
1800 students on the same stage PK! It turns out that the robot competition is so "brain-burning"

author:Beiqing Net

Modern Express News (Reporter Shu Yue/Wen Shi Xianghui/Photo) On May 15, the "2021 Nanjing Primary and Secondary School Students Robot Competition" was held in Tiebei New Town Branch of Nanjing Normal University Affiliated Primary School and Tiebei Branch of Nanjing Kelihua Middle School. More than 6,000 students from more than 300 schools in Nanjing participated in the district-level selection competition, and nearly 1,800 players from more than 200 schools participated in the municipal competition, launching a contest between wisdom and technology on the same stage.

1800 students on the same stage PK! It turns out that the robot competition is so "brain-burning"

The competition is sponsored by Nanjing Municipal Education Bureau, Nanjing Science and Technology Association, Nanjing Municipal Customs Work Committee, Nanjing Electrification Education Hall (Nanjing Education Informatization Center), Nanjing Teaching and Research Office, and Nanjing Municipal Education Technology and Equipment Center.

1800 students on the same stage PK! It turns out that the robot competition is so "brain-burning"

It is understood that this competition has set up a total of bipedal humanoid robots, wheeled or crawler walking robots, programmable control of aircraft, robot comprehensive skills competition, robot creativity competition, vex robot engineering challenge, robot innovation challenge, wro regular season, vexiq challenge, ftc technology challenge, makex robot challenge thirteen events.

1800 students on the same stage PK! It turns out that the robot competition is so "brain-burning"

In the WRO regular season, Chen Siyuan, the fifth grade of the South Campus of the South Division Attached Middle School Xincheng Primary School, participated in the "Storm City" project. Colorful building blocks are shaped differently, each player is programmed in advance, and the robot completes the task alone. "We're going to drag two cables to the specified location to sort the color blocks. In addition to exercising our thinking and hands-on ability, it also tests our adaptability, such as when we trained before, it has always been a function corresponding to green, and perhaps the scene is white, which requires us to adjust the strategy at any time, which is a bit 'brain-burning'. ”

1800 students on the same stage PK! It turns out that the robot competition is so "brain-burning"

The competition projects are diverse, covering different sections of primary school, junior high school and high school, which fully tests the knowledge reserve, hands-on ability, cooperation ability and on-the-spot adaptability of the contestants. Only calmly and calmly carry out program debugging, build and debug equipment according to requirements, and choose reasonable and optimized programs to complete the specified competition tasks. Zhang Junjun, the referee of the competition, said, "On the field, it seems to be machine-to-machine, but in fact, it is still person-to-person, what kind of attack action the opponent makes, and how to defend This is a very test of the child's ability to be on the spot." In the usual training, many children will continue to exert their imagination. We can liken this to attack and defense in martial arts novels. ”

At present, most schools in Nanjing have set up robot clubs, and some schools also use "robots" and "programming" as school-based courses. Zhang Junjun said that the Nanjing Electrochemical Education Center has always attached great importance to the popularization and application of robot education in primary and secondary schools. Through the activities, students' innovative thinking and ability are cultivated. "We have a special project in the e-education hall, which establishes an innovative education base for the school, a laboratory in the 107 school, and a regional center for regional, large, one-story makers in five districts." From my personal point of view, learning robots in order to learn a certificate is a bit utilitarian, if you cultivate interest from an early age, structure construction, design, for children's hands-on ability, it is very helpful. ”