
Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

When we talk about calcium supplementation, we must understand the normal physiological process of people. So, what exactly is calcium? How our bones deposit calcium, we must first understand this matter.

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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Everyone knows that our bones are alive, not a stick. Why is it said that bones are alive? Because it contains inorganic substances like calcium, there are also organic life forms, that is, cells. Cells include osteoblasts, osteoclasts. In layman's terms, we can understand that osteoclasts are to help generate bones, osteoclasts are to help destroy bones, the normal balance of osteoblasts and osteoclasts can ensure the normality of bone, once there are more osteoclasts, the internal environment of the bones is unbalanced, and the bones will become more and more relaxed, which is what we say is more and more brittle.


When are osteoblasts more active?

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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When our bones are needed by the body, osteoblasts are active. For example, our bones are always in a weight-bearing state, often running, jumping, or any other exercise, at this time there will be a warning signal of pressure, transmitted to the bone, and then there are receptors in the bones, this receptor will stimulate the cells, call the cells to issue a command to say, OK, now we need to use our osteoblasts to generate some bones, why? Because we need more now, everyone gives an order to make the bones a little stronger, so that we can withstand these weights from the outside world, the blows from the outside world, and so on... Then the bones will become harder.

The role of osteoblasts is to deposit calcium in our bones, so that our bones become harder, everyone knows that this calcium is more, just like calcium carbonate, it will make our bones very hard, if our bones rarely receive stimulation from this receptor, this receptor will rest, then it thinks that the body does not need so much calcium, and does not need to mobilize so many cells to generate calcium, the receptor will self-identify, can completely use osteoclasts, destroy some calcium, Saving some other nutrients to the body, osteoporosis occurs.


After countless clinical surgical demonstrations

Find that people who love sports have better bone quality

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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Of course, the above is only a more graphic analogy, from the fundamental point of view, that is to say, the most important factor in calcium deposition is to make our bones stimulated by external forces, such as our feet touching the ground, running, jumping, is a very good stimulus. This kind of stimulation can be simply understood as our body falling to the ground under the action of gravity. The force of the stimulus will be transmitted to the bone, telling the bone that we need to make our bone harder, too loose and easy to fracture.

This is also the result of countless arguments, especially as our surgeons, very clear about the bone condition of each patient, especially during surgery, we often use an electric drill to drill holes in the bones, which is also the most special surgery in our department, as long as the electric drill is turned around, we know which bone is hard and the bone is soft, just like carpenters, bricklayers, these construction workers, to test and understand the hardness of the bone.

After statistics, it is found that athletes and people who often love sports, especially people who exercise weights, such as often running and jumping, such people, their bones will be harder. And those who do not exercise much, the bones will be relatively soft, some middle-aged and elderly women who rarely exercise, the bones can be soft enough to use an electric drill to hit when they operate, and they can drill a hole with their hands, and even without exaggeration, some of them can push a hole from the bone. It is obvious which bone is hard and the bone is soft.


Why do I eat calcium tablets every day and still have osteoporosis?

Excessive calcium supplementation may have the opposite effect

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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Seeing this, many people will have questions, is it possible to eat calcium tablets will work? Should I just take more calcium tablets to make up for not exercising?

Just imagine, when a person lies in bed every day and takes more calcium supplements every day, can this osteoblast be mobilized? Obviously not. Because the deposition of calcium in the bones relies on proprioceptors to launch commands, rather than adding some calcium to the stomach, taking some medicine to send commands, excess calcium, after eating, will be eliminated as usual, and even calcium supplementation will have the opposite effect.

This calcium can form bone in the bone, but a large amount of calcium that cannot be absorbed cannot be absorbed through the digestive tract, and something similar to gastric stones may be formed in the stomach, and kidney stones may be formed in the kidneys. The production of these things may be caused by excessive calcium supplementation.

Because the body supplements a lot of calcium and does not need it, it is difficult to really deposit calcium into the bone, but it is deposited in a place that should not be deposited, which causes side effects.


Do more exercise to supplement calcium

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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The reason why many people have not been able to supplement calcium is because he chose the wrong method. The right approach should be to be multi-active. Of course, some people are older, or some other problems are not suitable for exercise, such as fractures, when there is no healing, there is no way to exercise, then is it necessary to consume calcium to supplement calcium? Not really.

Because our bones will grow on their own, as long as the human body is still normal, the vast majority of people, regardless of age, the bones will grow faster, unless there is less blood in some part of the body, it is another matter. Because no matter what kind of tissue in the body, if it needs to grow, it needs blood transport, because there is growing nutrients in the blood, so as long as the function is still relatively normal, there will generally be no problem.


How do I know if I have osteoporosis?

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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If you want to know if you have osteoporosis, it is actually very simple, now go to the general hospital with a bone densitometer to check it, the cost is not very expensive.

However, what I want to tell you here is that the vast majority of people do not need to do this test at all, because osteoporosis is not loose, and it is not an absolute indication that we need calcium supplementation. For the vast majority of normal people, as long as you don't have any discomfort symptoms, life movement is normal, and you don't need to check it at all.

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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Unless you have a fracture or some other symptoms that are easy to break, such as some people are worried about whether their leg pain is caused by calcium deficiency, and so on, they are willing to check it, which is OK. Including some elderly people prone to compression fractures of the lumbar spine, it may be due to osteomalacia, bone calcium deficiency leading to easy fractures. At this time, you can go to the hospital for a check-up, if the bone density is indeed very low, it is a more obvious lack of calcium.

In general, as long as you can exercise, especially if you can participate in this kind of weight-bearing exercise, we recommend that you still go to activity. For example, jogging, swimming, etc., and even square dancing can help the deposition of calcium, because your legs or feet will touch the ground with a little force, and this stimulation can promote the deposition of calcium in the bone.


How to supplement calcium reasonably?

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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Better way to alleviate osteoporosis, as mentioned earlier, first, to do appropriate weight-bearing exercise; second, if calcium is really poor, then now clinically sometimes use drugs to promote calcium absorption, it is worth reminding that those things can increase calcium absorption to a certain extent, but must be on the basis of reasonable exercise, it is possible to make our bones deposit more calcium, to a certain extent to increase the strength of bone. Conversely, if you don't exercise properly, even oral administration of this calcium supplement is ineffective.

Therefore, in the same way, the prevention of osteoporosis is actually the same as calcium supplementation, which are the ways we just talked about, and auxiliary drugs can be used.


Why do some people eat calcium tablets every day,

Or is it osteoporosis?

Why is calcium supplementation every day, but also osteoporosis?

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This involves a scientific drug problem. Because many people eat calcium tablets alone, it is ineffective not to add active vitamins. In this way, even if you eat a lot of calcium tablets, it will also affect the use of calcium. Everyone knows that if calcium is to be absorbed, it must be accompanied by active vitamin D. Most of this active vitamin D comes from inside our skin, under the exposure of the sun, synthesis causes our body to produce this active vitamin D, promoting calcium absorption. Therefore, moderate sun exposure is also a very important element of calcium supplementation.

Some of the current drugs are complexes containing active vitamin D, and it may be more reasonable to take this drug than a simple calcium supplement.

How is osteoporosis taken care of daily?

Improve diet: increase exercise; more sun. Nutrition, sunlight and exercise are the three magic weapons to prevent osteoporosis.

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