
What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News July 28 News On July 28, the 20th National College Student Robot Competition ROBOCON opened in Zoucheng, Shandong Province, the hometown of Mencius.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

The "National College Robot Competition (ROBOCON)" is a domestic selection competition for the "Asia-Pacific College Robot Competition (ABU ROBOCON)". The ROBOCON competition is an international collegiate robot creation and production competition launched by the Asian Broadcasting Federation (ABU) in 2002. Every year, the ABU ROBOCON event launches a new theme, and the host country formulates the content and rules of the competition according to the historical and cultural characteristics of the country, and the national university robot competition ROBOCON competition adopts this rule for competition. Contestants need to use mechanical, electronic, control and other technical knowledge and means, after about ten months of production and preparation, the use of robots to complete the task of setting rules.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

In 2020, the ROBOCON Competition entered the 2015-2019 National General University Discipline Competition Evaluation System Ranking List released by the China Higher Education Association.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

The ROBOCON competition is the earliest explorer of new engineering concepts. The task of the event is difficult and the technology is comprehensive, and the participating teams need to complete the design, production, debugging, iteration, and training of the robot within ten months, until they reach the arena, which is a complete robot development process. Here, students need to form an interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary project team, in addition to the development of robotics, the team also needs to complete non-technical tasks such as schedule control, material management, finance, publicity and so on. It has played a positive role in promoting the cultivation of students' complex engineering cognition, systematic thinking, teamwork, project management and other comprehensive qualities.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

As the most challenging and influential robot competition platform in China, since 2002, the National College Student Robot Competition has been successfully held for 19 sessions, under the encouragement of the slogan of "let the thinking boil up, let the wisdom take action", more than 100 colleges and universities in China have actively participated, about 30,000 college students have thrown themselves into this high-level robot competition, and the Chinese (including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) team has won 6 championships, 7 runners-up and 3 third places in the ABU annual finals. By integrating the resources of universities, media, enterprises and governments, this competition has become the most influential event in China's science and engineering colleges, making positive contributions to robot education, and cultivating a large number of outstanding entrepreneurs and engineers for China's robot industry and related scientific and technological fields.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

At present, the National College Robot Competition is sponsored by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, co-organized by the Ministry of Education Higher Education Mechanical Professional Teaching Steering Committee, the Ministry of Education Higher Education Computer Professional Teaching Steering Committee, Shandong Radio and Television Station, the National School Communist Youth League Research Center, the Ministry of Education Applied Technology University (College) Alliance, and supported by the China Youth Development Foundation and the China Guanghua Science and Technology Foundation. The participating students have greatly improved their sense of innovation, engineering practice ability, teamwork level, etc., and cultivated a group of scientific and technological elites who love innovation, can do hands-on, can cooperate and are willing to work hard.

What is ROBOCON? Take you into the story behind the blood-boiling robot race

Lightning News reporter Wang Yao reported

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