
Xu Shaohua was only 3 days after getting married, and he ran to the crew to become a monk, as the most handsome Tang monk, he should have been on fire, who would have thought that he would resign in order to go to school, so that Chi Chongrui picked up a bargain. Chi Chongrui, who exploded

author:Moe Cat Film and Television Museum

Xu Shaohua was only 3 days after getting married, and he ran to the crew to become a monk, as the most handsome Tang monk, he should have been on fire, who would have thought that he would resign in order to go to school, so that Chi Chongrui picked up a bargain.

The explosive Chi Chongrui was favored by the billionaire Chen Lihua, and the two got married, and Chi Chongrui became a winner in life, and he didn't have to struggle all of a sudden.

As the saying goes, sometimes life must have in the end, life is always demanding, there is joy and sorrow is life, bitterness and sweetness is life.

Xu Shaohua is old now, and he can only play the role of Tang Monk to eat and eat and participate in commercial performances everywhere.

But it is also to make money with their own skills, fried cold rice does not matter, someone is willing to pay. It's much easier than the old people who move bricks at the construction site

#微头条生活养成计划 #

Xu Shaohua was only 3 days after getting married, and he ran to the crew to become a monk, as the most handsome Tang monk, he should have been on fire, who would have thought that he would resign in order to go to school, so that Chi Chongrui picked up a bargain. Chi Chongrui, who exploded
Xu Shaohua was only 3 days after getting married, and he ran to the crew to become a monk, as the most handsome Tang monk, he should have been on fire, who would have thought that he would resign in order to go to school, so that Chi Chongrui picked up a bargain. Chi Chongrui, who exploded
Xu Shaohua was only 3 days after getting married, and he ran to the crew to become a monk, as the most handsome Tang monk, he should have been on fire, who would have thought that he would resign in order to go to school, so that Chi Chongrui picked up a bargain. Chi Chongrui, who exploded

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