
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power

author:Baijiang Culture and Art

#Headline Calligraphy and Painting##Cultural Influence#

【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power

Aoyama is lyrical

——Appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a powerful calligrapher and painter in the military

Tian Lanfu/Text

As a painter and calligrapher, Li Qingyun's popularity in Beijing has been rising day by day in the past ten years, especially his landscape paintings in the style of Huang Binhong have been widely praised by the painting community. As the honorary president of the Huang Binhong Painting Academy in China, his paintings have been continuously published in various newspapers and periodicals across the country, and have been continuously exhibited in various places, becoming a hot spot for many collectors. Taking the time to meet, we had an in-depth conversation about his painting style and achievements.

Li Qingyun has always had a soft spot for painting, and his painting study and creation have lasted for a long time, and during his university years, he bought many painting books at home and abroad to study and study painting. Calligraphy and painting are of the same origin, based on his talent in calligraphy, his painting learning and creation began to enter quickly, and at the same time, he was humble and studious, and met many book friends and painting friends, often exchanging calligraphy and painting skills together.

There are two masters of calligraphy and painting who have a great influence on Li Qingyun in painting. One is Mr. Chen Zilin, an old professor of Xi'an Painting Institute, and the other is Mr. Zhu Yingren, a master of Chinese painting. Mr. Chen Zilin's attainment in flower and bird painting is quite high, and he is highly respected among the famous flower and bird painting artists in China. The peonies, plum blossoms, orchids, eagles and ducks he painted are all paintings of Yi Yi, and he is known as the leading figure of the Chang'an School in his paintings of flowers and birds. It was 1995, and Mr. Chen Zilin, then a professor at the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, went to Longxian County, Shaanxi Province to sketch with professors from other colleges, and lived in the military courtyard. By chance, Li Qingyun had the opportunity to learn freehand flower and bird painting from Mr. Chen Zilin. On holidays, when Mr. Chen paints all over Baoji, Li Qingyun often accompanies him. Li Qingyun's painting style is greatly influenced by Chen Lao, emphasizing penmanship, lyricism, and fun.

Another master of Chinese painting, Mr. Zhu Yingren, also had a deep influence on Li Qingyun's paintings, when Li Qingyun was working in Qingyang, Mr. Zhu Lao went to Qingyang to paint, and Li Qingyun worshiped Mr. Zhu as a teacher. Mr. Zhu is a junior disciple of Mr. Pan Tianshou and an old professor of the Chinese Academy of Painting, and his paintings of flowers and birds are among the leading painters of the Shanghai School in recent times. The famous teachers pointed out and taught, plus the understanding of the hand, which greatly improved Li Qingyun's painting level.

In the early days, Li Qingyun's works were mainly flower and bird paintings, and he studied Wu Changshuo's painting style. In 2005, after he was transferred to Beijing, he visited the famous masters of calligraphy and painting in Beijing, and watched various art exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China, which played an important role in his rapid progress in the comprehensive literacy of painting.

In fact, the achievement of Li Qingyun in painting is his research and study of Huang Binhong's landscape painting. As early as 1997, he began to study and study Huang Binhong's works, and studied Huang Binhong's landscape paintings every day, laying a deep artistic foundation for decades. After arriving in Beijing, he often visited the works of Huang Binhong in the art museum, carefully studied the authentic masters, understood the mysteries, and made great progress in pen and ink kung fu. Li Qingyun believes that although today's painters have multiple brushes and inks, ordinary painters make multiple renderings and do more vast landscapes to make up for it, although it is a method, but some landscape paintings look majestic, but after a long time, it is boring. The landscapes of famous artists are more inked on the paintings, and some landscape paintings are only a few stones and a few trees, but they are like a solid world in front of them, which makes people look confident and confident. He believes that heavy pen and ink can not play with pen and ink, playing pen and ink is the careful chest of ordinary literati, painting landscapes should have the big world in mind, to praise the magnificence of mountains and waters, to reflect the idea of the unity of heaven and man, to paint landscape painting, not only to reflect the painter's technique and composition, but also to reflect the painter's great wisdom, if painting landscapes only wants to please people, not endowed with thoughts, even if the scenery is colorful, there is not much value.

Li Qingyun's landscape paintings are quite true to Huang Binhong's paintings, and the brushwork and ink technique are exquisite. Looking at his paintings, people are moved, there are intentions in the paintings, and the pen and ink not only write scenes, but also give realm ideas. The ink is divided into five colors, his landscape paintings do not have many coloring, but he is good at reflecting natural scenery through ink color, his brush and ink are neglected in brushwork skills, and he rarely uses traditional painting structures, but he uses pen work, ink also live, eclectic, in a painting various brush strokes are kneaded and used, but people feel that the pen has a source, and the techniques are all traditional.

Whether it is his paintings of flowers and birds or his landscape paintings, he has been praised and affirmed by many famous artists in several solo exhibitions, and he can be called a powerful painter with remarkable skills.

【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power
【Headline Calligraphy and Painting】Qingshan deliberately lyrical - appreciation of the works of Li Qingyun, a calligrapher of military power

About the author

Tian Lanfu, a native of Xintai City, Shandong Province, successively served as a cadet of the military academy, press officer, secretary of the Political Department, political instructor, editor-in-chief, chief editor of the People's Army Daily, senior colonel, currently the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine "Army Literature and Art", professional and technical level 6, graduated from the Department of Journalism of Chinese Minmin University and the Department of Journalism of the former Nanjing Institute of Political Science of the People's Liberation Army, postgraduate degree, published many monographs, published more than 40 academic papers, won dozens of various awards in news, literature, music and other fields, and received several meritorious awards. He served as an expert judge of the 31st China TV Golden Eagle Awards, and wrote and published more than 100 songs, including representative works "Please rest assured by the party" (Yan Weiwen and Fei Jia), "Going Home" (sung by Liu Hegang and Zewang Dorji), "Waiting" (sung by Cao Fujia), "This Road" (sung by Huo Yong and Fei Jia), "Mountains and Rivers" (sung by Huo Yong), "Heroes of Wind and Rain" (sung by Zhou Xuan), "Old Comrades-in-arms" (sung by Xiao Zeng), "Taking Root in the Land of China" (sung by Fei Jia and Ping'an), "Return to Hongqi Canal" (sung by Wang Lida), "Leading Spring" and "Spring Warm China" (sung by Wang Nina) "War Drums Urge Recruitment", "Walking to War", "Reluctant Goodbye" (sung by Li Xuan), "Charging Forward" (sung by Tong Mei), etc., have been pushed by hundreds of media such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, CCTV, Study Qiangguo, Central Guangzhou, People's Liberation Army Newspaper and Finance Media, China Military Net, Study Corps, China Military Bugle, Bayi TV and so on.

Editor: Xinhong, Baijiang Culture and Art Center

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