
Goodbye first love and say sorry

author:Free living is a bit salty

We were elementary school classmates, I was a crush, and he never knew it. After graduating from elementary school, there was no contact. I went to college, worked, and started a family in City A. Until I returned to my hometown last year, I saw the one I almost didn't recognize at a classmate party, and I said a few words of greeting.

After the meal, the classmates dispersed one after another, and suddenly he came to sit down in front of me, closed his eyes, pointed to the scar in the corner of his eye, and said: You see.

I jokingly said, "Oh, you quarreled with your daughter-in-law, give you this?" ”

He stared at me for half a day and said, "You got it all right." ”

I was dumbfounded: "Me? When did I bully you? ”

"In elementary school, it rained that day," he said.

Goodbye first love and say sorry

Memories suddenly gushed out like springs, and I remembered. When I was in elementary school, I don't know when this fair-skinned boy attracted me, liked to listen to him and watch him study seriously, but did not dare to take the initiative to say a word to him.

Every day after school, I would only get up when he walked out of the classroom and quietly follow him. Although we went home in the same direction, I never dared to run forward and walk with him.

One rainy day, I still planned to follow him, but when I walked out of the school gate and put up my umbrella, he disappeared into the crowd. I sped up and tried to catch up with him, but I still couldn't find the familiar figure.

Suddenly I heard someone behind me calling me, and I turned around with my umbrella, just bumping into him, and the tip of the umbrella was scratching the corner of his eye. Before I could turn back, he covered his eyes and ran away.

Goodbye first love and say sorry

The next day, his mother came to the school, in front of the whole class, asked the teacher what was wrong with the child's eyes, of course the teacher did not know, I was so ashamed that I did not dare to lift my head, I knew, he must not have said anything.

Since then, I have never dared to talk to him again, let alone look at him more, and this matter has become our eternal secret.

Now we, sitting together, looking at each other, he smiled, and I laughed.

I wanted to cry and held back...

Thirty years later, I still owe him a word: I'm sorry.

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