
Novel: Su Xinyao completely collapsed, he has worked so hard for so long, he is actually no better than a dead man


When Su Xinyao heard these words, her eyes suddenly turned red.

She sat on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hao Chen, are you sure you still can't forget Mo Xue, she won't come back... It's been so long! Su Xinyao cried.

"Shut up! You slut! It's because of you that I forgot about the old days! Gu Haochen ignored Su Xinyao's tears and slammed something on the table.

Su Xinyao's fierceness, Gu Haochen restored his previous memories?!

Impossible, hypnotists I specifically found from abroad... How could it be so fast...

Su Xinyao suddenly thought of something, the hypnotist told her that if the hypnotized person has been trapped in the thing called forgetting, it will gradually awaken...

And Gu Haochen locked himself in Su Moxue's world for several months!

Su Xinyao completely collapsed, he had worked so hard for so long, he was actually no better than a dead man?!

Well, Gu Haochen, since you are so crazy, let you despair a little more!

Su Xinyao began to laugh, like a madman, and her appearance did not match her appearance at all.

She stood up shakily and looked directly at Gu Haochen.

"It seems that you have already remembered, and it is useless to hide it now, so I will tell you."

Su Xinyao smiled coldly and looked proud.

"Yes, after you had a car accident, I hypnotized you and made you think that I was your lover."

Gu Haochen glared at Su Xinyao, his hand clenched tightly.

"And..." Su Xinyao did not intend to stop, she walked over to Gu Haochen and held up her mobile phone.

On the phone screen is an inspection report.

Su Moxue, lymphoma.

"Even if Su Moxue didn't sink to the bottom of the sea, she wouldn't live long!" She's dead set! ”

Gu Haochen carefully and carefully confirmed the words on it, and the next second he grabbed the mobile phone and smashed it on the ground.

"You liar! You liar!! This is a fake checklist! Gu Haochen pushed Su Xinyao to the ground with force.

"Remember the time she fainted!" I told you she was anemic! That's what lies you! She just had lymphoma! ”

Su Xinyao smiled madly and looked at Gu Haochen's almost collapsed face, becoming more and more happy.

"I don't believe it!" Gu Haochen said that he called the hospital, "Give me all the examination reports from Su Moxue a few months ago!" all! ”

Soon, an email was sent to Gu Haochen's computer.

Gu Haochen clicked on it, and the first one was the examination he arranged when Su Moxue fainted, and the diagnosis of lymphoma was diagnosed.

There was another letter that Gu Haochen did not know, Su Moxue's own inspection.

Gu Haochen had a strong uneasiness, and he hesitated for a long time before clicking on the second letter.

Su Moxue, diagnosed with pregnancy.

The double blow made Gu Haochen's brain explode. He didn't know all these things, Su Moxue was actually pregnant before she boarded that ship!

And I actually did such a cruel thing when she was pregnant and had cancer...

In the silence, he looked at Su Xinyao.

"Do you know about Mo Xue's pregnancy?" Gu Haochen asked calmly, but his voice was trembling.

"Oh, of course I know." Su Xinyao said dismissively.

"So, did she take your baby?"

"I fell down myself for the miscarriage and — to get rid of her baby." Su Xinyao said slowly, these plans she had thought of at the beginning, only Gu Haochen foolishly listened.

Gu Haochen didn't ask again, he walked directly over and slapped Su Xinyao.

Su Xinyao was stunned.

Another slap, Gu Haochen still did not speak, but Su Xinyao could not stand it.

She shouted loudly and got up from the ground, trying to escape, but was pulled by Gu Haochen and slapped again.

"Gu Haochen! It's useless for you to just hit me! She'll never come back! You die! Just me! I'm your wife! It's Mrs. Gu's family! ”

Su Xinyao shouted in spite of everything, like a jumping beam clown.

"Roll! Divorce tomorrow! Even if I don't see Mo Xue, I will never let you be my wife! ”

After saying this, Gu Shengqi threw Su Xinyao out of the door and closed the office door tightly.

He went back to his desk, looked at the two checklists, and pounded the wall with his hand in remorse.

Su Moxue was so strong, how could she be tortured to death by these? She will not die, she will not, I will not keep looking for her...

What Gu Haochen didn't know was that a month ago, after the accident on that steamship, some of the bodies floated down the sea to other places.

Su Moxue, on the other hand, was rescued by a passing fisherman the next day.

The fisherman was asked to salvage and save people, a young man who happened to pass by.

He looked at Su Moxue, who had been rescued, and immediately decided to save her and take her away.

"Assistant, you hurry up and call the medical team now, I have a seriously ill person here who needs emergency treatment, contact the hospital, and definitely cure her for me!"

The youth hung up the phone and looked at Su Moxue's face, full of heartache and tenderness.

Su Moxue opened her eyes and lost consciousness.

Where is this...? Why can I still wake up... Is it a dream...?

Su Moxue didn't know what was happening, her train of thought hadn't been sorted out, and suddenly she heard a voice calling out to her eagerly.

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