
Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar March 4, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: Solar calendar March 4, 2022 horoscope broadcast

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: March 4, 2022 in the solar calendar (the second day of the second lunar month of the lunar calendar, the dragon raises its head), Friday. Stem branch: 壬寅, 壬寅, 丙辰.

Good luck on the day

Nakayoshi: Ghost House, Full Sun, Five Yellow Stars Advent.

Ji Shen: Jin Kui, Yue De, Yue En, Si Xiang, Shang Ji, Jin Tang, Fu Fu.

Fierceness: swaggering, disgust, heavenly thief, nine obstacles, three funerals.

Suitable: sacrifice, blessing, travel, membership, engagement, marriage, anmen, beaming, building, erecting pillars, opening of the market, trading, alliance, healing.

Taboo: Moving, burial.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to pigs, chickens, monkeys, and rat people.

Unfavorable dogs, rabbits Do not use Pepsi.

Shipping color: black, white daji.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

New Year's Yoshikata:

Tiande is on the Ding side, and Yuede is on the C side. Tiandehe is in Nonfang, and Yuedehe is in Xinfang. The moon is on the C side, and the moon sky is on the nong side. When the sun is in the spring, it is in the sea side after the rain. The Heavenly Emperor is in Kunfang, and the Heavenly Emperor is in Gongfang. The three-element sun is dry, and the yin is in Gong. The Heavenly Forgiveness Star is in the middle, and the Heavenly Solution Star is in Kun. The Yang nobles are in qian, and the yin nobles are in Gong.

Purple and white flying star: one white star is in the southeast, six white stars are in the south, eight white stars are in the southwest, and nine purple stars are in the east.

This month's funeral of Dali: 卯, B, 辰, 戌, 巳, 未, 坤, 庚, 辛, 乾.

Dali Xiufang: 卯, B, 辰, 戌, 巳, 辛, 酉.

New Year's Day:

Moon break in Shen Fang. Three brakes in the nonzi decoction ugly side. The main yin house is in the departure square, and the side yin house is in the nong. The monthly punishment is in the side of the moon, and the harm of the month is in the side of the party. The Heavenly Official Symbol is on the Gen side, and the Earth Official Symbol is on the departure side. The big moon is built in Kunfang, and the small moon is built in the middle. The funeral door is in exchange, the white tiger is in Sundanese, and the five yellows are in Gong. The sword blade is in the armor.

This month's fetal god party: the fetal god is at the bed.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are in the northwest and due west; Lu Shen is in the southeast, stagecoach is in the northeast, and Wenchang is in the southwest.

One white star is due north, six white stars are in the northwest, eight white stars are in the northeast, and nine purple stars are due south.

The murderer of the day:

The three fires are in the south, the five yellows are in the middle, it is not appropriate to build in the middle of the ding, the weifang, the earth, the anmen, the stove, the bed and so on.

The fetal god is inside the kitchen stove perched outside the east, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Twelve o'clock

Peng Zi 4, He Ugly 5, Geng Yin 6, Xin Ji 7,


Propylene 3, Ding You 4, Peng Shu 5, Hehai 6.

On the day of Yinshi, Shenshi, Unitary, and Haishi Daji.

Unfavorable hour, noon, untime, and fierce.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Sun was born in the month of Yin, and also saw that Nian Zhiyinmu was born, so the Fire of C was not weak, and it was a partial wang. C fire is born in Yinyue, Mu Wang is the order, Mu Wang is the mother of fire, Mu Wang makes fire, C fire and wood qi come at the same time, Mu Wang fire phase, wood fire forces parallel. C fire is the fire of the sun, the pure yang qi, with the virtue of yang wei, the bright sun shines high, the frost and snow melt, and the wei de is fully displayed. Therefore, the C fire needs nongshui to supplement the reflection, which is supplemented by water and sunlight, and becomes a yin and yang synergy. If the C fire has no non, the lonely yang is unassigned, and the momentum is not clear, so the C fire is the most noble. The use of nong here is not to fight fire, but its purpose is to become a yin and yang. Therefore, the hour is optional: ugly, nongchen.

The hour is ugly: The day lord is happy and happy to vent, and the soil is cathartic for food wounds, but there are too many food wounds, not ideal.

Shichen Nongchen: C fire body wang, see nong for auspicious, water auxiliary sunshine, sunshine river and sea, available.

On the whole, the hour is better. Because CHuo was born in the Month of Yin, and saw nian zhi Yin Mu Shengfu, it is the character of the body. He is rich and prosperous, and he also likes to eat wounds and make money. From the perspective of the time of nongchen, the spring C fire, the fire is prosperous, so the C fire is mighty, and it is gratifying to see the nongshui supplementing the sunshine. The combination of shichen and the god of food and killing is conducive to the cause.

Career: The Lord of the Day was born in the Yin Moon Order, and saw the Yin Wood of the Year, so it was the character of partial prosperity. C fire see nong for the official killing star, see the earth for the food wound star, so the combination of eight characters is: 壬寅 壬寅 丙辰 壬辰. Therefore, it is a combination of being rich and weak, and the god of food is killing.

From the perspective of fate, the eight characters have no wealth, only the god of earth eating in the day, and the god of food is the god of the yuan of wealth, so it represents that wealth has a source, thin water and long flow, and endless images. Although there is no wealth in the eight characters, but there is a god of food, it is generally conducive to technical wealth, eloquence, writing, sales, but also has economic acumen, so in the pursuit of wealth, have their own minds and thinking, conducive to fortune.

From the perspective of heavenly cadres, the seven killings represent a body full of seven kills, and the seven kills represent an enterprising spirit, a strong sense of responsibility, a decisive attitude, a serious handling of affairs, a sense of justice and a chivalrous spirit, a strong personality, a bold and generous personality, a tolerant temperament, a disciplined and self-disciplined spirit, full of agility and moderation, and a bold and courageous way to do things. Therefore, seven kills and one piece is a person with majesty, so the career is suitable for management, and the years and months of dry branches are a combination of water and wood, and it is also for killing and printing, so it has management ability and can be competent for management in career development.

However, from the perspective of the earth branch, the year and month branch Yinmu is the god of owl, the god of day and time is the god of food, and the combination of the god of owl and the god of eating generally represents intelligence, cleverness, ability to do things, and strong ability to adapt to changes. Therefore, he is good at thinking and researching.

On the whole, the fate of the game kills the seal, and the god eater kills, which is conducive to management work and has management skills. Therefore, it is suitable for: management, culture, education, military engineering, scientific research, technology and other industries.

Marriage and love: From the perspective of fate, there is no wealth star, but the marriage palace sits on the god of food, and the god of food represents love, kindness, and family care. Therefore, the man's early emotional fate is weak, but after marriage, his wife is helpful to him. The fire and earth are born together, and the feelings between husband and wife are still good. From the perspective of women's lives, the use of wealth and wealth officials means that they have the luck of helping their husbands, and the husband's ability is strong and can help himself. But there are more seven kills, and the early feelings are easy to worry about more, or the temper is not very good, and the tongue is more. Early feelings were less stable, more conducive to careers.

Judging from the great fortune, the life of women is better.

Recommended eight characters:

壬寅 壬寅 丙辰 壬辰 壬辰

With God: Earth Gold

Jealousy: Wood fire

Male Fate Great Fortune: 癸卯 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申

Five-element arrangement: water, wood, wood, earth, fire, fire, earth, earth, and gold

Great Fortune of Women's Life: Xin Ugly Gengzi Hehai Peng Shu Ding You Bing Shen

Five-element arrangement: gold earth gold water earth water earth earth fire gold

Li Shuanglin said

On this auspicious day of the zodiac, it is generally feasible for civil affairs. Noble people are in the northwest, which is conducive to seeking wealth and seeing you expensive. The five yellows are in the middle, and the middle palace is unfavorable.

Construct the direction of The Mountain of TheOde, the Direction of the Noon Mountain, and the Direction of the Dingshan Decanter. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. The cultivator can repair the southeast, not the northwest, and not good for the dog.

Today, the fetal god is in the kitchen stove perch, and pregnant women at home should not move this side, and cannot be randomly knocked and smashed, scissors, moving objects, etc., which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

February 2nd Dragon looked up

In February, the second dragon looks up, which is a traditional folk festival, also known as the Spring Ploughing Festival, the Agricultural Festival, the Green Dragon Festival and so on. At the beginning of February of the lunar calendar, it is between "rain" and "sting", and it is about to enter the rainy season. As the saying goes, "the dragon does not look up and the sky does not rain", symbolizing the vitality and the recovery of all things.

In fact, the dragon refers to the "Seven Stars of the Dragon" in the Twenty-Eight Houses, not the mythical "Dragon". Every year at the beginning of February, the "Dragon's Horn" rises from the eastern horizon, so it is called "Dragon Head". This is related to the ancient people's worship of natural celestial phenomena and the belief in farming culture.

February 2 is both the Dragon Heads Festival and the Christmas of the Land Gong, and the "Land Birthday" is also called "Society Day". There are two types of society days: Spring Society Day and Autumn Society Day. People believe that the land is the public management of the grain growth and local peace, and the people in many places sacrifice the land on this day.

The customs of this day are: dragon boats, land sacrifices, pen opening ceremonies (children's enlightenment learning words, the meaning of domination), temple fairs, eating oil cakes, eating dragon beard noodles, haircuts (shaving dragon heads) and so on.

Therefore, the second of February is suitable for sacrifices, blessings and other things. But now this traditional custom has been slowly diluted from modern life. However, for some cultural connotations of "February Two Dragons Rising", there is still a certain reference value. It represents people's sustenance for a better life and the hope of a good harvest!

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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