
Can't go back to the past, can't see the future, goodbye to the first love is already full of sadness

author:Whispers are proud

Last night, I watched the sensational literary film "Two Days and One Night", which depicted a romantic story of a pair of first love lovers who had not seen each other for many years because of chance encounters, talked to each other, played hand in hand, and left when they broke up.

The woman went to Austria for business, and then went home in Paris, because of the Paris airport strike, and the first love boyfriend of France, stayed with her ex-boyfriend in Paris for two days and one night, reminiscing about the past and chasing the future, but found the embarrassing reality that the two hearts were gradually drifting apart.

The man was obviously not doing well in Paris, unmarried so far, painted for a living, and lived in a cramped small building. When the former girlfriend proposed to change clothes in the bathroom, the man's borrowed bathroom was too narrow to hide inside, allowing the ex-girlfriend to change clothes in the living room.

The ex-girlfriend is married and has a cute little son, whom her husband loves. It can be seen that the ex-girlfriend is very attached to the first love boyfriend, but the first love boyfriend will not return to France, the heart is cold and fiercely married. At this time, it had been eleven years since they had graduated from college.

Goodbye is also a familiar stranger, under the aphrodisiac of alcohol, under the fermentation of the emotion of two days of hand-in-hand swimming, want to rekindle old feelings, wipe the gun and go out of fire, helplessly the woman's family's untimely phone call, awakened the old dream of the Mandarin duck.

Time has passed, the man's old ticket can not land in the woman's ship, the man is very depressed, and the woman has a family, who said that a lover must be able to become a family?

The first love is very beautiful, but the hanging flowers are easy to pass away, and after many years, I only wish you had me in your mouth, and you can remember it in your leisure time.

Can't go back to the past, can't see the future, goodbye to the first love is already full of sadness

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