
How to supplement calcium during pregnancy? Is it "perseverance" or "make-up stops"?

Some voices proposed: calcium supplementation is not an overnight thing, and it must be persistent to give full protection to yourself and your baby.

Most people support calcium supplementation, think that calcium supplementation is a persistent thing, from the beginning of pregnancy should start to supplement, because after pregnancy, the mother needs a lot of calcium to ensure the child's nutritional needs, so it is necessary to start supplementing early, food supplements and calcium tablets should be eaten appropriately, with lactation should also continue to supplement, improve the quality of milk, is conducive to the healthy growth of children

How to supplement calcium during pregnancy? Is it "perseverance" or "make-up stops"?

There is also another saying: when you find that you are deficient in calcium, you can concentrate on supplementing it, without deliberate supplementation.

Calcium is of course an indispensable element of the child's body, some people think that calcium supplementation does not need to be supplemented through medicine, has always been considered to be a three-point poison of medicine, every day the child's nutritional balance through the intake of vegetables, melons and fruits and other foods with high calcium, medicinal calcium supplementation as a paving aid. The fact that the child did not lack calcium at each physical examination proves that calcium supplementation does not need to be supplemented daily by medicine.

How to supplement calcium during pregnancy? Is it "perseverance" or "make-up stops"?

So how to supplement calcium during pregnancy is the most correct?

First of all, calcium is an indispensable trace element of the human body, especially pregnant women are inseparable from calcium elements, according to scientific calculations, pregnant women need to consume 1.8 grams of calcium elements per day, and about 40 grams of calcium need to be stored during pregnancy to meet the development of fetal bone tissue; even if the mother is deficient in calcium, the fetus will still absorb enough calcium from the mother. However, pregnant women can not blindly supplement calcium, blindly eat a lot of high-calcium food, drink a lot of milk or eat calcium tablets vitamins, which is harmful to the fetus. If pregnant women supplement too much calcium will lead to the fetus suffering from hypercalcemia symptoms, premature closure of the child's brain tissue and bones after birth, nasal bridge, aorta, etc. there are problems, excessive calcium supplementation is not conducive to fetal growth and development. According to the Continental Nutrition Society, the daily calcium supply of pregnant women is 1000 mg in the middle and 1500 mg in the late stage; these can be obtained from the usual diet. However, some pregnant women consume excessive calcium for the fetus If they consume calcium for a long time, they will be the same as eating a large amount of cod liver oil, causing symptoms such as micro-loss of food, itchy skin, hair loss, nervousness, herniation, prothrombin deficiency in the blood and vitamin C metabolism disorders.

How to supplement calcium during pregnancy? Is it "perseverance" or "make-up stops"?

At the same time, if the concentration of calcium in the blood of pregnant women is too high, weakness, vomiting and arrhythmias will occur, which is not conducive to fetal growth.

In general, calcium supplementation during pregnancy should still start from the usual diet, eat more foods with high calcium content such as milk, soy products, seafood, shrimp chips, etc. This kind of food often has a high calcium content, and it is also easy to absorb, and pregnant women should conduct obstetric examinations on time, abide by the doctor's instructions for scientific calcium supplementation, and must not blindly supplement calcium in large quantities.

How to supplement calcium during pregnancy? Is it "perseverance" or "make-up stops"?

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