
If the mind is uncertain, there is nothing under the heavens. Li Shuanglin

Author: Li Shuanglin

Case: Dear Teacher Li Hello, thank you very much for clicking on my email in your busy schedule, I hope to be selected by you. I have been paying attention to you for a long time, I think your analysis is very professional, very meticulous, I read the articles you sent, I am personally very interested in the easy to learn aspect, and often watch some easy to learn videos through other channels, but still feel that it is easier to understand what you say. So I have been silently watching you. Now I have some problems, and I ask the teacher to help me point out one or two. Thank you teacher.

I was born in the countryside of Shandong, the family is generally poor, when I was young, my parents were because of some family trivia, often quarreled and fought, my parents' feelings were not good, a quarrel and a war, my mother took me to my grandmother's house, childhood was spent in the quarrel of my parents, I felt that I left a shadow, afraid that after I got married in the future, I would also spend my life in quarrels like my parents, so there was an inexplicable sense of fear and rejection for marriage!

About 2007 to 2009 to talk about the first love, in the factory to work to meet, she belongs to the cattle, 3 years older than me, at the beginning of the conversation is quite talkative, (in fact, this time she and his boyfriend are in an awkward situation, this is what I heard my friend say later, she talked to me is to make her boyfriend sad) Talking about it, feeling that she has a heart, and finally she told me that her parents did not agree, so they broke up, in fact, I am quite careful about this relationship. After the talk of a few more, I feel that there is no common language, I have not entered each other's hearts, and I feel that I am not the person who has spent my life together, so I am still single.

People may only know how to cherish it after experiencing it!

Parents and their generation are basically introduced by matchmakers, until after marriage, living a life, only to find that the two people are not in harmony, but there is no divorce, are for the daily firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea these daily and live an ordinary ordinary life, parents are also older, see now the parents' feelings are much better than before! Maybe this is a lifetime of companionship!

In the past few years of working in the factory, I also praised some money, but I always felt that going to work from nine to five was not what I wanted, hoping to go out and break out of my own world, but it backfired, after not working in the factory, I did drink and drink water sales and distribution, did insurance, and did restaurants, but after the epidemic came, restaurants were not good. I also lost a lot of money.

Name: Dong ※※; Gender: Male; Born at 5:30 p.m. on August 18, 1987.

Hello teacher, there are a few questions I would like to ask you, and I hope that the teacher will help guide you:

1. Emotionally, Tatsumi clashes with each other, saying that my eight characters are late marriage or second marriage, is this really the case? When can I get married? What is the right object? Which orientation is appropriate? Thank you teacher

2. Career fortune, lack of water and wood, what is the right job for the career? Can I make money? How lucky is it? Thank you teacher!

3. Fate with double quill, but I am weak, is it good or bad for my eight characters? Thank you teacher!

4. Some teachers say that I need to change my name, does my name (Dong*) match the eight characters? If you need to change your name, take those words more suitable for me, thank you teacher!

Hello teacher, the problem is a bit much, but also ask the teacher not to be strange, thank you teacher, look forward to being selected by you, thank you for the teacher's guidance. I wish you good health and all the best, teacher.

Question time: May 2, 2022 (Monday) 2:51 a.m.

Li Shuanglin replied:

Dry Manufacturing: Ding 卯, 庚戌, 壬辰, 己酉 (空戌海, Noon Wei)

Great Luck: Hexa unitary, PengShen, Ding Wei, Bing Wu, Yi Mi, Jia Chen, 癸卯, 壬寅, Xin Ugly (6 months on the transport)


Although Tatsumi is a reservoir and has hidden roots, after all, the original qi is the seven kills of penta soil, and shigan reveals his own soil, which is the fate of the weak.

The original bureau soil is mostly sick, the most like wood to thin the soil, but also like gold to drain the native body for the purpose of passing, the moon dried through the Gengjin partial seal, sitting on the soil to get the order, then printed with strength, but Gengjin was overcome by Ding Huo, and Ding Huo sat on the wood with qi, there was the image of the Cai Ke seal, fortunately, when the dry had their own soil to remotely produce Gengjin, it played a role in salvation.

And when the unitary gold is the seal, but this seal is of little help, although it is leaked, it cannot directly go to the water, and it is covered by its own soil, then there is more buried gold in the soil, resulting in the hidden gold of the unitary gold and not showing, and the birth force is weak.

The original bureau liked gold for the first use of god, the second can use wood to make soil, and water is not happy, because the original bureau of wealth stars is not prosperous, and the officials kill heavy, then seeing the robbery is not the most happy, and the fire is the fiercest, and the second earth is not happy.

Born on the day of nongchen, also known as "nong riding dragon back grid", the book says: "Yang shui stacked on the chen position, is the hometown of non riding dragon back." "Because Tatsu corresponds to the zodiac as a dragon, it is so called.

However, to achieve this grid, it is not enough to have a nongchen day, but in addition to the sun pillar nongchen, the rest of the pillars must also see more chen or yin, forming a dragon and tiger into the life grid.

Such a fate is not rich or expensive, of course, it must also be combined with the great fortune, and even if the good fortune is not properly coordinated, it is not a good life.

Therefore, the book says that fate is better than good luck.

The original seven kills are very strong, the general seven kills are too heavy people, the pressure of life is very large, it is rare and easy, then more worry and less fun, fortunately there is Gengjin passing, but also because of this Gengjin, and there are some opportunities, but Gengjin can not be damaged, then Tiangan is most afraid of Propylene, once the loss of Gengjin, it can not be very good to pass the customs, it will make the official kill attack, obstacles.

To analyze whether to get this wealth, it is necessary to see how the food injury and the relationship between the day and the time are.

Nian Gan Ding sits on the top of the wood, the wealth star is angry, but also for the wounded officer to make money, but all such a combination, the desire for wealth is very large, should not be satisfied, because the wounded officer represents ambition, desire, the combination of the wounded officer and the wealth star, represents greed.

Nian Gan Ding saw that he entered the tomb, and then closed the tomb, and Tatsumi rushed to open the tomb, but when Tatsumi merged, the ground branch was hechong.

Shi Zhi Unitary Gold is sealed, Hechen, Chong, and Worn.

But it is still not easy to get this wealth, then the wealth does not enter the main position, it belongs to the outside wealth, and the positive wealth is exposed, but also for the money is not gathered, the dissipation is relatively large.

Moreover, Ding Huo is a positive wealth, and a positive wealth into the tomb, and is a single wealth, so it is not generous enough in money, and it lacks courage in the domination of money and wealth, and it will also lose some opportunities.

Ding + Suzaku, for the sake of money, and there are a lot of tongues and tongues, but Ding sits on the wood Tianyi nobleman, then in the process of seeking wealth, you can also get the help of the nobles.

In addition to representing income, Ding also represents his wife, Ding goes to the Dyn star for his wife, and the years and months constitute a combination of wealth and seal, but the combination of the earth branch means that there will be more superficial contradictions between the wife and the mother in the future, but in fact it is still harmonious.

The financial seal is also reflected in the discord between parents, and there are many quarrels between parents, but because they are together, although they are noisy, they will not be separated.

Ding is the fortune star on behalf of his wife, and when he is near the Suzaku star, there must be a lot of quarrels between the husband and wife.

Ding Nong is compatible, and it is also suitable for the wealth star, but the strength of the Rigan Nongshui is too weak, and the wealth is far away from itself, and it is dependent on the wealth of the Rigan to merge, so the money can only be earned by itself, and there can be no accidents or unearned income, then the Lord works hard.

Therefore, in order to increase income, it is necessary to be more diligent and hardworking, so that life can also be enriched.

Because Ding Huo saw that he entered the tomb, the marriage was delayed, and secondly, there was also a certain relationship with the great luck.

In the 20-30 years old Ding Wei great luck, this decade is very important, but also an important stage of love.

There are also opportunities to get married in this decade, and missing out has something to do with your own choices.

Judging from the original situation, tatsumi and then, Tatsumi Chong, also a lot of things, are just very good at the beginning, and slowly become worse.

And the sun and the moon have a rush, will experience some failed feelings before they can get married.

When Ding Wei was lucky, Ding went to Ke Geng, broke the seal for the fortune star, and did not kill the officials and mixed with the three punishments.

This luck is not good, because when the use of God is damaged, all good things that benefit oneself and are not easy to succeed.

Those who are weak and killed will mostly marry in the Indo-Belgian year.

Therefore, the year of marriage will mostly be used in the year of God, because marriage also belongs to happy events, good things, and great things.

After 2018, into the C Noon Great Luck, for the fortune of the mixed fortunes, this decade of bad fortune, mainly the wealth and loss of India, the original bureau is most afraid of fire, and partial fire luck, so it will not succeed.

Also because the wealth stars are mixed, it will also lead to the people you meet are not suitable, and your own heart is not stable, always feel that the other party is not suitable, and therefore lead to feelings can not be implemented quickly.

In 2022, the year of Nong Yin, yin noon three financial bureau, Ding Nong, but the flow of the year of this nong to join the original bureau of Ding, is a dispute, so this year although the wealth is prosperous, but it is not conducive to feelings.

In 2023, I went to make a ding fire, and the earth branch was combined, and the xiechen was rushed, and the unitary was rushed, and the unitary was combined. Generally in such years of intersection, there are many cohabitation and marriage.

So, you have to grasp 2023, this year of marriage information is very large.

2024 JiaChen year, is not a very good year, after the Yi Wei, Bing Wu, Ding Wei, etc., are all to increase the fortune star year, will lead to the truth of seeking wealth or marriage is more bumpy, difficult.

After entering the Otomi Great Luck, if the previous marriage has not been implemented, it will be difficult to follow.

Mainly the eight characters do not like wealth and do fortune and spark luck, because of the loss of the seal and hurt the luck, resulting in many obstacles to the fortune.

Rizhichen for the wife palace, but also for the wife, the day to sit on a small consumption, but also for the seven kills, then there must be a lot of contradictions between husband and wife, of course, most of the couples will have contradictions after marriage, this is a very normal phenomenon, and marriage is a quarrel.

If the wife is strong because tatsumi rushes, it is much better, but it also means that after giving birth to a child, the marriage will be much more stable, or the relationship between the husband and wife will be better.

Because Tatsumi hides the decoction and robs the wealth to help herself, her wife is also helpful to herself.

However, from the perspective of great luck, the wife is very strong, or worried about the wife, because the great luck is a wealth star, which also means that you are not smooth in the process of seeking wealth, and there are more troubles.

Generally, the right money fits, and the wealth must be stable, can not take risks, and is not suitable for any investment.

If the original bureau officials are mixed, their work is unstable and they will do a lot of things. And the mixed stars also represent the things to learn, miscellaneous but not specialized, this is also your problem, you have to work hard to change it.

The seven people who kill Wang, their personalities are prone to extremes, their temper is not very good, and Tatsumi Chong has many stomach problems.

When Ding Huo entered the tomb, the father should pay more attention to the body, and it also implied that the wife's ability was not strong or the wife's physique was not good.

Because of the wounded officers to make money, if you can have a skill is the best, it is not recommended to do what investment, learn a craft, and when the time is ripe, you can also open a small point with the craft, or settle in some platforms, you can also develop.

Rushing to invest, according to your fortune, more losses and less money, in the long run, it is not very suitable for yourself to go.

Question: Emotionally, Tatsumi contradicts each other and says that my eight characters are late marriage or second marriage, is this really the case? When can I get married? What is the right object? Which orientation is appropriate? Thank you teacher.


: As a result, the feelings have not been implemented, which is related to Chen Shu Chong, and it is also related to Ding Jian Shu's entry into the tomb, and it is also related to the early ding wei great luck. Of course, although there is providence, there are also artificial, in the early days, they were not very attentive to their feelings, which led to the marriage can not be implemented quickly.

: According to the fate grid, the opportunity in 2023 is great, so I will grasp it myself. As for what the other party belongs to, I am not clear, do not ask these, too detailed predictions, are superstitions, including the direction, are not important, if you come to find the object according to the genus and direction, I think you can not get married in this life, at least 90% of the people under the sky will hit the bare stick.

: From the perspective of Qimen, Liuhe is marriage, falling away from the palace is fire, Rigan B is gold for his own falling dry palace, leaving the palace Keqian palace, marriage is not good for himself.

B + nine also means that there is no action, no action in marriage.

Bmi hai is dead, the state is not very good, you have to adjust your mentality.

E is the wife, in the palace, but also to ke their own, so you like the people, more do not like themselves, E for the wife, before opening the door, then the wife is lively, Linliuhe is easy-going, or good popularity, Lin C is not good temper, Ke Qiangong is more demanding of themselves, or always manage themselves, in line with the characteristics of the fate of the day to sit and kill.

Q: Career fortune, lack of water and wood, what is the right job for the career? Can I make money? How lucky is it? Thank you teacher!


: Suitable for technology, what to do, depends on what you can do, you know, the birthday never determines what a person must do, and what work to do has a lot to do with their birth, cognition, and environment.

In short, it is not suitable for independent entrepreneurship, if you have to start a business, it is only suitable for following others, if you can do technology, it is the best. Having a skill is more important than anything else.

: It is difficult to have big money, but small wealth can be obtained through hard work, and it can also be food and clothing.

Question: Destiny with double quill, but I am weak, is it good or bad for my eight characters? Thank you teacher!


: A person with a stubborn personality, stubbornness, and a hard temper, such a personality is good and bad, but once the choice of things will be insisted on, bad in insisting on things may not be correct. The reason why a person cannot progress is not because he is not smart enough, but because he is too stubborn, but it is difficult for anyone with a stubborn personality to succeed, because he does not listen to advice and is unwilling to change himself.

: Kui Gang does not like the treasurer, and when he sees the treasurer, he is out of line, so the pattern is not very good, so his life is ordinary. Of course, the ordinary is not necessarily bad, it is also very important to recognize this and accept the ordinary.

Q: Some teachers say that I need to change my name, does my name (Dong*) match the eight characters? If you need to change your name, take those words more suitable for me, thank you teacher!


: It is not recommended to change the name. Generally speaking, after the age of 30, I don't think it makes much sense to change the name.

: But if you have to change it, you can take a screen name, and the word containing gold can be used.

: The influence of the name on people is very small, the meaning is the first, the five elements are the second, do not naively think that changing the name will change everything, the name is only an auxiliary, the key is to understand some truths yourself, and work hard to do it, you can.

From the perspective of Qimen, his annual fate is Ding, Luokan Palace, Ding is fire, to the land of water and prosperity, for the desperate situation, it also means that the fortune is not strong, and in the nine days, there are ideas and ambitions, but Lindumen does not pass.

Ding + Tianrenxing, you have to bear hardships and stand hard work to have development.

In Duman, you have to do technology, because Duman represents technology.

In nine days, you can go out and go to the west, to the northwest.

In this year's Shen Month, pay more attention, this month is not very smooth.

Judging from this year's horoscope, Shen Yue does have to pay more attention, followed by the Moon of Shu, and the Ugly Moon to pay attention to the tongue.

In the first half of the year, there are many broken money or wasted money in April, and June should pay attention to health, or accidents.

Life Advice:

Now there are many people, who have lived most of their lives, still do not know what they should do, what they can do, and they do not have a clear goal, they are confused all day, and in the end they give themselves a conclusion, saying that they are incompetent and useless people.

Li Bai once said: "I am born to be useful, and I will come back when all the money is gone." ”

Under the heavens, everything that exists makes sense, and nothing is useless, and no one is superfluous, including anything that arises in life, which is needed in this world.

There must be good things and bad things, how can there be bad things without good things, and how can there be morality without evil!

In today's society, money is supreme, and those who can be rich and eminent are useful people, and vice versa is useless. Such a view is really sad and deplorable, and it is also ridiculous to the extreme.

Are there any truly useless people in the world? Even beggars walking the streets are useful.


If there are no beggar-like suffering people in the world, how can there be good people who give and dedicate, and the existence of these people is to provide the world with an opportunity to give charity, an opportunity to do good and accumulate virtue, and an opportunity to make good and overcome evil.

Without the existence of these people, how can we do charity, how can we manifest kindness, or how can we awaken the goodness in our hearts, so that even if they do nothing, they will be overwhelmed and still have merit.

Generosity is not a difficult thing, and the most difficult thing is that there is not even an object of generosity.

For example, there are always some people around me who say that I also hope to donate to people in difficulty, but it is difficult to meet such people.

Just like providing for a family member, a porridge and a meal are not expensive, but it is even more difficult to meet a monk who is willing to accept the offering and can just provide for it, which is something that cannot be met with a thousand gold and cannot be sought for silver.

Therefore, everyone in this world is useful, playing their own role, whether it is poor or rich, depressed or eminent, is their own experience, there is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong.

It is not necessary to be developed to be successful, as long as everyone fulfills their obligations, assumes their responsibilities, and tries their best to do it, they are all successful people.

If you want to live happily, you must strive to get rid of the worldly success, and only by diluting these fame and fortune successes can you have less sorrow and more freedom.

Now as soon as you open the mobile phone, it is a variety of success studies, so that the heart that has been calmed down, and then begin to be restless, the original happy life has become no longer complete, the desire is endless, if you blindly pursue, you will never feel satisfied, naturally no matter how much you get, you will not feel happy.

Establish a direction, work hard, as long as you do it wholeheartedly, you will eventually have an ideal and a satisfactory harvest.

Any successful person comes from persistence and diligence, and must first have a stable heart and a heart that does not move in order to do things well.

Don't look at a mountain high, do a job, because of some ups and downs, and think about going to another job, so I have been looking for it all my life, and I have never calmed down to think about how to do this job well, instead of blindly avoiding my choices.

If the mind is uncertain, there is nothing under the heavens.

No matter what work you do, as long as you can do it, you must insist on doing it, do not let the environment adapt to yourself, but strive to adapt to the environment. Because everything on the outside is immutable, and the only thing that can be changed is oneself.

If you are not willing to make any changes, it will be difficult to survive in the new environment.

Like the chameleon, he only changes his own color, not the color of the environment, and the person who knows how to change himself is the one who has an infinite future.

Man has three natures, the first is nature, the second is nature, and the third is habits.

Nature is the nature of man, the original appearance, the appearance of no pollution, like a lotus after the rain, the water of the clean source, pure good and no evil, in accordance with the way of heaven, is the true face of conscience.

Mencius said that man's original nature is good, that is, his nature.

Temperament refers to human nature, born as a human being is the nature of human nature, for the dog has the temperament of a dog, for the characteristics of the six lives, and the nature is pure evil and no good, such as greed, anger, slow doubt, are human nature, once born sufficient, do not need any education, but constantly through the promotion of morality to suppress the nature.

Nature is human nature, when we talk about human nature, we will think that human nature is dirty, it cannot be looked at directly, and once we see through human nature, we will lose confidence in people, and thus lose trust.

The human nature that XunZi talks about is inherently evil, that is, the nature of nature, human nature.

And habits, which are good and evil, can be good and evil, and have a lot to do with the environment and education of the day after tomorrow, so there is a saying that 'those who are close to Zhu are red and close to ink are black'.

The human nature that the confessor speaks of is neither good nor evil, that is, the habit of speaking.

The reason why we need to practice and constantly improve our moral cultivation is to suppress human nature, improve habits, and restore nature through various means.

Therefore, Zen Buddhism talks about "clear mind and seeing."

Wang Yangming said, "Knowledge and action are one."

To truly unite knowledge and action, we must first restore conscience, and the premise of restoring conscience is to suppress the evil of human nature, modify the evil of habit, and restore the goodness of nature.

Seeing a beggar and developing compassion is moved by nature, if the beggar is helped by many people and has a jealous and hateful heart, it is human nature that moves, and rude insults to beggars are habitual.

When the evil in the heart is great, the good will be covered; on the contrary, the good will be great and will suppress the evil in the heart.

This is also the truth that the Buddha and the devil have one heart and one thought.

Cultivation is the restoration of nature, the words of the saints are to suppress human nature, and the pro-gentleman is far from the small, which is to perfect the habit.

When the evil in the heart is great, everything that is seen explains the evil, and the joy in the natural heart will disappear with it. And what remains is all sorrow, hate, resentment, annoyance, annoyance.

Greed, anger, delusion, and slow doubt are human nature, and in this life, as a human being, there are five poisons, and if the five poisons are removed, they return to nature, and naturally do not enter the cycle of reincarnation.

And what is reincarnation?

In the narrow sense, it is the afterlife, while in the broad sense, it is the beginning and the end of all things.

When the next thought is hateful, then the present reincarnation goes to hell and becomes a hellish being, and if this is the case often, then karma is formed, and he will enter this path one day.

As young people, we should understand this principle, find a goal, not lose our direction, work hard to do it, improve our habits, get rid of our instincts, and restore our nature.

Final Study: Written by Li Shuanglin himself

The first two days of April in the year of Nongyin are not yet timely

Tip: This article is Li Shuanglin's original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

Li Shuanglin Tongsheng: May 8, 2022 in the solar calendar (the eighth day of the eighth month of the fourth lunar month), Sunday. Dry branches: 壬寅, 乙巳, 辛酉.

Good luck on the day

Nakakichi: Fusuku, Fixed Day, Seven Red Star Days.

Ji Shen: Tiande, Triad, Yao'an, Removing God, ManifestIng Stars.

Fierceness: Suzaku, Death Qi, Five Departures.

Suitable: sacrifice, prayer, opening of light, child-seeking, engagement, marriage, nacai, moving, bed, opening of the market, trading, repair, soil, burial, erection of monuments.

Taboo: Litigation, Anmen.

Zodiac colors

On that day, Dali belonged to horses, tigers, snakes, cattle, and dragons.

Unfavorable rabbits and dogs should not be used.

Shipping color: red, green, yellow auspicious.

Note: If something must be done, you can refer to the zodiac year, such as the zodiac, you can do it, and vice versa, you must be cautious. As for the color of the luck, the daily dressing can be used as a reference, for the noble color of the day, the luck of the nobles.

The location is auspicious

April Yoshikata:

Tiande is in Xinfang, and Yuede is in Gengfang. Tiandehe is in Party C, and Yuedehe is in Party B. The moon is on its own side, and the moon sky is on the party A. Shi Xian sun was in Gengfang after the summer, and Xiao Man was in Shenfang. The Heavenly Emperor is in Genfang, and the Heavenly Emperor is in Kunfang. The three-element sun is leaving, and the yin is in Kun. The Celestial Forgiveness Star is in the distance, and the Celestial Liberation Star is in the middle. The Yang Nobles are in the distance, and the Yin Nobles are in the middle.

Purple and white flying star side: one white star is in the west, six white stars are in the east, eight white stars are in the middle, and nine purple stars are in the southeast.

Funeral Dali: Geng, Xun, 巳, Ding, Geng, Xin.

Dali Shufang: Xun, 巳, Ding, Geng, Xin.

April Killer:

The moon breaks in the sea. Three brakes in the A 卯乙寅辰方. The Main Yin Mansion is in the Qiandi Fang, and the Side Yin Mansion is in the Ding Ren Wei Ugly Fang. The monthly punishment is in the Shen side, and the monthly harm is in the Yin side. The Heavenly Official Fu is in Occupy Central, and the Diguan Fu is in The Qianhai Fang. The big moon is built on the ugly Yin side, and the small moon is built on the ugly Gun Yin side. The funeral gate is in the exchange, the white tiger is in the kan, and the five yellows are in the southwest. The sword blade is in C.

This month's fetal god party: the fetal god in the kitchen stove.

Kyrgyzstan on the day:

The nobles are due south and northeast; Lu Shen is due west, stagecoach is in the northwest, and Wenchang is due north. One white star is in the northeast, six white stars are in the southeast, eight white stars are in the northwest, and nine purple stars are in the west.

The murderer of the day:

The three fires are in the east, the five yellows are in the east, it is not appropriate to build in the A, B, Yinchen fang, the earth, the door, the stove, the bed and so on.

The fetal god is in the kitchen stove door and the southeast, and pregnant women at home do not move this side, which is easy to be unfavorable to the fetus and pregnant women.

Twelve o'clock

Peng Zi 1, He ugly 2, Geng Yin 3, Xin Ji 4,


Propylene 9, Ding You 1, Peng Shu 2, Hexa hai 3.

The day is auspicious, noon, and not yet auspicious.

Unfavorable ugly times, ugly times, and fierce times.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Baby's birthday

The Lord of the Day is Xin Jin, lost in the moon, sitting on the unitary gold, Lu Shen as the root, and the year pillar as a water wood, then Xin Jin is still weak, and he is weak. Therefore, the earth gold between the pillars to help, the xin gold for the jewelry gold, it is advisable to see water to wash. Therefore, the time is optional: 壬辰, 丙申.

Shichen Nongchen: Nongshui has the effect of cleaning, and Tatsu soil is the role of shengfu Xinjin, so Nongchen can be used.

Shichen Bingshen: Shen Jin is the sheep blade of Xin Jin, which is also a helping role, but Tiangan sees C fire and Xin Jin, so Shen Jin considers it.

On the whole, the hour is better.

Eight-character brief analysis:

The eight-character official is in the order, and his people are upright and traditional, the financial officials are born together, the Japanese branch is united, the Lu god is combined, and the information of the financial official can be obtained, which is suitable for stable work, politics, and career paths. And the eight-character financial source is still good, eating wounds to make money, engaged in the technology industry, or running some business, is also relatively good. If the god lu is in The day and the marriage palace sits with the god, the spouse is capable and capable, the family is well-off, and the feelings are better.

Judging from the great fortune, the male life is better.

Recommended eight characters: (recommended index of two stars)

壬寅 乙巳 辛酉 壬辰

With God: Golden Water

Jealousy: Fire Earth

Male Fate Fortune: Bing Wu Ding Wei Peng Shen Hey hen Geng Shu XinHai.

Five-element arrangement: fire, fire, fire, earth, earth, gold, earth, gold, gold, and gold.

Great Fortune of Women's Life: Jia Chen 癸卯壬寅辛ug Gengzi 己海.

Five-element arrangement: wood, earth, water, water, water, gold, water,

Daily class review

On this auspicious day, it is generally feasible for civil affairs. When Suzaku is dead, the words are unfavorable, and the tongue is prevented. Construct The jijiashan gengxiang, the 卯山酉向, and the Yishan xinxiang. The fierce party cannot be violated, and cannot be used unless it is regulated. The revision can correct the West, which is not good for the East, and it is not good for those who belong to the rabbit.

Today's fetal god is at the door of the kitchen stove, and pregnant women at home should not move this party, and cannot knock and smash, move scissors, move objects, etc., which is easy to be unfavorable to fetal pregnant women.

Daily lesson trivia

Open the mountain in a straight direction

Opening the mountain: refers to building a house in a place where no house has been built, that is, flat land to build a new house, or although there is an old house, it is necessary to choose a new address to build a house.

As long as the streams and rivers are separated, or separated by wide streets, or separated from the original houses by a distance of several hundred meters, it can be called the opening of the mountain, which is also generally referred to as vertical construction.

In addition, all the original houses are demolished, and the original site is rebuilt (demolished and built new), although it is not a mountain standing direction, but it also belongs to the reconstruction of the inverted hall (middle palace), and when choosing the day, it also needs to be treated the same as the kaishan standing direction, so it is also necessary to check the auspicious god of the kaishan (sitting) and standing (direction).

Tip: The Tongsheng is calculated by Li Shuanglin Studio, which is an original work, please indicate the source and author when copying or reprinting. The words are hard, thank you for your respect!

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