
Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: lush green mountains and green waters, please give the next couplet

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: lush green mountains and green waters, please give the next couplet

Shanglian: Lush green mountains and green waters

The word "lush", the first thing that catches the eye is full of greenery, rich green covering the rolling mountains, giving people a sense of vitality, the depth and verdant of the mountains and forests.

The phrase "green mountains floating in green water" cleverly breaks the inherent tranquility with the word "floating", making the static green mountains seem to float lightly on the blue waves.

The description of this dynamic cannot help but be reminiscent of the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei's "Autumn Dusk in the Mountain House": "After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late in autumn." The artistic conception of "the bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring stone is upstream" also uses the combination of movement and stillness to show the magic and beauty of nature.

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: lush green mountains and green waters, please give the next couplet

Downlink: Pian Pian Ziyan cuts the red glow

The little girl wears a purple jacket and a tail like a pair of scissors.

The house is built on the beams of the house, and the ability to catch insects is high.

"Little swallow, wearing flower clothes, come here every spring, I asked the swallow why you came, and the swallow said that the spring here is the most beautiful." Swallows, loved by the people. "Last year's swallows were in the world, who are the swallows this year? Listen to the night rain in March, but now it is not to promote flowers". Swallows have also been frequent visitors to poets' pens since ancient times.

The next couplet begins with "Pian Pian Zi Yan", which vividly depicts the light posture of Zi Yan flying in spring, and a "Pianpiao" not only expresses the elegance of the swallow when flying, but also implies the liveliness and vitality of spring.

"Cutting the red glow" is a stroke of genius, Ziyan shuttles between the gorgeous red glow, and its flight trajectory seems to cut the clouds on the horizon, which not only highlights the liveliness and loveliness of Ziyan, but also increases the interest of the picture, showing the beauty of the interaction between nature and life.

Miaolian Jia pair, Shanglian: lush green mountains and green waters, please give the next couplet

On the whole, this couplet is set against the backdrop of green mountains and green waters, with Ziyan Hongxia as the protagonist, forming a colorful spring scenery with appropriate movement and stillness. It is not only a portrayal of natural scenery, but also an artistic expression of the concept of harmonious coexistence between life vitality and nature.

The green mountains and green waters of the upper link, the purple swallows and red glows of the lower link, one static and one moving, one plain and one beautiful, complement each other, perfectly integrated, which not only reflects the magnificence and delicacy of the natural world, but also embodies the poet's yearning for a better life and philosophical thinking about the life of the universe, which is endlessly evocative.

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