
Goodbye first love - if life is only like the first sight

author:Rural carpenter
Goodbye first love - if life is only like the first sight

Hello First love

Once upon a time, I thought that I would never see each other again in my lifetime, weChat existed for many years but never had words, more than ten years of mutual like two parallel lines, occasionally remembered, imagined that maybe a lifetime will not meet, deep down, there has been no expectation. This may be the state of many middle-aged people in the past.

A while ago, the cause of the epidemic in Shenzhen, the days were a bit boring, one day flipped through the circle of friends, saw her sent a dynamic, it seems that and cousin in a certain place of food punch card, did not think much, but also casually clicked a like, not a few seconds, she sent a message: I am in Shenzhen! This is indeed a bit surprising, thinking that it has been sixteen years since the university separated, as if for the first time they were geographically close. yes!! Really fake??? I a series of question marks, look at the chat history, this seems to be the first sentence since the mobile phone was changed, confirmed that it is indeed in Shenzhen, it is also a few greetings, at the end, she said I have arrived in Shenzhen, you the host does not express it? I can only echo: Haha, well, I invite you to dinner, what do you like to eat? She said to come to Shenzhen to eat Cantonese food, picked a famous Cantonese dish, and made an appointment.

Hitch a ride, slowly the conversation box opened, probably introduced her recent travels around the country, but also passed through the second day of just coming to Shenzhen, by the way, there is a cousin here in Shenzhen this side of some business relations, just accompany her to shop, did not contact any classmates and friends, is to accompany the sister around. Said that he knew that I was in Shenzhen, but he had been hesitant to tell me, and he saw that I liked me before telling me. I also asked about her recent situation, which seemed to be good but not as good as I thought, of course, there was nothing wrong with it, and I would not elaborate on it.

The next afternoon, she said she was at the Huaqiang Plaza Hotel and made an appointment to meet at Starbucks downstairs. Her sister was there to talk to a friend about something, and I drove as promised, because it was a weekend, I was dressed in casual clothes, and when I called to confirm the position, I wore masks on each other for the first time, and after taking a seat, she looked at me: How are you still young? Then he pulled off his mask and said: I'm not happy, and then I pointed to the boy next door, and like them, I'm old! I also began to look at her, how to say it, the appearance of the charm, the elegant dress, look at her sandals are luxury brands. Should live a good look. And I, indeed, am a young man dressed up very casually. It's just that she looks noticeably darker than her skin used to be. Haha, I mouthed out a sentence: It's okay, not old, not old, still pretty, but how to become black? After listening to me, she directly stared at me fiercely for several seconds without speaking, and then slowly said in a sinister manner: Can you not open which pot to mention? Then explain to traveling everywhere, running around in the sun, annoyed and mentioned. Hit each other haha over.

In fact, we did not talk about anything, that is, to talk about some people and things that we knew well before, lamenting that time passed too quickly, unconsciously we have reached middle age, just like old friends who have not seen each other for many years, nothing else. Then her sister took them to dinner after talking about work, and her sister seemed to know about our past, but she just kept looking at me with a smile. The process was slightly awkward, and The east and west chatted aimlessly for a while, and finally her sister said very politely thank you for the hospitality. At the intersection, she went in the wrong direction, and I reached out to pat her on the shoulder to remind her, but I involuntarily withdrew my hand and could only shout her name to remind her. She looked at me with a harmless smile and waved goodbye!

When I got home, I confirmed that I had arrived smoothly and that I was safe. It was just that it was near the middle of the night, and she suddenly sent a message to ask me if I was there? I said yes, and then said to talk with her, she told me that she had not been in contact with me all these years, in fact, she hated me at the beginning, but I was also very innocent and said that I didn't do anything, how do you hate me? She came up emotionally and told me: When I left school after college, I ran to Shenzhen alone and never went back, during which she asked me to go back many times and I did not go back, I felt that I was so deeply in love, but I was very dissatisfied with my heart. I struggled to explain that if I was wrong, scold me, and I suffered. She said she didn't want to scold, but just asked me why I didn't go back in Shenzhen in the first place. I said that I was poor at that time, and I had no choice but to suffer. She said: Yes, yes, yes, as far as you have so many grievances, have I ever hated you? How many times have you been called back? In fact, at that time, I knew that she had very good people pursuing her, and I bought a train ticket and refunded it. After all, I did not break through the boundaries between men and women, at that time, my conditions were not good, the situation was depressed, I hope she can be with excellent people may be better. I'm just going to make it clear that it's a honeycomb. She is a very emotional girl, because of my reasons, for a long time did not believe in others. She said: You think you don't have to be responsible without sleeping, don't you? You think it's okay to be with whom I'm with, don't you? What do you think? Have you ever thought about how I thought I didn't? I thought that as long as you have the courage to come back, even if you are difficult, even if I give up the good life and you go to the restaurant to serve dishes, we can survive, you know? I also bought a ticket to Shenzhen, but I also refunded it, because I wanted to wait for you to give me courage, but you didn't give it to me, and I gave up. Then a critique of splitting the head and covering the face. Silent, she said that she was angry with me, and the tears did not come out of the air. I could only reply like a humble child, listening to her counts, carefully replying. What can be said? What can be explained? I was helpless... The image of the scumbag was jumped on the paper by her comments (囧).

When she calmed down, she and I talked about her experience over the years, and also quipped that she was nervous to see me that day, went downstairs to the hotel bathroom several times, regretted that there was no makeup that day, regretted that the clothes she wore that day were not beautiful enough, was very angry that I looked younger than her, regretted that her sister was embarrassed not to meet and hug, like a child, I could only listen silently. Who can be easier in life? I also confided in her about my experience, but she said happily: You should not come back before to suffer in Shenzhen. Hahaha, I can only say that if I can make you satisfied, then the guilt should be my fault to compensate you, suddenly a smile and a vendetta.

After a day or two she accompanied her sister to run one or two places we did not meet again, the epidemic in Shenzhen is getting more and more serious, she does not dare to stay too much, left Shenzhen, I did not go to send farewell, and then, after she left Shenzhen because she was quarantined for 14 days because of passing through the airport, it was liberated a while ago. Then we continue to be silent......... After that, there will still be silence...

In life, we will meet many people, maybe friends, maybe lovers, maybe lovers, maybe lovers, meet and meet, everyone can stay around for how long no one knows, but when you are there, please be kind to everyone, when it is not appropriate or someone wants to leave, please let go and bless. In this world, everyone can operate normally, but we must cherish every encounter, only then, many years later, if there is a chance to see you again, you can send another greeting! When I saw each other again, I could still smile as I did at the beginning, and I vaguely remembered the girl from eighteen years ago, the cute girl who ran towards me with a hat and a few small furballs when we first met at the school gate.

PS> have talked to friends, all said that nothing happened? In fact, there really is not, I did not even touch her hand, everyone separated for nearly twenty years, good or bad, each has their own life, there is no intersection during the period, can only be a far blessing, originally quite pure at the beginning, let this memory of youth continue to be beautiful.

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