
Xinyi Mayor Li Sheng inspected safety production and epidemic prevention and control work

author:Market Weekly
Xinyi Mayor Li Sheng inspected safety production and epidemic prevention and control work

On October 1, Mayor Li Sheng went deep into the front line to inspect the safety production and epidemic prevention and control work of transportation, construction, chemical enterprises, and stressed that it is necessary to firmly establish bottom-line thinking and responsibility awareness, attach great importance to safe production and epidemic prevention and control, strengthen organizational leadership, effectively implement strict and strict, practical and practical measures, pay close attention to various measures for safe production and epidemic prevention and control, and ensure that the people of Xinyi City spend a safe and happy National Day festival.

Li Sheng first came to the North Bus Station and inspected the traffic safety and epidemic prevention and control situation in detail. He stressed that Xinyi City has convenient transportation, and the traffic safety and epidemic prevention and control of the National Day holiday have heavy responsibilities and pressures, and the relevant responsible units such as transportation and health should attach great importance to it, effectively implement work responsibilities in accordance with the latest work requirements of the province and Xuzhou City, and pay close attention to the safety inspection and epidemic prevention and control work of key places such as bus stations and railway stations. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of infrastructure such as fire protection and security inspection, and improve the intrinsic safety level of public places such as bus stations and railway stations; it is necessary to strengthen driver safety production training and education to ensure safe driving and standardized operation; transportation, safety supervision, fire protection and other departments should strengthen the safety management of dangerous vehicles and ensure traffic safety in Xinyi City.

Li Sheng came to the construction site of the substation Beiyuan to learn about the progress of the project, the implementation of the responsibility system for safe production, and the implementation of epidemic prevention and control work. At the construction site, Li Sheng pointed out specific problems in safe production and epidemic prevention and control. He stressed that the construction site in Xinyi City is an important area of safe production work in Xinyi City, and it is necessary to set strict requirements and strict standards, earnestly improve the awareness of safety management, always put safe production in the first place, continuously strengthen the awareness of the red line, and further implement the responsibility system for safe production of all employees; construction and supervision enterprises should strengthen daily self-inspection and self-correction of safe production, strictly implement the attendance rate of the main management personnel of the construction site and the special operation personnel holding certificates in management, and supervise and urge the project department to strictly implement the responsibility system for safe production The person in charge of the construction site should earnestly implement the main responsibility, not only to grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, but also to build a solid sense of safe production, and to make overall arrangements for the construction plan of the project to ensure the safe and smooth progress of the project.

In the production plant of Jiangsu Hanling Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Li Sheng learned about the implementation of safety production measures, and asked the staff in detail about their job safety responsibilities and hidden danger elimination steps. He stressed that safe production is related to the survival and development of enterprises and the safety of employees, and it is necessary to fully implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production, actively grasp the management of production sites, and conscientiously investigate and rectify all kinds of safety hazards. It is necessary to strengthen the safety education and training of employees, improve the level of safety prevention and emergency disposal, and go all out to ensure that the situation of safe production is stable. The economic development zone should strengthen the construction of safe production and environmental protection infrastructure, hire professionals, strictly control the projects entering the park from the aspects of safety risks, production technology, technical level, and market prospects, and consolidate the foundation for high-quality development. Li Sheng encouraged enterprises to seize the opportunity, on the basis of guarding the bottom line of safe production, go all out to impact new goals, continuously transform and upgrade, and contribute more to the high-quality development of Xinyi City.

(Source: Xinyi Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private messages or send 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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