
Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

author:Health Tips
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The basic risks of summer fruits

Summer is here, the weather is hot, and the market is full of fresh fruits of all kinds. Many parents like to buy fruits for their children to eat, not only to quench their thirst but also to supplement vitamins. However, not all fruits are suitable for children in the summer.

Fruits that are high in sugar and moisture, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, etc., can easily spoil at high temperatures. Because the child's stomach and intestines are relatively fragile, eating spoiled fruits can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even diarrhea.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

Fruits that are high in sugar and moisture spoil very quickly in the summer heat. Cut fruit loses the protection of the peel and becomes a haven for bacteria and microorganisms.

Even fruits that appear to be in good condition can spoil quickly if they are cut and stored improperly. For children, eating these spoiled fruits can easily cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal infections. Especially during the hot summer months, bacteria multiply faster and are more risky.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

The safety hazards of fruit cutting

Fruit cuts look convenient and delicious, especially in summer, and are especially popular. However, these ready-to-eat fruit cut fruits, the safety hazards cannot be ignored. The first is the issue of the unclear production time.

Cut fruit sold in supermarkets and fruit shops usually does not have a production date on the packaging. We can't be sure when these cut fruits were made, just cut, or have been left out for a while. The longer it is left out, the higher the risk of the fruit going bad.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

The second is the issue of improper storage. Cut fruit will deteriorate very quickly at room temperature if it is not stored at low temperature. In the summer heat, microorganisms grow and multiply at an astonishing rate.

According to research, even at a room temperature of 25°C, the bacteria and microorganisms on the fruit can increase rapidly, not to mention the high temperatures in the thirties in summer. If a child eats this kind of fruit cut fruit that has been stored for a long time and is not stored properly, the probability of diarrhea will naturally increase greatly.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

Recommendations for the handling of fruits in the hot season

In the summer, there are some details that parents need to pay attention to in order to ensure that their children eat safe and healthy fruits. The first is to buy fresh fruit.

When picking fruits, choose those that are fresh in season and avoid buying ones that are already damaged or overripe. Fresh fruit is not only nutritious, but it is also less likely to spoil.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

Proper cleaning and storage methods are also very important. Fruits should be thoroughly washed with running water before consumption to remove pesticide residues and microorganisms from the surface.

For some fruits with thicker skins, they can be gently brushed with a brush. Washed fruits should be eaten as soon as possible and avoid leaving them for a long time. When storing, fruits should be placed in a well-ventilated, cool, dry place to avoid contact with contaminant sources such as raw meat.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

When cutting fruit at home, use clean knives and cutting boards to ensure hand hygiene. Try to eat the cut fruit for a short period of time and avoid prolonged exposure to the air, especially in a high temperature environment.

Cut fruit that needs to be stored should be placed in an airtight container and refrigerated as soon as possible to preserve freshness and safety.

Scientific consumption recommendations for children and fruits

Choosing the right fruit for your child is also key to keeping them healthy. In general, fruits that are easy to digest and have a low risk of allergies are more suitable for children, such as apples, pears, bananas, etc.

Not only are these fruits nutritious, but they are also less irritating to the child's stomach. In addition, the temperature is high in summer, and the child's stomach is relatively fragile, so parents should avoid giving their children fruits that are too cold to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

It's equally important to control your child's fruit intake. While fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, excessive intake can also cause problems, especially those high in sugar.

Parents should arrange their fruit intake reasonably according to their children's age and activity level to avoid health problems caused by excessive sugar intake.

Recommendations for pregnant women to consume fruits

Pregnant women also need to pay special attention to the choice and amount of fruits they consume during the summer months. Fruits suitable for pregnant women should be easy to digest, hypoallergenic, and rich in folic acid, vitamins and minerals, such as apples, citrus, kiwi, etc. These fruits not only meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women, but also promote the healthy development of the fetus.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

When consuming fruits, pregnant women should avoid eating fruits that are too cold, especially chilled fruits, as excessively cold foods may irritate the stomach and cause discomfort.

Pregnant women should consume a moderate amount of fruit per day, usually around 200-300 grams, to avoid health problems caused by excessive sugar and calorie intake.

When choosing fruits, pregnant women should also avoid those fruits that are prone to allergies or indigestion, such as mango, pineapple, etc. If you have a history of allergies to certain fruits or have indigestion, it is best to consult your doctor before deciding whether to consume them.

Through the above content, I believe you have understood the things you need to pay attention to when choosing and handling fruits for children and pregnant women in summer.

Don't give this fruit to your child in summer, it's easy to have diarrhea, and the hotter the day, the easier it is to get hit

Although fruits are delicious and nutritious, they need to be carefully selected and scientifically handled during the hot season. Parents and pregnant women should choose fresh and suitable fruits, pay attention to the washing and storage methods, and control the amount of food to ensure the health and safety of their families.

I hope that through this article, you can pay attention to the safety of summer fruits, choose and process fruits scientifically, so that children and pregnant women can enjoy delicious food at the same time, but also spend the hot summer healthily and worry-free.

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