
Spring and summer are coming, and children at home should be vigilant about hand, foot and mouth disease!

author:Yibin release
Spring and summer are coming, and children at home should be vigilant about hand, foot and mouth disease!
Spring and summer are coming, and children at home should be vigilant about hand, foot and mouth disease!

















Spring and summer are coming, and children at home should be vigilant about hand, foot and mouth disease!
Spring and summer are coming, hand, foot and mouth disease has entered the epidemic season, how to get away from hand, foot and mouth disease? Let's take a look at what HFMD is, how it spreads, its clinical manifestations and how to prevent it.

01 What is hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is an acute infectious disease caused by various types of enterovirus infection, including enterovirus type 71 (EV71), coxsackie A16 type (CVA16), Coxsackie A10 type (CVA10), coxsackie A6 type (CVA6), with an incubation period of 2 to 10 days, with rashes and herpes on the hands, mouth, feet and other parts as the main features, and preschool children are high-incidence susceptible people. May to December is the main epidemic season for HFMD, and there are generally two peak periods of infection in the southern region: a peak from April to June, and a sub-peak from September to October.

02 What are the transmission routes of hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

✅ Transmission mainly through the gastrointestinal tract (fecal-oral, water, food contamination);

✅ It can also be transmitted through the respiratory tract (droplets, coughing, sneezing, etc.);

✅ Infection can also result from contact with fluids from blisters in the patient's skin.

03 What are the clinical manifestations of hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

✅ Most children have mild symptoms and may initially present with fever, loss of appetite, tiredness, or sore throat.

✅ After 1 to 2 days of fever, a rash or herpes appears on the child's hands, feet, mouth and other parts, and can be cured after more than a week.

✅ Some children have dehythyroidism 2 to 4 weeks after illness.

✅ A small number of children may have central nervous system damage, and the condition is more dangerous.

04 How to prevent hand-foot-and-mouth disease?

1. Pay attention to hand hygiene.

Frequent hand washing is the most effective protective measure. Wash your hands before eating, after going to the toilet, and after going home, with running water and hand sanitizer or soap for at least 20 seconds. Parents or caregivers should also wash their hands before touching a child, after processing a child's vomit, feces, or changing diapers.

2. Drink boiled water and eat cooked food.

Be careful about everything that children eat in their mouths, except for drinking more hot water, and do not let children eat half-cooked or unclean foods.

3. Disinfect toys and tableware regularly.

Children's toys, daily necessities, and personal items should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. It can be selected to disinfect with a chlorine-containing disinfectant containing 500mg/L of effective chlorine, and the tableware can be boiled for disinfection.

4. Reduce crowded,

Places with poor air circulation.

During the epidemic of hand-foot-and-mouth disease, try to avoid going to public places where people gather to reduce the chance of infection.

5. Improve immunity

Maintaining a reasonable diet for children, achieving nutritional balance, and ensuring adequate sleep can help improve children's immunity.

6. Get the EV71 vaccine.

The severity of HFMD is significantly related to the type of enterovirus, EV71 is still the main enterovirus type that causes severe illness and death of HFMD, and vaccination with EV71 vaccine can prevent HFMD caused by EV71 infection and reduce the incidence of severe HFMD.

Content source 丨 Sichuan Disease Control

Graphic editor 丨 Zong Rui

Responsible editor 丨 Yang Huping

Spring and summer are coming, and children at home should be vigilant about hand, foot and mouth disease!

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