
Come on! Feel the fun of robot competitions

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Zibo Daily - Zibo News Network

Zibo News Network News (All-media reporter Zhao Ruixue correspondent Tang Shiqiang Zhou Qingxiang) Remember the science fiction scene of the robot in the movie? Want to experience the joy of robot competition? 2021 National Science Popularization Day, the First National Science Festival and the First Youth Robot Competition in Zibo City kicked off today (September 11)! Let's use our wisdom to create the miracle of science and technology together!

In order to comprehensively promote the implementation of the "Zibo Youth "Dandelion" Science and Technology Education Three-year Action Plan", cultivate the spirit and practical ability of youth scientific and technological innovation, and promote the popularization of robot science and technology, according to the "Notice on Holding the 21st Zibo Primary and Secondary School Students "Cuckoo" Science and Technology Festival Series Activities" (Zijiaoji [2021] No. 11) document requirements, after the municipal science and technology association and the Municipal Education Bureau research and decision, the first youth robot competition in Zibo City will be held in Fanyang Middle School, Wenchang Lake Provincial Tourist Resort, Zibo City. Fanyang Primary School was held.

It is reported that the first youth robot competition in Zibo City is divided into three age groups: primary school, junior high school and high school. The competition items are divided into: Robot Comprehensive Skills Competition, Robot Creativity Competition, RIC Robot Innovation Challenge, ENJOY AI Artificial Intelligence Popularization Competition, Mecha Rescue Challenge, and GAR Artificial Intelligence Popularization Competition.

Edit: Zhang Jian

This article is from [Zibo Daily - Zibo News Network], which only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.
