
Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

author:Good mood Yaya entertainment

Introduction: Even in the past many years, "The Biography of Zhen Huan" is also a leader in the palace fight drama, with excellent production and attention to detail, and has always been the place where "The Biography of Zhen Huan" has been praised by everyone. Such a conscience drama, naturally in the casting will be cautious and cautious, so I don't know if everyone has noticed, the drama is called Qing Sakura, that is, the queen of the Uranara clan in "Ruyi Zhuan", why is it a crooked neck? Is this the case with the characters, or is the actor himself flawed?

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

The story behind the actor who plays Aozakura

The actor who plays Qing Ying in "The Biography of Zhen Huan" is Zhang Huanmeng, a Beijing Chaoyang ren, graduated from the Beijing Modern Conservatory of Music and is a mainland Chinese actress. In that year, she won the Outstanding Actress Award of the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for her performance in "Warm Spring", and also participated in excellent drama works such as "Golden Wedding" and "Cherry Red Pocket Mother". Then being able to enter art school, and there are other works, we can be sure that Zhang Huanmeng, the actor himself, does not have a crooked neck problem.

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

Setting up Sakura 'crooked neck', what do you want to express?

Excluding the problem of the actor itself, then what remains is the need of the role, so what is the meaning of setting Qing Sakura's crooked neck in "The Biography of Zhen Huan"? This Qing Sakura is the niece of Empress Yixiu of the Uranara clan, Yi Xiu and Zhen Huan's moves, seeing Zhen Huan supporting the four brothers, so he has to grasp the three brothers, Yi Xiu has no heirs under his knees, so she can rely on the three brothers.

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

However, the Three Brothers were not his own sons after all, so it was convenient for him to control the Three Brothers in the future. Yi Xiu was very attached to the position of empress, and she herself wanted to get the position of empress, and she also wanted to ensure that the next empress was still in the hands of the Uranara family, so she chose Qing Sakura to be Fujin for the three brothers. Even Aoya is not outstanding, and even has a mutilated body, such as a crooked neck. Maybe it is to reflect empress Yixiu's desire to control and her attachment to the posthumous position through this point.

The Three Brothers did not accept the Queen's affection

From the attitude of the three brothers, it is not difficult for us to see that he is actually not cold to Qing Sakura. In other words, no one wants to be arranged like a puppet like this, and moreover, it is still a woman with a crooked neck and a woman who does not look outstanding, the queen's intentions, the three brothers will not know! As a result, after Qing Sakura was rejected by the third brother, she angered the empress with a big word, and was directly given to the fourth brother as a side fujin, and finally it was also a crooked beating.

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

The crooked neck of the green cherry is not easy to mess with

Qing Sakura's physical defects had actually affected her dignified manners. As a result, in addition to her physical defects, Qing Sakura's emotional intelligence is also very worrying. This can be seen by her attitude towards Princess Yueyue. A family woman who had not yet become a climate actually hated Princess Yueyue and did not have the slightest reverence for the princess. This offended Zhen Huan and Jingfei, the two big names, so what good fruit can Qing Sakura eat?

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

The crooked neck implied that she was restless and self-guarding, and sure enough, in the end, even her own aunt did not care, and directly turned to Zhen Huan. It can be seen that her mind is not right, just like her crooked neck, Zhen Huan became the empress, and the points to them were actually said to Qingying.

Biography of Zhen Huan: Is Qing Sakura's crooked neck a need for character setting, or is it a problem with the actor himself?

If this woman had no means, how could she later climb to the empress position as a side Fujin? But also because she was not in the right mind, in the end it was also considered to be a high and heavy fall. The neck is crooked, and the road of life is also crooked. This is probably the real meaning of this character being set up as a crooked neck, what do you think?

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