
Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

author:Small village teacher

Documentary, as a kind of film theme, it adopts an ordinary and simple recording method, bringing people many true and shocking stories, and in many documentaries, animal documentaries are loved by many people, so what are the most popular documentaries about animals, let's take a look at it together.

1. "The Adventures of Beaver White Hair"

Director: PhilipCordron

Writers: Hassina Belkacem

Starring: Benoît Brière / André Dusorrie

Type: Family / Adventure

Release date: 2008-02-08

Description: Bai Mao is a small beaver who lives with his mother and sister. He had never seen his father, who had been eaten by wolves before he was even born. One day, the bear destroyed the embankment, and the white hair was carried far away by the rushing river. He must find his way home and face many dangers. He meets an old beaver (the narrator of the story) who is also separated from his family. The old beaver decided to protect The White Hair and help him find his family.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

2. "The Last Lion"

Directed by Derek Thomas

Writers: Dereck Joubert

Starring: Jeremy Irons

Genre: Documentary / Family

Release: 2011-02-18 (USA)

Introduction: On the African savannah, the same cruel dance has been staged for thousands of years. Due to human hunting and land development, the lion population has decreased sharply, the living space has always been shrinking, and the territory of the matrician Martitaau family has been challenged by the migratory lion group. In the process of fighting for territory, Martitau lost her male lion and had to flee with three baby lions to find a new territory. During the crossing of the river, a small lion was killed, and Martitaw and the remaining two children successfully crossed the river to an island called "Duba". After recuperating, the island is also forced to migrate to the herd of bison, and Matitao slowly masters the skills of hunting bison, and continues to avoid the pursuit of other lions, but also to face hyenas for food. Are "single moms" Martitaw and her cubs the epitome of the last lion on earth? The once king of the hundred beasts now has such a hard time surviving.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

3. "Mungo"

Directed by: James Honeyburne

Writers: James Honeyburne / Alexander McCaw Smith Starring: Paul Newman Genre: Documentary Release Date: 2008-10-15 Introduction: The Karahari Plains of Southern Africa, the fiery sun scorches the earth, in this ancient and vicissitudes of the land, countless lives multiply. They follow the law of survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle, and they stubbornly spend each day. Carlo, a newly born member of the mongoose family, is not strong in the animal kingdom, with falcons, vipers, and other large animals threatening their lives at all times. Only by working together can they survive in a cruel world. From ignorance to ignorance, Kolo eventually grew into an indispensable and important member of the family.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

4. "Microcosm"

Directed by: Claude Nuridsani / Marie Perenu

Writers: Claude Nuridsani / Marie Perenu

Starring: Jacques Behan / Kristen Scott Thomas

Genre: Documentary

Release: 1996-09-06 (Switzerland) / 1996-11-20 (France)

Introduction: High-rise buildings have been seen, and the director has led us into the world of insects with extraordinary shooting skills. Unexpectedly, here, the usually "terrifying" bug gate shows a different kind of beauty. When you look closely at the world, you will find that the hair of the caterpillars is so smooth, the snails that snuggle up to each other are warm enough to earn tears, the hard-working shell lang is seriously dealing with their dung balls every day, the spiders will use a small bubble under the water as their restaurant, and the celestial bulls are fighting each other like bulls. Every bug has never wasted its time idle. The microscopic insect world brings the audience not only the visual shock, but also the truth that nature cannot tell to humans.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

5. "Migrating Birds"

Directed by: Jacques Behan / Jacques Kruod / Michel Deba

Writers: Francis Roux / Jacques Behan / Stéphane Durand / Jean Dorst / Guy Jarry

Starring: Jacques Behan

Genre: Documentary Release Date: 2001-12-12 (France)

Introduction: When birds use their wings to realize their dreams and soar in the sky that we can never reach on our own, what kind of admiration should human beings give them? "The migration of birds is a story of promise, a promise of return." Jacques Behan takes us on a flight of birds and dreams with such a sentence. There is no doubt that [Migrating Birds] directly defines the criteria for "getting the truth" of the world's top documentaries - more than 600 people participated in the filming, which lasted more than 3 years, cost more than 40 million US dollars, and the scenery covered more than 50 countries and regions around the world, and the documentary film was more than 460 kilometers long. The film, which featured 17 of the world's best pilots and two scientific expeditions, caused a sensation as soon as it came out. In just three weeks, more than 2.5 million French people have walked into the theater for it, the giant swans who have flown over 1200 kilometers have insisted on life, the dune cranes looking for a way out in the wind and sand, the penguins who have fought the crows to the end under the ice and snow... Although there is also the discouragement of failure, there are also wooden brains on the edge of the cliff, and there are also peeps from human greed. Apart from simple instructions, there are no more words in the entire film. The protagonist of this film is a bird with a cute attitude and different shapes. They take us over the sea, over the snow, over the mountains, and they use their vibrating wings to explain flying, interpreting persistence, interpreting warmth, and interpreting life.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

6. "Arctic Story"

Directed by Adam Ravetch/Sarah Robertson

Writers: Linda Woolverton / Mose Richards / Kristin Gole

Starring: Quinn Latifa / Katrina Agate / Zain Ali

Genre: Documentary / Family Release Date: 2007-08-17

Description: The film shows the wonders of life in the cold Arctic, the world of ice and snow. Led by her mother, the little polar bear Nanu learns survival skills, escapes the harassment of natural enemies, and also explores the challenges of a new environment, the baby walrus Sayra is a hard-won crystallization in the breeding of the group, with the double protection of mother and aunt, but the sudden environmental changes make the entire walrus population face a huge threat. The descendants of Arctic circle animals will live and multiply as their ancestors, but they will face a very different future, if we humans do nothing more.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

7. "Cnut and His Friends"

Directed by Michael G. Johnson

Writers: Theresa Alto / Rainer Bergomaz

Starring: [deleted] / Thomas Delph Lane / Dietmar Wunder

Release: 2008-03-06 (Germany)

Description: Krut, a polar bear at the Berlin Zoo in Germany, is now the most favored little guy in the city, and was voted "the most important resident of Berlin" at a recent voting event held by a television station. The well-behaved and cute little Nutt attracts the attention of countless gardeners every day. Krut the Polar Bear has a dazzling star as soon as he appears, and immediately becomes the treasure of the town garden of the Berlin Zoo. This cute little polar bear had a tragic encounter. Last December, after the mother mother bear gave birth to Krut and her twin brother, she abandoned them in the cave. Krut's brother died soon after, but Krut Jr. was lucky enough to be rescued by the breeders. Since then, Krut's life has changed dramatically, drinking milk, eating cod liver oil, chicken soup supplements, and sleeping with a teddy bear. It is also this pampered and habitual situation that some animal protection people are not used to. They believe that doing so would destroy the nature of wild animals. Some even suggested that Krut should be given a poison injection and euthanized. However, looking at little Krut's big innocent eyes, no one really got his hands on it. The Berlin Zoo eventually decided to keep Krut. The director of the Berlin Zoo said that today's global warming, coupled with the frequent activity of humans near the Arctic, seriously threatens the survival of polar bears. Scientists predict that if this continues, polar bears will become extinct within 100 years. Therefore, the cute little Krutt is even more precious.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

8. "White Planet"

Directed by: Jean Lemire / Thierry Piantanida / Thierry Ragobert

Writers: Stéphane Millière / Thierry Piantanida

Starring: Jean-Louis étienne

Release date: 2006-03-22

Introduction: The film is based on the polar bear family on the Arctic continent, recording the story of polar bear mothers giving birth and raising their own bear babies, and various strange creatures on the Arctic continent will alternate. The North Pole, a planet isolated from us. Ice floes, boundless plains and unique animals at sea form a beautiful and mysterious white planet. The mother polar bear gave birth to her two cubs in her snow cave. The bears are slowly growing up, and they are beginning to practice predation, but they are still a bunch of playful children in their bones. The mother bear now has three months to feed her children, and during this short hunting season, every day is extremely precious. The mother bear captured a seal with great patience and her children enjoyed a wonderful feast. In early June, the Arctic is at its highest intensity, which means the arrival of summer when food is scarce. The bears' area of activity gradually shrinks, and they are forced to swim in the water to find new hunting places. The bears saw walruses taking refuge on the few remaining pieces of ice floes, hoping to catch a baby walrus. In the distance, the mother polar bear gazed affectionately at her children. After four months of continuous daylight, the temperature began to drop and the sea began to condense. The mother bear realizes that it is time for her children to live independently. She watched with a look of anguish as her children played with each other. The mother bear left alone, and before leaving she struggled to make a freshly formed piece of ice floes change direction, which, if broken, would make it extremely difficult for her children to catch seals. In the distance, the little fox, scurrying around, he stole a bird's egg, secretly hid it, ready to enjoy it in bad weather, the whales frolicking in the sea, they are the elves of the sea; The reindeer are constantly migrating, and they have reached the last piece of land in front of the ocean. All Arctic ice and snow will disappear this summer, and the species that depend on these ice cubes will also die out.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

9. The Emperor Penguin Diaries

Director: Luc Jaguet

Writers: Luc Jagay / Michel Fisler

Starring: Charles Bellin / Romana Pauline / Jules Struk

Genre: Documentary Release Date: 2005-01-26 (France)

Description: This is a film that truly reflects the life of penguins. The northern part of the Antarctic continent has a mild climate and plenty of food; In the south, snow is covered all year round, the climate is cold, and food shortages are scarce. But the south also has its advantages, that is, it is ecologically stable and there is no natural enemy pursuit. In order to let the baby penguin grow up healthily, the parents of the penguins will come from the north to the south every year to hatch small penguin eggs. Papa penguins and mother penguins take turns incubating eggs, while the other travels thousands of miles to find food. The hardships of the journey are unbearable for anyone, and the weak penguins carry out this arduous task back and forth every year. The tenacious vitality shown in the film is thought-provoking.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!

10. "The Weeping Camel"

Directed by: Byambasuren Davaa / Luigi Falorni

Writer: Piabasulen Daeva

Starring: Janchiv Ayurzana / Chimed Ohin / Amgaabazar Gonson

Genre: Drama / Documentary / Family

Release date: 2004-04-07

Introduction: Outer Mongolia, the endless Gobi Desert, vast and far-reaching. The herders maintain the most primitive living habits, living by the water and grass, and full of reverence for the heavens. Although they live in poverty, they are self-sufficient and happy, enjoying the blessings of nature and becoming one with the cosmic flood. A female camel raised by a family gave birth to a rare white cub, and the mother refused to breastfeed the child. In the Gobi Desert, where the wind and sand are strong and the climate is harsh, the lives of the cubs are greatly threatened. In order for the mother camel to accept the child, the family decided to use the ancient Mongolian method of musical rituals to impress the mother camel.

Microscopic bugs give you visual shock, ten of the hottest and most classic animal documentaries!