
Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

In our daily life, as long as it comes to calcium supplementation for children, the first thing everyone thinks of is to drink milk.

Many parents say to their children, "Drink more milk and grow taller."

In fact, the calcium content of milk is not as high as we think, and it is only about 120 mg per 100 milliliters of milk. If you want to calculate the amount of calcium a person consumes in a day, it is obviously a little unrealistic to drink more than a dozen bottles of milk that day to meet the needs of the human body.

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

Especially in the spring when children are growing up the fastest. In this process, calcium plays a very important role, then the method of calcium supplementation is more important. So what are the good ways to supplement calcium for children?

Spring calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Milk can not be compared, every day to eat is not tired, children love to eat long fast.

1, eat fruit calcium supplement

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

There are many fruits that can supplement calcium, such as apples, pears, bananas, oranges, watermelons and so on.

These fruits are for small children, they will all love.

But parents should also pay attention not to give their children too much to eat, you can eat one or two kinds a day, so that it is better to eat back and forth. If there is time, it is made into fruit puree or juice, which is more conducive to children's digestion and absorption. Choosing fruit varieties as much as possible To choose seasonal fruits, it will be better.

2. Eat green leafy vegetables to supplement calcium

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

In fact, most of our common green vegetables are rich in calcium substances, so parents usually encourage children to eat more green leafy vegetables, and eating more green leafy vegetables can not only supplement calcium, but also supplement various vitamins needed in the child's body.

Eating green leafy vegetables often not only helps children grow taller, but also increases children's resistance. However, it is best to eat in a different way, or it is better to eat with it.

3. Eat nuts to supplement calcium

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

The nut foods we often eat are also rich in calcium substances.

And nut food contains a variety of trace elements needed by the human body, children eat some nuts appropriately can supplement the lack of calcium in the child's body.

However, nuts belong to the hard and crispy category, so parents must take care of them when children eat to prevent the situation of stuck throats, and at the same time, they should pay attention not to let children eat too much, and pay attention to balanced nutrition.

4. Oral calcium - high-piped Dutch calcium

There are many preparations of calcium on the market, such as calcium carbonate, calcium lactate and so on.

While high-piped Dutch calcium belongs to milk calcium, it is more suitable for children than calcium carbonate and calcium lactate.

And the high-idea Dutch calcium is still made of goat's milk, and the calcium content of goat's milk itself is very high, so it is not bad to say that it is a small expert in calcium supplementation.

The high-quality milk source comes from the Dutch savannah, the "world's first golden milk source". Here there is a natural high-quality grassland, to ensure the grass source of dairy sheep, which is why the goat milk produced by the dairy sheep here is more nutritious than the milk of the general dairy sheep, the calcium content is higher, and many of the world's big dairy products are imported from here.

No preservatives or additives are added to the production process, and the quality is guaranteed. Compared with ordinary calcium tablets, it also adds casein phosphopeptide and natural vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption.

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

The light frankincense smell of high-pitched Dutch calcium, put in the mouth like a milk tablet, is loved by children of all ages.

Although high-pitched Dutch calcium is delicious, parents are optimistic about their children, can not eat too much, eat four or five tablets a day.

5. Cheese

Spring milk to stand on the side, calcium supplement to eat these 5 kinds! Eating every day is not tired, children love to eat long fast

Cheese is made from milk, but its calcium content is much higher than milk, and the calcium in cheese is easily absorbed by children.

However, cheese contains a lot of calories and fat, and it is necessary for children to eat it in moderation.

After saying these 5 kinds of calcium supplements, here I also remind everyone that if the weather is good, you can often take your child to outdoor activities, so that the baby's proper contact with sunlight will help vitamin D production, which is of great help to children's calcium absorption.

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