
On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

author:Plaid Road
On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

As a special administrative region, Hong Kong is a small but prosperous area, one of the most densely populated regions in the world and the third largest financial center in the world. However, this place where Chinese and Western cultures blended did not return to the embrace of the motherland for a long time before 1997, in the hands of the British, but this did not affect the fact that Hong Kong is the territory of the mainland.

Later, after negotiations between China and britain, Hong Kong was officially returned on July 1, 1997, but this return ceremony was not simple, and the British side obstructed it many times, but the mainland flag raisers, even if their noses were stuffed with cotton, the blood that flowed out could only be swallowed into the stomach, and did not delay the smooth progress of the ceremony.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

In the pre-Qin period, Hong Kong was classified as the Lingnan region, the land of Baiyue, which is a place with a high degree of civilization and can also be said to be one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. When Qin Shi Huang unified the Six Kingdoms, he established three counties in this area of Lingnan, and since then, Hong Kong has officially become the territory of the Qin State.

By the Sui and Tang dynasties, the issue of Hong Kong's ownership underwent many changes, and during the initial Sui Dynasty, Hong Kong was planned to be administered by Nanhai County, Guangzhou Province, and Bao'an County. Later, Bao'an County was changed to Dongguan County, although there were changes of name during the period, but no matter what kind of name, hong Kong has always been the territory of the mainland.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

Until the Qing Dynasty, the existence of Hong Kong was even more important, Hong Kong was an important medium and gateway for foreign trade of the Qing Dynasty, such an important place, naturally coveted by other countries, britain is one of them. Later, after the First Opium War, Hong Kong was occupied by the British, and although the Qing Dynasty had always stressed the need to defend territorial integrity, its strength did not allow them to defend their homeland.

Later, the Treaty of Nanjing was signed, ceding Hong Kong Island to Britain, and in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, the British forced the Qing government to sign the "New Territories Lease" again, forcibly allowing the Qing government to lease the Chinese territory with a total area of nearly 1,000 square kilometers to the British.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

During the Second World War, that is, around 1941, in the face of Japan's strong attack, the British soldiers stationed in Hong Kong could not resist, although there was resistance, but in the end they were not able to defeat the Japanese army and directly surrendered to Japan, so Hong Kong was occupied again, and this time the occupation of Hong Kong changed from Britain to Japan.

However, Japan did not occupy Hong Kong for long, until September 15, 1945, Japan was defeated and surrendered, Hong Kong naturally would not be under Japanese control, but Hong Kong did not return to the motherland, but once again became the jurisdiction of britain.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

Negotiate on Hong Kong

However, after the founding of New China, in the face of such a mainland territory as Hong Kong, which is under the control of Britain, our Party naturally wants to make some changes.

However, in the treaties signed by the Qing government and britain, it was clearly written that nearly 1,000 square kilometers of land in many places, including Hong Kong, were leased to Britain for a period of 99 years, when the signing time was July 1, 1898, and after the end of 99 years, June 30, 1997 was the expiration date of the treaty.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

In September 1982, the mainland government was already negotiating with the British government on the Hong Kong issue, and the United Kingdom has always stressed that the treaty signed was to permanently cede many places, including Hong Kong Island, to britain, so Hong Kong and other places are already British territories and have long ceased to be Chinese territories.

However, in the face of such an unequal treaty, the mainland resolutely refused to recognize it, and later, Deng Xiaoping proposed a solution to the Hong Kong issue with one country and two systems. When British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher visited China, China and Britain held the first negotiations on the Hong Kong issue, and although it was a peaceful negotiation, none of them was satisfied with the results of the other two sides.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

Since then, the two sides have held many more negotiations, and it was not until 1985 that China and the United Kingdom reached a consensus on the issue of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong has since entered a 12-year transition period before China resumed the exercise of sovereignty.

Hong Kong has officially returned to the motherland

At midnight on June 30, 1997, the sino-British alternating ceremony of the regime in Hong Kong was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, and in such an important ceremony, every link was accurate to the second, and all the participants in the ceremony were repeatedly confirmed and carefully rehearsed, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the ceremony.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

At the beginning, the ceremonial soldiers from both sides who participated in the ceremony rehearsed every item, and at that time, the Chinese soldiers attached great importance to the matter, but the British side was not only late, but also did not seem to take the ceremony to heart at all, and even did not care about the rather lazy.

Moreover, the time point of Hong Kong's return is set at 00:00 on July 1, 1997, which means that all the details of the activities must be prepared for this point in time, and it is absolutely impossible to delay the sounding of the national anthem and raising the national flag at 0:00. The importance of this matter is clearly known to both China and Britain, but on behalf of Prince Charles, the British side's speech on the same day not only secretly mocked China in his speech, but also spoke slowly, even dragging his feet when he stepped down.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

After the speech, the flag bearers and flag raisers of both sides should take the stage to carry out the flag lowering and flag-raising ceremony, in the British national anthem, the British flag and the Hong Kong flag landed, but the British flag bearer deliberately delayed at this time, waiting until China raised the national flag and played the national anthem, fortunately, the flag raiser responded quickly, and the control of time was also very accurate, so that our national flag was raised with the national anthem.

We watched the flag-raising ceremony that felt blood boiling, but Zhu Tao, as the flag raiser, had real blood flowing in his nose and mouth. When he arrived in Hong Kong for training, Zhu Tao was a little unsatisfied, and the high intensity of training and pressure made him bleed several times. Before the ceremony, he found himself bleeding from the nose again, and in order to prevent the same problem from happening during the ceremony, he stuffed a cotton ball into his nostrils.

On the night of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the British made small moves, and the flag-raiser: cotton was stuffed in the nose, and blood was swallowed into the stomach

At the time of the ceremony, in the face of the small movements of the British, Zhu Tao was nervous to no end, the palms of his hands were sweating at the same time, the nosebleeds were also flowing, in order to prevent the nosebleeds from flowing out, he could only suck the nosebleeds back into the mouth and swallow into the stomach, and the same was true when the flag was raised, so that the ceremony we saw quickly proceeded smoothly.


No matter what kind of obstacles, we Chinese be able to overcome it, just as Hong Kong, although it was occupied by Britain and Japan, will sooner or later take back the territory that belongs to us, and no matter what difficult setbacks we have experienced during the period, we will not give in. The territory of the mainland must not be occupied by other countries, and defending the sovereign territorial integrity of our motherland is the obligation and duty of each and every Chinese.

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