
Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar April 16, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: April 16, 2022 in the solar calendar (16th day of the 3rd lunar month), Saturday. Stems: 壬寅, 甲辰, 己海.

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar April 16, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Good luck on the day

Kokichi: On-a-day lodging, danger, and six white star days.

Ji Shen: Yu tang, mother warehouse, no general

Fierceness: heavy mourning, wandering, thief, death.

Suitable: Sacrifice, blessing, bathing, healing, cleaning, asking for children, settling the bed.

Taboo: burial, soil removal.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to rats, rabbits, sheep, and tigers.

Unfavorable snakes and monkeys should not be used.

Shipping color: black, green, yellow daji.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, it is prudent. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

Yoshikata March:

Tiande is in nongfang, and Yuede is in nongfang. Tiandehe is in Dingfang, and Yuedehe is in Dingfang. The moon is on the Gengfang side, and the moon is on the C side. Shi Xian sun after qingming in Xinfang, Gu Yu after the unitary side. The Heavenly Emperor is in the departure side, and the Heavenly Emperor is in the Kan side. The three-element sun is in the kan, and the yin is shaking. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is shaking, and the Heavenly Solution Star is in Sundanese. Yang nobles are in Kan, and Yin nobles are dry.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the northwest, six white stars are in the southwest, eight white stars are in the southeast, and nine purple stars are in the middle.

This month's funeral is great: Yin, A, 卯, B, Chen, Kun.

Dali Shufang: 寅, A, 卯, B, 辰, 坤.

March Killer:

The moon is broken in the side of the moon. The three brakes were not squared in the middle of the day. The main yin house is in the Genxun side, and the side yin house is in the prosin side. The monthly punishment is in the Tatsukata side, and the moon is in the 卯方. The Heavenly Official Fu is in the Qianhai Fang, and the Diguan Fu is in the Gengyou Xin Fang. The big moon is built in the Bing Wu Ding fang, and the small moon is built in the Gengyou Xin fang. The funeral door is in Kun, the white tiger is in Gong, and the five yellows are in Kan. The sword blade is in Sundanese.

This month's fetal god side: the fetal god is in the door hall.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are due north and southwest; Lu Shen is due south, Stagecoach is in the southeast, and Wenchang is due west. One white star is due south, six white stars are in the middle, eight white stars are due west, and nine purple stars are in the northeast.

The murderer of the day:

Sanxu is in the west, wuhuang is in the southeast, it is not appropriate to build in Gengyouxin, Shenshu, Chenxun, etc., and it is not appropriate to move the earth, Anmen, Anzao, and An bed.

The fetal god is in the south and the pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus and pregnant women.

Twelve o'clock

Jia Zi 7, B Ugly 8, Ying Yin 9, Ding Di 1,

Peng Chen 2, Ji Mi 3, Geng Wu 4, Xin Wei 5,


On the day of the child, noon, untime, auspicious time.

Unfavorable time, time, and fierce.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day was born in tatsuki, but only received the support of the moon order, and the dry branches of the other years and months were all mizuki, and the yen was not strong, which was weak. The eight-character treasurer is born of each other, so he likes to see the Indian star pass the customs, and sees the fire as the sun, so it is better to see the fire at the hour. Therefore, the time is optional: Bing Yin, 己巳.

Shichen Bingyin: The C fire is the positive seal, and the time dry is revealed, forming a combination of the treasurer's seal, so the propylene can be used.

Time and Time: Fire and Earth Combination, Indy,Edmune, Powerful Help. However, the opposition between the earth and the sea has led to the loss of printing, which is not ideal.

On the whole, the timing of Bing Yin is better.

Eight-character brief analysis:

Eight characters rob money when the order, self-awareness is stronger, more firm and determined. Tiangan Caiguan Yinquan, Zhengxing Wang, and the right official fits, the upright person, also cares about the reputation and status, so it is more conducive to engaging in stable occupations, suitable for public office, working in enterprises and institutions, etc. In terms of fortune, it is necessary to pay attention to restraining expenditure and expenditure. The fortune star is positive wealth, and there is circulation, and the fortune is not bad, and it is more suitable for seeking stability and wealth. In terms of marital feelings, than robbing the spouse star, feelings are more likely to compete, or the other party is affected, half-hearted, less loyal and firm. Then the emotional aspect should go through some tests, and it is better to marry later.

Judging from the great fortune, the life of women is better.

Recommended eight characters: (recommended index of two stars)

壬寅 甲辰 己海 丙寅

With God: Golden Water

Jealousy: Fire Earth

Male Fate Fortune: Otomi Bing Wu Ding Wei Peng Shen Heying Geng.

Five-element arrangement: wood fire fire fire fire gold earth gold earth.

Great Fortune of Female Life: 癸卯壬寅辛ug Gengzi 己海戊戌.

Five-element arrangement: Mizuki Mizuki, Mizuki, Jintu, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water, Soil, Water,

Daily class review

On this day, the zodiac is small and auspicious, and it is generally feasible for civil affairs. It is not good to bury on the day of heavy mourning, and the five yellows are in the southeast, and it is not appropriate to build the ground.

Construct the Ji Gengshan A direction, the unitary mountain 卯 direction, and the Xinshan Yi direction. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. Cultivators can repair the northwest, not the southeast, and not to the snakes.

Today, the fetal god is everywhere, and pregnant women at home should not move this party, and cannot be arbitrarily knocked and smashed, scissors, moving objects, etc., which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.


Junti Bodhisattva Christmas Day

Every year on the 16th day of the third lunar month, the Christmas anniversary of the Dinti Bodhisattva. According to the Buddhist scriptures, Junti Bodhisattva was originally a very old Buddha, the first Buddha in the universe. Junti Bodhisattva usually appears in the eyes of the public in the form of eighteen arms and three purposes, and each of the eighteen arms is knotted with a handprint, symbolizing his.

Although the names of bodhisattvas mentioned in the F religion are not as famous as Manjushri Bodhisattvas, Puxian Bodhisattvas, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattvas, and Jizo Bodhisattvas, they have always been revered by people. Therefore, the sixteenth day of the third month of the lunar calendar is used as the Christmas day of the Dzunti Bodhisattva, and during this day, prayers are commemorated through various forms.

According to the DzuntiDrani Sutra, the Dzunti mantra is: The head of the Dzogchen took refuge in Susidhi, and the head bowed to the seven clubs, and I now praise the Dzunti, but I wish to be merciful and protective. Nam no Sa murmured. Tribola Sambota. Whispers. Nephew him. Phew. Fold the main weapon. Quasi-mention. Woohoo.

Therefore, on this day, people usually recite this mantra. I hope to be sheltered by the Dzunti Bodhisattva, and according to the Buddhist scriptures, those who hold this mantra can eliminate all the sins and obstacles around them and achieve all the white merits. It can grow: wisdom and wisdom, love between husband and wife, seeking children and heirs, health and illness, increasing happiness and longevity, staying away from thieves, praying for rain, promoting favors, improving interpersonal relationships, and other merits.

It is very difficult for the bodhisattva to be compassionate and to purify sentient beings, to understand that sentient beings have wives and children and families, and not to eat wine and meat. Therefore, the quasi-bodhisattva is not as pure as it is imposed in terms of precepts, which is also a certain convenience method for us. But that doesn't mean we can eat meat and drink alcohol, waste at will, or that our private lives can be haphazard. Although the Dzunti Bodhisattva has opened the door to us, we must also unconsciously and gradually restrain our own behavior.

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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