
Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

author:Weapons: Shawning

According to US media reports, the United States, Britain, Spain and other European and American countries have successively erupted a rare infectious disease - monkeypox.

Monkeypox is a viral disease, according to an agency in the United States, which is rare, but the symptoms can be very severe.

In addition, monkeypox viruses have human-to-human characteristics. There are many ways of transmission, and in addition to the common droplet transmission, body fluid contact can also lead to monkeypox virus transmission.

Therefore, if it is not controlled, it is likely that there will be community transmission. What the consequences of community transmission are, I believe we are all aware of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

With nine related cases already emerging since entering May, Health officials in the UK are deeply concerned that monkeypox has spread in the UK.

The reason why there is a suspicion that there has been community broadcasting in the UK is because the few cases found later, which have no contact with the first case and have not been found, are infected in the UK. Exactly how these 7 people were infected is still unclear.

If community transmission had already begun, I am afraid it would have spread by now.

Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

Monkeypox is similar to smallpox, and in 1980, humans eliminated smallpox, but the monkeypox virus has always existed.

However, it is basically distributed in Africa, and recently it has appeared intensively in Europe and the United States, and many of the cases, which have not been to Africa or have had contact with cases that have been to Africa, are very strange, and it seems that there is an invisible chain of transmission that is pushing the monkeypox virus to spread little by little.

Although the monkeypox virus is not very contagious, the more it spreads, it will also mutate, just like the new crown virus, the more mutated the more contagious it is.

Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

Another strange thing is that the United States officially approved a monkeypox vaccine in 2019, which can also prevent smallpox.

The spread of monkeypox is not worth developing a vaccine specifically, and even in Africa, the number of cases is very limited every year. Developing a vaccine specifically for monkeypox viruses is not worth the loss.

Moreover, there have been no cases of monkeypox in the United States before.

So the question is, why did the United States appear in 2019 with a vaccine to target "a virus that does not have any sense of existence"?

Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

There are two possibilities. First, the United States "predicted" that there would be a monkeypox outbreak in the future, and developed a vaccine in advance. If this is the case, the development time is much earlier. So the question arises again, why can the United States "foresee the future"?

Second, the United States has developed a new vaccine, but the smallpox vaccine has been modified to a monkeypox vaccine. Monkeypox and smallpox are originally "relatives", both belong to the genus of positive pox virus, and technically, should be able to do it.

This also explains why the United States will develop a vaccine that has no market, because it may not be developed from scratch, but the existing smallpox vaccine has been modified, and it does not cost much.

Is there another human-to-human virus outbreak in Europe and the United States, or has there been community transmission, and the US military has been vaccinated?

The question arises again, smallpox has been eradicated for decades, why is the United States still studying the smallpox vaccine?

What is even more bizarre is that the US military has been vaccinating against smallpox for a long time. Data show that since the end of 2002, more than a million U.S. military and contractor personnel have been vaccinated against smallpox. The official U.S. smallpox vaccine has nearly 200 million doses.

Smallpox is gone, so why does the U.S. still need mass vaccination and strategic reserves?

Will these smallpox vaccines be the monkeypox vaccine approved in 2019?

So is it possible that the United States wants to use the monkeypox virus to launch biological warfare, and it has been secretly preparing for 20 years? It may even be necessary to launch biological warfare with smallpox viruses. After all, the United States has always retained the smallpox virus.

Therefore, the monkeypox outbreak is probably not so simple.