
Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free

author:Liu Guo emotion

I have always been particularly envious of my grandfather's class reunions, and envy is mixed with heartache, because every time I gather, there will be fewer people, and only the elderly of their age can feel it.

In their time, the economic conditions of each family were similar, and the friendship between classmates was real friendship. Almost no one gets upset because of interests and occasionally needs help from classmates.

Even in today's society, there are very few people who can keep in touch from your student days to your work, get married, and have children.

As a classmate, I always stay in recalling the experience I had when I was a student, nostalgic for the feelings I had, and without common progress, it is difficult to stay long.

If there is no interest mixed in this, there are still a small number of friends with the same window that can survive and cannot be replaced.

As time goes by, this frequency will become less and less frequent. Everyone will go from being single to starting a family, and there is less and less time.

Classmate love is beautiful, but there are some people who use classmates to joke that a male classmate likes a female classmate, and a female classmate has a crush on a male classmate.

Sometimes, this kind of joke that is not considered a joke will be wrong again and again when it is faked.

Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free

Today's story begins with my friend's class reunion, who did not reveal the name of the heroine of the story.

A recent high school reunion made it impossible for me to solve it.

Not long ago, the old class leader talked about the class reunion. It is always the mixed-ups who speak. Students who express silence are mixed up in general, more than the upper and lower than the lower, no one wants to be the head bird.

Finally, under the leadership of several classmates, almost all of them signed up, and everyone AA system found a farm near the location of the high school to have dinner, play, and the students who were far away from home stayed to solve their own problems.

In fact, everyone is a local, but some people's homes are urban, some people's homes are from the surrounding countryside, and some are slightly farther away from the next county. It's just that after graduation, they went their separate ways, and there were very few people who stayed in their hometown to work. In a small county like ours, what can stay and work is not an iron rice bowl, or a business that is doing well.

Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free

I wasn't going to go because my first love was in the same class as me, and I was afraid that I would see awkward eye contact when the time came. Unable to resist my curiosity, I wanted to meet myself, and finally decided to participate in this unknown classmate meeting.

My home is 2 hours away from the place to play, it takes 2 hours by car, it takes 1 hour to drive, considering that the class reunion is indispensable red, white and yellow, I plan to find a hotel near the original school.

When I made this decision, I told my husband about it. My husband said I wasn't asking for his opinion, but informing him.

Since the decision was made, I sent the child to my grandparents first, and my husband didn't say much, so many years, they are all old classmates, or support me to go. He also advised me not to dress too coldly and make my former classmates look down on me.

I took the opportunity to spend several thousand and buy myself a brand new set of lines.

Over the next few days, I was full of anticipation, a little absent-minded, and a little nervous. My husband did not know that my first love was my classmate, and he did not know that the other party would also attend this party, and I never talked about this past.

Although, my husband found me a little uneasy, and joked that I had never been so nervous when I first saw my in-laws.

Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free

On the day of the class reunion, our male and female classmates ate, chatted, drank, and sang in the KTV of the farmhouse.

At the party, the first love took the initiative to say hello to me, hugged me, and asked me if I was okay? He said he was married too and wished me happiness!

This scene was seen by the coaxed classmates, filmed, and sent it to me.

Probably because I drank a little, I sent it to the circle of friends, everyone can see it, with the text: each is well!

Later, when the party ended, I saw a lot of information and ignored it. It wasn't until I woke up the next morning that I contacted my husband, who was particularly angry: "Did you disappear last night?" You have a lot of secrets, oh, what else to say? Immediately, it ended in my husband's anger.

I looked confused, and then, my girlfriends and parents said that they couldn't contact me last night, and they were very anxious, asking me what happened to my circle of friends? Want a divorce? Quickly deleted.

Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free

I always feel like they're making a big deal out of it, isn't it just a class reunion? Isn't it just a photo? Nothing real happened!

When I went back that day, I was a little tired, thinking that the child was still at my grandparents' house and planning to pick it up the next day. When I went back, I simply cooked some porridge to drink, and my husband and I made up a meal.

When I got home, all the clothes and supplies of my husband and children were emptied, moved to my in-laws' house, and my supplies were packed and placed in the community. My husband said that I can't forgive me, I love to go wherever I go.

Classmates party, wife goodbye first love, go home to find people go to the empty building, husband: you are free


Attending a class reunion is nothing, but it is not easy to understand that there are expectations for class reunions other than normal gatherings.

Then because of the class reunion, and then affect the feelings of the husband and wife, it is even more than worth the loss. Grasp the degree, the past is the past, the present is the present, grasp the good life now. 

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