
Unforgettable 4.16

Textu | Cui Fangchun

April 16, 2022

March 16, Mie-tora


An unforgettable day

This day

Space hero on a six-month business trip

Zhai Zhigang Wang Yaping Ye Guangfu

Back to Earth

Back to the embrace of the motherland

This day

Cat winter five months of a grass people

My wife and I

Back to Jinan

Back to my hometown after a long absence

Unforgettable 4.16

This day

The Banner of the Four Princes is north and south of the Great River

Spring blossoms are thriving

Download songs and dances nationwide

The applause was thick

This day

Charm Spring City Qilu Land

The breeze blows and the willows dance

The whole family rejoiced

Smiling faces

This day

Showcasing the strength of the country

The development of science and technology

The rise of China is remarkable

National revival

It will surely go down in the annals of Chinese history

The course of the world

This day

Soaked in the sweat of "great white"

The concern of the government

Full of the thoughts of loved ones

The affection of friends

It will surely be imprinted in my mind

Forever in my heart

Unforgettable 4.16

April 16

One page for 365 days

Chicken chirping in life

A moment of return

The meeting of time

Great motherland

Heroic astronauts

I salute you

Unforgettable 4.16

About author:Cui Fangchun, a native of Qingzhou, Shandong, has been working in banks for 41 years and is a retired employee. He is a member of Shandong Provincial Prose Literature Association. He has published several poems and essays, and published a long biography "Memories of the Past". Qilu Evening News Qingwei signed the supplement.

One point number Shandong financial literature

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