
In the summer, those song words that are tainted with the meaning of rain

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
In the summer, those song words that are tainted with the meaning of rain

The summer in song ci has a different world. There is no heat disturbance, but there is a lush green shade, there are plums left sour, plantains dyed green, lotus flowers and wind lingering, there is a comfortable nap in the deep courtyard, there are showers suddenly, smoke is faint...

Song Ci is like prose, when summer comes, it carefully depicts the life of this season, and there are many small blessings in leisure, and happiness and happiness can be easily obtained. In the hot summer, flipping through the summer time and rain described in the song poem, I did not feel that it fell, wetting the world, feeling that the rhythm of life had become slower, and the air had become cooler.

Green locust high willow swallow new cicadas, kaoru wind first entered the string.

The water under the blue screen window is smoky, and the sound of chess is frightening.

A slight rain has passed, and the small lotus has turned over. Durian flowers are about to burn.

The jade basin slim hand cleared the spring, and the qiong beads were broken but round.

- Song Su Shi, "Ruan Lang Gui Early Summer"

Emerald green is the most popular color in summer, green locust trees, tall willow trees, the shade has become thick, and the sound of cicadas has stopped abruptly. The south wind stirred the strings, as if it were going to play a song. Under the turquoise screens, the incense and the sound of chess alarmed the nappers. After a light rain, the new lotus stretched out, and the fiery red pomegranate flowers were blooming as if they were about to burn. Fibrous reached into the basin of water and played with the clear spring water, splashing the water like a crystal pearl, broken and round. Summer sunset a little rain, still gentle ah, and nothing to play in the water, feel fantastic!

I always thought that spring began with a rain, but I didn't think that summer in Song Ci is often like this.

Neem flowers flutter and the fragrance is delicate.

Plum rain passed, ping wind rose.

Love follows Xiangshui far away, dreaming around Wu Fengcui.

Tired of the piano book, the partridge evoked the south window to sleep.

Secret intentions are not sent, and hatred is washed by whom.

Repair the bamboo side, in the curtain.

The song is dusty, and the dance is blown by the wind.

After the people dispersed, a hook of light moon and day was like water.

--Song Xie Yi, "A Thousand Autumn Years, Yong Xia Jing"

Neem flowers floated on the stone steps, clanging, dense, emitting a fine fragrance, also like a rain. The rain is finally over, and the wind blows the leaves on the waves, dotted with green. Thoughts go away with Xiangshui, dreams also haunt Wu Feng, and the landscapes painted on the screen book make people think of each other, as if they are in the famous mountains and waters. I didn't want to play the piano or read a book, so I took a nap under the south window, and I was aroused by the sound of partridges. There is lingering affection in the heart, but no one can send it, and no one knows about the hidden resentment. On the shores of the emerald bamboo forest, in the sparse curtains, wandering alone, alone. I had to rely on singing and dancing, but no matter how much hilarity, it would always end. When people dispersed, they saw only a faint moon, and the sky was as clear as water. At this moment, I don't feel lonely, right? Or, loneliness is the norm, so why mind?

In the summer, those song words that are tainted with the meaning of rain

I always feel that the summer rain is torrential, but the summer rain in the Song Ci is also stained with literary and artistic atmosphere, not so reckless, reading the Song Ci softly, as if afraid of disturbing, this quiet summer.

See the rain pond, the breeze sleeve knows.

Yin Yin Xia Mu Huang Li.

Where flying egrets, when moving upright.

Easy to get drunk and drink, it is difficult to meet the opponent's chess.

The length of the day is suitable for sleeping, sleeping on the banana leaf, self-inscribed poem.

——Song Hezhu, "Nan Gezi, See you in the rainy pond"

The rain fell, the pond stood by, it was very cool, and the breeze blew on the sleeves like a gentle greeting. The green trees are shaded, and the yellow orioles sing softly in the depths of the green shade, and the sound is moving. An egret flew from nowhere, staying here, probably also loving the scenery here. How do you pass the time? It's not easy to get drunk? If you want to play chess, it is difficult to meet opponents who can compete high and low. It was a long time, and it seemed that I could only go to sleep. Waking up from a nap, a person also has to find something to do, just on the turquoise banana leaves, inscription a poem, this poem, it is also stained with the smell of summer, emitting a fragrance.

It was still raining, and listening to the sound of rain, my heart was cool and leisurely. The summer in the song words, I don't know what the heat is, everything makes people feel comfortable.

The rain on the light thunder pool outside the willow, the sound of rain dripping and breaking the lotus.

The west corner of the small building is broken.

Lean on the dry side and stay in the moon Watson.

Swallows flew to peek at the painting building, and the jade hook hung down the curtain.

Cool waves do not move the pattern flat.

Water spirit double pillow, leaning over the fallen cross.

- Song Ouyang Xiu, "Linjiang Immortal"

Outside the willow trees, there was a soft thunderclap, and a drizzle fell on the pond. The sound of rain poured and dripped lotus leaves. Before long, the rain stopped, and the west corner of the small building showed a broken rainbow, and we leaned against the railing until the moon rose (it was so exciting). The swallow flew back and flew between the painting beams, as if spying on something, and I lowered the curtain from the jade hook (was it for fear of being seen by the swallow?). )。 The bamboo mats on the bed are flattened, like cool waves of water. There were crystal pillows on the bed, and her gold noodles fell from her hair and leaned across the pillow! People with feelings, let this summer also become lingering, wafting a little fragrant smell. Summer, is love, the love in the song, slow and delicate, yes, love, what is urgent, time can be more.

In the summer, those song words that are tainted with the meaning of rain

Rainy days are always romantic, not to mention, with a lover.

Annoyed by the smoke, leave me to hold on.

Hand in hand with Lotus Lake on the road, a yellow plum drizzle.

Petite is not afraid of people guessing, and sleeps in clothes.

The most is the time to carry it, come back to the lazy makeup table.

——Song Zhu Shuzhen, "Qingping Le Summer Tour lake"

Smoke, dew dripping, a rain, left the two people here. Originally working together to enjoy the lotus flowers, I suddenly encountered a drizzle of yellow plums. Find a shelter from the rain. It rains all over the world, and this also adds a strong sense of atmosphere to men and women in love. The woman was shy and obsessed, and did not care about anything, and slept in the arms of her sweetheart. The rain will always stop, after separation, back home, sitting lazily in front of the dresser, as if it has not yet come out of the rain, but there is no one around, that smiling face!

Rainy weather, you can also go out to play, as long as it is not a rainstorm, rainy days will only increase poetry, take advantage of the rainy days, go to see the lotus, but also have a different flavor.

After the lotus blossoms, the West Lake is good, when the wine comes.

There is no need to flag, and the front and back red buildings and green covers follow.

The painting boat protrudes into the depths of the flowers, and the fragrance is golden.

The smoke and rain were faint, and a song was drunk.

--Song Ouyang Xiu, "Picking Mulberries"

Lotus blossoms, the scenery of the West Lake is really good, hurry up paddling boats, carrying fine wine to enjoy. There is no need to honor the flag, there are red flowers for the green leaves to cover the cluster, it is already lively enough. Sail the boat into the depths of the lotus flower, raise the wine glass, the aroma of wine and lotus blends, it is even more intoxicating. In the evening, the smoke and rain are hazy and picturesque, and in a song, the boat carries drunken people and returns home happily!

In the summer, those song words that are tainted with the meaning of rain

After the rain, it is the most suitable for napping, the air is exceptionally fresh, and if there is a fruit to cool off, it is perfect.

Wind pu hunting small pond, after the rain lotus flowers after the rain incense.

Shen Li Floating Melon ice and snow cool.

Bamboo square bed, needle and thread lazy noon dream long.

--Song Li Chongyuan, "Remembering Wang Sun Xia Ci"

The wind blows, the grass in the pond makes a hunting sound, and the lotus flowers are fragrant after the rain. Chilled plums and watermelons are as cool as ice and snow. Eating fruit, smelling the flowers, people are lazy and lazy, so they look at the big bamboo square bed, needlework does not have to be done, or nap is the most important. If you don't take a nap in the summer, I'm sorry for this long time!

In the summer, a rain, it feels like the world and the earth have also been renewed.

Burn the incense and cool off.

Birds and finches call out to the sun, invading the eaves.

The first sun on the leaves is dry and rainy, the water surface is first round, and the wind is lifted.

Hometown Haruka, when to go? The family lives in Wumen, and has long been a Chang'an brigade.

May fisherman reminiscences? Xiao Yu light boat, dreaming into Furong Pu.

- Song Zhou Bangyan, "Su Mu Sha"

Light incense to eliminate the hot and humid summer heat. Birds chirp, calling for a sunny day, chirping under the eaves in the early morning, as if to tell people that the rain has stopped and is about to rise. The morning sun reflected the lotus leaves, dried last night's rain, the lotus flowers on the surface of the water bloomed, and the lotus leaves stood against the wind, looking very spiritual. My hometown is far away, when can I go back? I was originally a person from Wudi, but I was a guest in Chang'an for many years. It's May, do my childhood friends remember me? I can only paddle a leaf boat, come to the lotus pond of the past in my dream, and be close to my hometown!

In the summer of Song Ci, there is always rain sprinkling, stained with a little rain, there are always lotus flowers fluttering, durian flowers reflecting the eyes. Even if it rains, people's lives are always so ritualistic, the scenery is to be seen, the nap is to sleep, the incense is to be lit, and the moon after the rain is so bright and clean, it cannot be missed. The summer in the Song Dynasty is properly arranged by people, and the breath revealed by every word is so comfortable, so exquisite, both serious and calm, which is the attitude of the Song people to live a life. If you think of anyone at this time, listening to the sound of the rain, acacia has no antidote. Even if you are alone, it is like falling in love with this summer, and you are going to get drunk.


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.

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