
Have you ever soaked in scorpio?

Between Scorpio's rationality and sensibility

There is always a floodgate

The unsentimental Scorpio is the open-and-hang mode

Scorpio is not moving

When you move, you lose your heart and go crazy

Scorpio's love pattern is indeed difficult to read

Because there's a problem here

Maintain emotional stability and restraint due to habits

They sometimes show impermanence and indifference in intimate relationships

It is the same as their indifference in a state of rational withdrawal

So it's hard to directly judge a Scorpio's sincerity

It is also difficult to judge the true thoughts and needs of a Scorpio

Scorpio, both in terms of relationships and dating

Inside are people who are slower and hotter

The fire sign will come up with you

Push the heart to the stomach, pull out the heart and lungs of this model

It was impolite in their eyes

They might even think

Why are you so hot?

Do you have any intentions for me?


They will still respect your story and emotions

Everything they say is from the heart

But they do feel

It has nothing to do with them


If Scorpio hadn't shared his story with you

Open your own secrets

At that stage, don't talk about feelings

You two aren't even friends

Scorpio is a very defensive constellation element

In the eyes of other big signs, those that don't matter

The experience of being able to talk purely as a nagging person

They will never mention it

Even to friends who have been together for many years

There will also be varying degrees of retention

So they divide the intimate relationship

A standout sign is trust

Their internal logic is

I don't trust human nature

So I'm especially precious to you for opening up to yourself

The Scorpio in the ambiguous stage is also worth pondering

I've heard it often

I couldn't figure out if Scorpio really liked me

That has a criterion for judging

The other party is not an emotional conflict and repetition

Scorpio before the heart and into the feelings

It is an absolute constellation governed by reason

They weigh the pros and cons all the time

But when the valve is open

The sensual nature of the water sign is exposed

At this time, they may be for some reason

Maybe it's an external reality factor

Maybe it's your own vague attitude

Make them feel insecure

So their sensibility and rationality are fighting each other

Most emotional scorpions are screwed

Maybe it's hiding from you for a while and finding yourself out of control

Run back to you again

Maybe it was a secret heartbreak seven or eight times

Also pretend to be decent and maintain a normal relationship

Or to say something harsh and to say the opposite

But it must be noted

Hot and cold behavior is not a sign of judgment

Because a person may be suddenly interested in thinking of you during this time

The next stage feels bored to throw you aside

Scorpio is an absolute giving personality in relationships

Whether it's measuring each other or what is required of the self

They all value action more than sweet talk

Scorpio is serious about love

Broken clean is the kind of person who never looks back

To people who don't matter is capitalized indifference plus disregard

Don't influence no one and don't want anyone to influence yourself

The most important thing is that Scorpio if you really love you give

Your sense of security can dump others dozens of streets

Scorpio is extremely extreme about love

They either don't love

Once in love

Then it's a lifetime

Scorpio is in the middle of feelings

Loyalty is what matters most

They feel like everyone is in love

Consciously keep your distance from all members of the opposite sex

Don't call yourself a friend

But there is ambiguous behavior with the other party

Maybe someone else for this

Will choose to turn a blind eye

But Scorpio is not like this at all

If you know that the other person has done something to be sorry for yourself

Then Scorpio will cut each other in two

In fact, they treat feelings regularly

Didn't actively approach

I don't like to get caught up in it either

I even hate the feeling of being dependent on someone

They like to be challenging

Didn't like delivery

Like people who don't like themselves

Inexplicably like

Don't like to take the initiative

But will take the initiative on the person you like

After the initiative is not responded to

Will choose to let go after due consideration

Also self-brainwashing

I feel that the other party is not worthy of their own likes

Man is inherently mortal or dies of a scorpion

They're just very blunt and vicious

But it is also extremely double standard short

Loved them will love it

What you hate can also be very annoying

But the good thing is

They never care if you hate them or not

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