
Novel: After many years of separation, goodbye to the first love, the guy confesses with the help of alcohol, and the first love responds in this way

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Novel: After many years of separation, goodbye to the first love, the guy confesses with the help of alcohol, and the first love responds in this way

The meal was eaten from eight o'clock in the evening until eleven thirty o'clock in the evening.

The two drank a total of fourteen bottles of beer, of which Wu Jing drank eight.

She didn't have anything to do, just her face was slightly rosy, and under the illumination of the light, she was even more playful and cute.

But Malone was a bit on the head, biting his tongue when he spoke, his head was dizzy, and when he finally went to the cashier to check out, he was no longer in a straight line.

Coming out of the grilled fish shop, the two did not get a taxi for a while, so they took a few steps along the road.

Wu Jing held a bottle of mineral water in her hand, her arms playfully shook back and forth, and Quan Dang exercised after dinner, completely unable to see what he looked like after drinking eight bottles of beer.

Malone, on the other hand, was a vigorous burp, a gust of wind blew, and his stomach churned, almost spitting out.

He didn't want to lose someone in front of Wu Jing, and he suppressed this desire to throw up.

Looking at the WeChat above, Wu Jing gave him the thirty thousand yuan transfer record, Ma Long's tongue stiffly asked Wu Jing: "Hey, let me discuss something with you?" ”

"You say." Wu Jing's head did not return.

"You see I don't have anything to do now, why not..."

At this point, Malone stopped because he didn't know how to speak.

Malone is not an alcoholic, he deliberately drank too much today, just to drink to embolden people's guts.

But at the moment, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Ma Long was spitting, Wu Jing turned back and asked, "What the hell is going on?" The car is coming, don't say I'm gone! ”


Ma Long burped again, saying to Wu Jing that it was all right, but in his heart he was scolding himself for instigating.

Wu Jing was inexplicably confused by Ma Long, and laughed and scolded, "You seem to be sick." Then waved to stop a taxi.

She tugged on the car door, stepped up on one leg, and greeted Malone: "Gone, I have to go to work tomorrow!" ”

"Hey, you wait!"

Ma Long gritted his teeth and stopped Wu Jing, as if he had made a lot of determination, and said, "So, big mirror, do you have an object now?" ”

"Huh?" Wu Jing did not react for a while.

"If you don't, do you think I can do it?"

After stuttering this sentence, Marlon's brain was blank, and the nervous emotion was no less than that of facing an enemy in Burma with several times the real gun.

"Are you asking me?" Wu Jing looked at Ma Long in disbelief and held out her index finger to point at her nose.

"Ah, then you see I'm not asking you, am I asking the driver's big brother again?"

... I see that you seem to be a bit of a tiger, you don't understand, what are you pulling at me? ”

The driver complained through the window,

"Big brother, I see that you really drank too much."

Wu Jing sweated wildly, threw down such a sentence and got into the car, slamming the car door shut.

The taxi slowly accelerated, Ma Jun licked his chapped lips, and without knowing where the courage came from, he pulled his neck and shouted: "Big mirror, you wait for me to make a lot of money!" I'm sure to take you home! ”

After Wu Jing heard this, she did not look back, looked at the driver next to her, and quickly explained: "This guy may really drink too much." ”

On the street, in the deserted street, Malone finally couldn't help it, and threw a wild spit at the garbage can.

After spitting out, he wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve, and slapped his head in chagrin: "Yard, this is a shame to lose a lot of hair." ”

By the time I returned to the Phoenix Market, it was already early in the morning, there was basically no one in the market, and many shops had closed.

When Ma Long arrived, Zhang Xiaodong went back to his home in advance, leaving Wang Peng alone to clean up the stall.

In the dim light, Wang Peng's busy figure was pulled by the elder, slightly lonely.

He still had messy hair, a disheveled face, and the clothes he wore were greasy.

This is a bland man who doesn't make people look a second time when put in a pile of people.

But Malone noticed that the man's eyes were different from the others.

The deep gaze is like a bottomless lake, full of stories, and when he is busy, his eyebrows are sometimes stretched, sometimes wrinkled, as if he has something on his mind.

At this time, a stray cat covered in mud barked and walked to Wang Peng's feet to forage for food.

Perhaps because of vigilance, when Wang Peng squatted down, the stray cat "meowed" and screamed to escape ten meters away, staring at the food at Wang Peng's feet in the distance, which was a pile of chicken bones.

Wang Peng threw the chicken bones to the stray cat, and the stray cat slowly walked over and quickly ate the chicken bones clean.

It should be that there is no full food, and the stray cat does not dare to come close, lying on the ground and continuing to bark at Wang Peng.

Wang Peng got up and took out a small dried fish from the house, squatted down, and called out to the stray cat in his mouth.

The stray cat walked over vigilantly, and when he reached Wang Peng's feet, he first grabbed a few dried fish with his feet, and saw that Wang Peng did not react at all, so he realized that he was not in danger and ate it with confidence.

Wang Peng reached out and stroked the stray cat's body a few times, and the stray cat meekly pressed its head against Wang Peng's palm.

Soon, the dried fish finished eating, and the stray cat licked its lips and left.

Wang Peng smiled and watched the stray cat disappear into the darkness, and then began to get busy again.

Malone looked a little surprised for a moment, he lit a cigarette and walked over, laughing

"Brother Peng, you are alone, hard work ha!"

"It's okay, it's not a heavy job, have you got the money?" Wang Peng looked back at Ma Long and immediately grinned.

"Got it."

Ma Long threw Wang Peng a cigarette, and while wiping the table with a rag, he seemed to ask Wang Peng casually

"Brother Peng, where is your hometown?" I listen to your accent, it should not look like a local in Jiangcheng. ”

Hearing this, Wang Peng, who was moving the oven into the house, obviously paused, looked at Ma Long, and did not answer the question.

"I just asked casually, if it's not convenient for you to say, I didn't ask, huh." Malone took a puff of his cigarette and said.

Wang Peng put the oven in the house, felt out the lighter and lit a cigarette, and then said lightly: "My hometown is in the north of Jiangcheng City, I stayed here, I really encountered something, if you have any concerns, I will leave tonight." ”

"I don't have any worries, if you want to leave, I don't force you, anyway, you are on this day, I will pay you for a day."

Wang Peng was stunned for a moment, his lips moved, and finally he didn't say anything.

Since Ma Long and Zhang Xiaodong discussed a partnership to expand the storefront, Zhang Xiaodong cleaned up his storefront on the same day and served as a temporary warehouse for public barbecues, so the space for Ma Long and Wang Peng to sleep was also a little larger.

Every night the two would chat, but after this conversation, Ma Long never asked about Wang Peng's identity again.

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