
What are the benefits of allowing children to learn eloquence?

author:Speaking Elocution Bootcamp

What are the benefits of allowing children to learn eloquence?

Public number: "Wang Kunyang Eloquence Frontline" focus on speech eloquence for 20 years, learn to speak to find Wang Kunyang, specialize in all kinds of can not speak.

Nowadays, people understand eloquence more than simple being able to speak. Eloquence will become an educational discipline and a professional skill, just like mathematics, physics and other subjects. The following is an important piece of information collected by Xiaobian for everyone about children learning eloquence as soon as possible, hoping to help you.

What are the benefits of allowing children to learn eloquence?

  What are the benefits of allowing children to learn eloquence?

  First, it is conducive to the development of the right brain

  The essence of eloquence is to let children use their emotional intelligence and speaking skills to communicate with people, but also to appreciate their own voice, over time, it is conducive to developing the child's right brain, so that the child is smarter.

  Second, it can change the child's personality

  Introverted children often speak in a small voice, if the child can insist on saying what he wants to say loudly, and can say it in front of many people, it is easy to make the child fall in love with expression, and the personality will be more cheerful and optimistic.

  Third, cultivate good thinking skills

  Elocution training includes debate, cross-talk, sketches and other forms, is conducive to the cultivation of children's language thinking ability, long-term adherence to elocution training, you can develop the good habits of eye, mouth, ear, heart, which is a better, high-quality participation in future affairs of a quality.

  Fourth, it is conducive to changing the inferiority complex

  Most children who do not learn well, one of the manifestations is that they will not read the texts aloud, starting from reading aloud to training, in the process of reading, they can exercise the courage of children's public expression and improve their self-confidence.

  Fifth, it can stimulate the nerves of the brain

  Dare to say that it is clever to say that it is necessary to break through yourself again and again, and each breakthrough makes the brain nerves in a state of extreme excitement. This in itself can stimulate children's in-depth understanding of articles and books, and it is also very beneficial to children's future language learning.

  Sixth, improve concentration

  Eloquence in the exercise of children's language thinking ability at the same time, improve the child's attention, show eloquence needs to concentrate, the brain is in a "high-speed operation" state, is conducive to the cultivation of shorthand ability.

  Seventh, form a good sense of language

  Eloquence training should be read aloud and memorized, can mobilize the emotions in the widest possible way, eloquence pays attention to the beauty of rhyme, rhythm, and momentum, and only in eloquence can we truly feel the priority of language. It can be said that without real reading aloud and expressing it bravely, there will be no real sense of language.

  Eighth, the ability to think deeply

  Eloquence is conducive to the learning and application of other disciplines, is a subject that requires extensive and in-depth thinking and memory, in order to achieve "clever speaking", it is necessary to constantly mobilize the knowledge learned in the mind, not only deepen the impression of knowledge points, but also improve the learning efficiency.

  9. It is conducive to improving writing ability

  The result of eloquence training will make students "export into chapters", and the large number of vocabulary and colorful language expression forms accumulated by it have a direct imitation and reference effect on our writing.

  What kind of children are best suited for eloquence?

  Broadly speaking, everyone should learn and exercise their language expression ability, which is not only the improvement of their own ability, but also a magic weapon to promote the progress of human society.

  As far as children who are growing up are concerned, the following types of children should learn eloquence the most:

  First, children with brave and confident personalities

  If this type of child is not actively guided, it is easy to have a sense of self-superiority and conceit. Learning eloquence can effectively suppress children's negative psychology and enable children to actively and correctly express themselves.

  Second, children who are lively by nature, love performance, and are active

  This type of child is easy to show the negative performance of not knowing how to pretend to understand, love face, love to be able to do it, through the study of physical etiquette and stage performance in eloquence, you can let children perform and have a measure of work, splash and degree.

  Third, children who think faster and have more ideas

  Compared with other children, this type of child has obvious advantages in learning and life, but it is very easy to produce logical confusion and self-centered negative psychology, solipsistic and disregard for others. Through the exercise of social practice courses in eloquence, children can accumulate social experience from an early age, so as to develop effective self-restraint ability.

  Compared with the above three categories, the following types of children should learn eloquence:

  First, children who are extremely introverted, shy and timid

  The extreme of introversion, shyness and timidity is autism. If this type of child does not exercise from an early age, and as he grows up, his personality gradually stabilizes, the negative impact is irreversible. Systematic eloquence learning is to improve the child's personality from an early age and kill the negative effects in the cradle.

  Second, children who are not confident and are afraid of making mistakes in doing things and learning

  This type of child is most afraid of the teacher asking questions, even if the teacher asks questions by name, he does not dare to answer, let alone ask questions to the teacher, and the final result is a decline in academic performance. Learning eloquence can help children eliminate distractions and enhance self-confidence.

  Third, at home is a talking, go out a small "dumb"

  This type of child can speak at home with their parents, and when they meet strangers, they dare not speak, and even relatives at home do not dare to say hello, giving people the feeling of not being polite. Eloquence learning allows children to learn to be polite to others and have a positive and healthy psychology.

  Fourth, children who have a single mind and do not speak logically

  This type of child is easily alienated and rejected by others, which seriously affects later study, life and work. Through the thinking logic training in eloquence, let the child diverge his thinking and understand the logical law of things, so that the child's thinking expression is logical.

  Fifth, children who are afraid of the stage and dare not express themselves in public places

  This type of child lacks the language expression ability the most, which will affect the child's future stages, such as further education interviews, job interviews, public speeches, work reports, etc. Learning eloquence will make these children dare to speak and dare to speak.

  Sixth, poor writing, poor memory, children who forget the text after memorizing

  This type of child has a hard time learning language subjects (Chinese, English) and has a serious lack of language vocabulary. Through the learning of eloquence, children can experience the charm of language and have a strong interest in language learning, thereby improving children's grades.

  At what age is it best for children to learn eloquence?

  The learning of eloquence and verbal expression runs through a person's life. At different stages, there are different methods and goals for the learning of language eloquence.

  0-3 years old is the enlightenment stage of children's teeth and teeth, and parents play a vital role at this time. At this stage, parents must have a good language ability, clear pronunciation, pronunciation standards, and logical, so that children can have a good language environment. Otherwise, it becomes a simple parrot tongue.

  3-6 years old is an important period for children to learn eloquent speech. During this period, children's literacy, comprehension, speech organization, expression and personality are in the shaping period, and if this period is grasped, it plays a key role in the improvement of children's future language ability.

  6-12 years old is the golden age for children to learn eloquence. Children in this period have a certain accumulation of vocabulary, and the next step is to focus on learning the logic of language thinking, so that children can scientifically organize the words they have learned, so as to have a good eloquence.

  What do you learn in an elocution course?

  Different elocution institutions have different course content, which depends on the ability of the teachers of each elocution training institution. The larger the teaching staff, the richer the curriculum, the easier it is for children to learn.

  There are five main curriculum systems:

  First, scientific voice

  Including oral operation courses, breath courses, vocalization courses, orthophonic courses, Mandarin courses, practical application courses, etc.

  2. Physical etiquette

  Including body shaping courses, physical training courses, etiquette courses, traditional ethics courses, social literacy courses, etc.

  3. Speech recitation

  Including recitation speech courses, broadcast hosting courses, Allegro crosstalk courses, classical Sinology courses, scenario simulation courses, etc.

  Fourth, the logic of thinking

  Including comprehension ability training, divergent thinking training, logical thinking training, language organization ability training, improvisational commentary and expression training, communication art literacy, etc.

  5. Stage performances

  Including stage performance courses, stage performance courses, stage mastery courses, program hosting courses, public speaking courses, etc.