
ThinkFamily Spring New Product Launch Countdown Poster Released Camera is not simple

Today, ThinkPad official Weibo released the second 2022 ThinkFamily new product launch countdown poster, from the poster content, this conference once again continues the theme of "Hello Pioneer", and will bring new products to the whole family at this conference, and the name of "ThinkFamily" seems to imply that there will be a series of products other than ThinkPad released at the same time.

ThinkFamily Spring New Product Launch Countdown Poster Released Camera is not simple

The poster on the second day of the countdown is most obviously a camera under the arc of the number "2", which seems to imply that the new product will have a core function point selling point on the camera. ThinkPad has always used a combination of physical anti-peeping ThinkShutter and HPD smart eye, which can better protect the security and privacy of each user. And the countdown poster of this conference once again appeared a camera, I don't know if it is another emphasis on the core selling point of the product, or will there be any new upgrade in the technology of the notebook camera?

In the third countdown poster screen yesterday, the number "3" is deeply combined with the double fan. Bold prediction as the industry's oldest and most professional laptop manufacturers, this ThinkFamily conference will bring a breakthrough in fan cooling technology, after all, with the improvement of notebook performance and the trend of more thin and light, heat dissipation is still the core challenge of notebook performance release, and what kind of fan upgrade program will be released this time will also become another core focus of the conference.

ThinkFamily Spring New Product Launch Countdown Poster Released Camera is not simple

And from the history of the ThinkPad brand, this year is not only the 30th anniversary of the birth of ThinkPad, but also the 10th year of the advent of ThinkPad X1 Carbon, each iteration of the "black white paper" of this thin and light notebook will bring us new surprises, whether it is the first use of aerospace-grade carbon fiber, or the eagle wing fan of the active cooling system, or the HPD insight sensor system with safety and convenience, all of which bring more innovation to users. A more practical and comfortable mobile office experience, it is not difficult to see ThinkPad's persistent pursuit of product innovation. As the leader of high-end business notebook brands, thinkPad is bound to bring more revolutionary innovative technologies and reshape our understanding of thin and light laptops for a decade.

Since its birth, ThinkPad has adhered to the three genes of scientific and technological innovation, people-oriented, and ingenuity and quality, maintained a heart of courage to explore, constantly broke the industry standards set by itself, created one industry benchmark after another, and worked with the pioneers of the times to define the answers to the future. And what kind of innovation will this bring to the industry? Let's lock in the 2022 ThinkFamily Spring Launch and see once again how ThinkPad is thinking about the age of evolution.


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