
You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

author:Qiantang sells flowers

People who like to raise flowers sometimes can't control their desire for flowers. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, as long as you go to the flower market, even if the purpose of the first visit is to see, you will never end up empty-handed, even more than when you plan to buy flowers. This kind of love and obsession with flowers can be understood by non-flower lovers. Sometimes are like this, and it's beyond your control.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

However, here, I still hope that non-, you don't have to raise flowers too much in summer, the following 5 pots are enough, and their flowering period will be "contracted" throughout the summer, or even longer. It is necessary to have good looks, and it is particularly easy to raise, and it is worth maintaining.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

The lantern flower that most resembles a lantern

In the flower market, there are at least six species of flowers and plants that I know of. Among so many "lantern flowers", the most similar one is the one above. What do you think? The lantern flower is actually called the vine bellflower, and it is a "flowering machine" because it blooms almost all year round. The flowers are full of innocence and fun, and they are very attractive.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Maintenance points: lantern flowers are light-loving, drought-tolerant, very leathery, and have strong adaptability. Maintenance is basically not difficult. In summer, you are not afraid of the sun, and you can maintain it outdoors or in a sunny place on the balcony; However, the winter cold tolerance is average, and it is necessary to overwinter indoors below 10°C.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

"Immortal" blue snowflakes

The blue snowflake, which has an excellent reputation, is a must-raise flower for many flower friends, and it is also the first pot of flowers that many novices have begun to raise. It not only has attractive color and outstanding appearance, but also has a particularly long flowering period. Blue snowflakes are particularly prone to bursting pots and will create surprises for flower growers. Raise a pot of blue snowflakes in summer and enjoy the cool summer.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Maintenance points: Blue snowflakes love light and heat resistance, can be raised outdoors, or potted on the balcony in a sunny environment. It is a fertilizer-loving plant and can also be fertilized in summer. In addition, blue snowflakes are more resistant to pruning, and can be pruned in time after the flowers are gone, and fertilization can be applied simultaneously.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Unexpected birdtail flowers

Birdtail, people who have not touched this flower, may find it unremarkable. But once you have this flower, you will be ecstatic. Why? Because, its flowering period will completely exceed your expectations, and you think that its flowering period is over. Unexpectedly, after a while, the buds will all pop up again, and the key is that it will also bloom in a cool environment, which is really surprising.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Maintenance points: Birdtail flowers prefer bright environments, but are also tolerant of semi-shade. It is more heat-tolerant in summer and can be maintained outdoors, but be careful not to lack water. In winter, it is necessary to maintain it indoors during low temperature periods. Overall, it's more solid and easy to maintain.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Hydrangea cones that are prone to bursting

If you want to raise hydrangeas in the summer, then raise a pot of cone hydrangea. It is a wood hydrangea with a beautiful plant shape, large flowers, and good ornamentation. It can be planted in the courtyard garden or potted on the balcony. Hydrangea panicles is a typical summer flowering plant that blooms throughout the summer and is very prone to bursting pots. It is one of the most important flowering plants to maintain in summer.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Maintenance points: Hydrangea conus is a very worry-free plant, it is not afraid of cold and heat, it can be planted in the northern region, it is sun-resistant in summer, and it is not afraid of high temperature of about 40 °C outdoors, and it is not afraid of lack of water. It is highly resistant to diseases and has almost no pests and diseases.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

A worry-free lotus flower

Don't raise too many flowers in summer, but you can raise a pot of aquatic plant lotus. As the most typical hydroponic flower in summer, the ornamental value of the traditional Chinese famous flower lotus is needless to say, and people who love to raise flowers should like it. Whether in the courtyard or on the balcony, lotus flowers can be maintained directly with a jar. The flowering season can last until autumn. If you think the lotus is too big, the same hydroponic water lily is also good.

You don't have to raise too many flowers in summer, these 5 pots are enough, you need to have a good look, and it is easy to raise it for a long flowering period

Maintenance points: lotus likes light, as long as the light is sufficient, there is no shortage of water in the tank, it will not die. The lotus produced in the base is made of plastic pots, if you want to put it into a deep fish pond, you can sink it together with the pot, because of the silt, do not take out the lotus alone.

If you have some gardening-related content such as "exotic flowers and plants" or unconventional flower cultivation methods, and need to share, you can contact me.

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