northwest, six white stars are in the southwest, eight white stars are in the southeast, and nine purple stars are in the middle.

This month's funeral is great: Yin, A, 卯, B, Chen, Kun.

Dali Shufang: 寅, A, 卯, B, 辰, 坤.

March Killer:

The moon is broken in the side of the moon. The three brakes were not squared in the middle of the day. The main yin house is in the Genxun side, and the side yin house is in the prosin side. The monthly punishment is in the Tatsukata side, and the moon is in the 卯方. The Heavenly Official Fu is in the Qianhai Fang, and the Diguan Fu is in the Gengyou Xin Fang. The big moon is built in the Bing Wu Ding fang, and the small moon is built in the Gengyou Xin fang. The funeral door is in Kun, the white tiger is in Gong, and the five yellows are in Kan. The sword blade is in Sundanese.

This month's fetal god side: the fetal god is in the door hall.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are in the northeast and southwest; Lu Shen is in the northeast, the stagecoach is in the southwest, and Wenchang is in the southeast. One white star is in the northwest, six white stars are in the southwest, eight white stars are in the southeast, and nine purple stars are in the middle.

The murderer of the day:

The three fires are in the north, the five yellows are in the north, and it is not appropriate to build in the nonzi decay, the ugly side, the earth, the anmen, the an stove, the bed and so on.

The fetal god is in the door stove and the northeast, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus.

Twelve o'clock

Jia Zi 7, B Ugly 8, Ying Yin 9, Ding Di 1,

Peng Chen 2, Ji Mi 3, Geng Wu 4, Xin Wei 5,


The ugly hour of the day, the hour of tatsu, the time of the untime, and the auspicious time of the day.

Unfavorable hours, noon hours, and shen hours.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day is Komu, born in Tatsuki, sitting on the wood to get the ground, the earth branch to see the root, the tatsuki wood, the wood is still exuberant, like to use gold to prune, or use fire to vent, so Tatsumi is happy to see gold. Therefore, the time is optional: Gengwu, Hemi.

Time Gengwu: Gengjin has the ability to carve, can make the armor into a tool, so Gengwu can be used.

Hours and hours: 己巳, fire and earth are born together, their own earth and wealth stars fit together, but there is no gold, the wood of the beams, need to be chiseled with gold, so the first consideration is Gengwu, followed by self-chisel.

On the whole, the noon hour is better.

Eight-character brief analysis:

The eight characters are partial to wealth, and the wealth star is taboo, and it is better to see than to rob the gang to be rich, and you can also get wealth. However, if there are too many robberies, it is inevitable that there will be a sign of competition for the fortune star. Therefore, when the seven kills are seen, they can play a role in restraining the robbery and protecting the wealth. The nichiren god is rooted in the root and has strong personal ability. Seven kills are illusory, clever and clever. Years of dry see the partial Printing, but also conducive to learning.

Rather than robbing money, we must pay attention to staying away from gambling and not blindly pursuing speculative money. Male life should also pay attention to the emotional above, there are disputes, competitions. The woman's life is affectionate, the husband is restrained, and the husband cannot be strong.

Judging from the great fortune, the life of women is better.

Recommended eight characters: (recommended index of two stars)

壬寅 甲辰 甲寅 庚午

With God: Mizuki

Jealousy: Earth gold

Male Fate Fortune: Otomi Bing Wu Ding Wei Peng Shen Heying Geng.

Five-element arrangement: wood fire fire fire fire earth earth gold earth gold earth.

Great Fortune of Female Life: 癸卯壬寅辛ug Gengzi 己海戊戌.

Five-element arrangement: Mizuki Mizuki, Mizuki, Jintu, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water,

Daily class review

This auspicious day is generally feasible for civil affairs. Every May Day Labor Day, suitable for travel, friends. On the occasion of the birthday of the zodiac continuation, ask for a son and settle down.

Build the C direction of the Ji Nong Mountain, the noon direction of the Zi Shan, and the Ding direction of the Decan Mountain. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. The cultivator can repair the northeast, which is not good for the southwest, and it is not good for the monkey people.

Today's fetal god is at the door stove, and pregnant women at home should not move this side, do not randomly knock and smash, move scissors, move objects, etc., which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

The weight of the three brakes

The three fires are divided into three years, months, and days, but the emphasis of feng shui and civil is different, such as the three fires of the year and month that are heavier on feng shui. In the case of civil, the emphasis is on the three days of the year, and so on.

For example:

In this year's Year of Nongyin, there are five mountains that have committed three sins: Hai, Nong, Zi, Dec, and Ugly. It is now the month of Jia Chen, and the three offenders are: 巳, C, Noon, Ding, and Wei Wushan.

The three brakes of the day are lighter, and you can choose only to look at the three brakes of the year and month, and the three brakes of the year, month and day are all based on the earth branch.

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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