
Liu Deqian: I have experienced 40 years of China's tourism planning

author:Traveler Changguo OnTheRoad

China's tourism planning has developed in 40 years, and has experienced about four stages of development and three generations of joint efforts, and has made many achievements. Naturally, there are also some regrets left.

As an old man who "mistakenly broke into" the tourism planning industry, he basically does not write anything now, but he is also willing to roughly sort out his own experience and observations, talk about his own superficial understanding, and hope to be able to make a little contribution to the healthy development of China's tourism planning after the epidemic.


China's tourism planning began roughly in the early 1980s. At that time, most of the more knowledgeable comrades had already realized that in order to truly draw up a decent tourism plan, it was necessary for comrades from multiple disciplines to work together; even so, the presiding officer of the plan must also have a wealth of knowledge and considerable experience.

At that time, almost every industry was crossing the river by feeling the stones, and it was difficult to say who did tourism planning as an example. However, there are also a few more mature plans, so they have also had a very positive impact.

It was not until the mid-to-late 1980s that China's tourism planning really began to enter the threshold of disciplines. At that time, the situation was that the theory of "less investment, faster results" in the tourism industry that has always been popular has not worked, so friends in the industry have awakened that they should arrange the development plan, and tourism will have better prospects.

At this time, or before this, some basic norms of tourism planning have not yet been formed, and some plans have not even grasped the basic links of planning, resulting in many problems. Slightly introductory, the relationship between tourism planning and urban planning, as well as the relationship with garden planning, seems to be more entangled. Fortunately, people's understanding is gradually improving.

On the road of scientific, legal and standardized progress, China's urban planning work was already in the forefront. As early as 1984, China's State Council officially promulgated the "Urban Planning Regulations", which is the first basic regulation on the planning, construction and management of cities in China after the founding of the People's Republic of China; following the completion of the formal legislation of the "Urban Planning Law of the People's Republic of China" by the National People's Congress in 1989, the Ministry of Construction formulated the "Urban Planning Preparation Measures"...

From the perspective of the mainstream of development, urban planning for the overall planning, zoning planning, control detailed planning, relevant texts, implementation rules, plans and other hierarchical classification arrangements, as well as the establishment of a series of indicator systems, etc., these paradigms, at this stage, has gradually become a valuable basis for the preparation of China's tourism planning. For a long period of time, it is precisely because of this basis and relevant references that the large-scale compilation of tourism planning has become possible in China. It can be said that in China, regional planning based on urban planning has also provided many successful examples for the preparation of tourism planning.

In fact, looking back at the history of China's tourism planning development, it is not difficult to find that tourism planning is not only born out of urban planning and regional planning in general, but also retains many valuable essences of urban planning and regional planning. At the same time, planners familiar with urban planning and regional planning and growing tourism planners are constantly enriching their tourism planning skills with valuable experience in urban planning and regional planning.

At this time, the pioneers of tourism planning were also concerned with internationally advanced planning concepts, such as the Athens Charter and the Machu Picchu Charter. If their own planning also involves historical districts, ancient gardens and old villages and towns, then China's "Cultural Relics Protection Law", "Venice Charter", "Washington Charter", "Florence Charter", "Nara Authenticity Document" and other international professional organizations and some relevant documents of the United Nations are all within their thinking.

However, it has also been found that tourism planning, which adapts to the new development of tourism, is still different from traditional urban planning and regional planning (including traditional scenic spot planning).

If you think with the concept of the famous "Machu Picchu Charter", each area in the plan should have its own characteristics of the arrangement, so when preparing tourism planning, we can not but face the social characteristics of tourism behavior, the economic characteristics of tourism industry, the psychological characteristics of tourist behavior, and the exclusive characteristics of non-mobility, non-storage and so on of tourism products. It is based on the consideration of these characteristics, if our tourism planning does not have its own characteristics, but is only satisfied with copying the traditional scenic spot planning model, or urban planning model, or hard to use urban planning and other indicator systems, whether such an approach continues to be feasible, there is a need to consider it again. It's just that these problems are not so obvious in the early stage of tourism planning.


In the early 1980s, I began to teach at the Beijing Second Foreign Branch. Before and after that, Guo Laixi, Yang Yizuo and Yang Guanxiong of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chen Chuankang and Xie Ninggao of Peking University, meng Zhaozhen of the Beilin Academy and other famous experts in tourism-related disciplines from all came to the Second Outer Branch to substitute for classes. I remember once, Liu Zhenli, a teacher in charge of receiving these foreign experts from the History and Geography Teaching and Research Department of our institute (a classmate of my Chinese department in Nankai), took a copy of the tourism development planning text of Changli, Hebei Province, to talk to me about tourism planning: He remembers that the last time the Beijing CPPCC moved out of Beihai Park Jingxin Zhai, the college sent us to attend a small symposium convened there by Liu Mingfu, director of the Institute of Finance and Trade of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (to discuss how cultural heritage sites serve tourism). I said that I had bought a copy of the "Tourism Geography Anthology" of the Tourism Geography Group of the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which talked about tourism planning, and was reading, although the book was relatively thin, but it felt very concise.

Soon, the college asked Liu Zhenli to undertake a tourism plan for Shidu on the outskirts of Beijing, and he asked me to accompany him to investigate and write, which was the first tourism plan I participated in the preparation. A little later, before the Mutianyu Great Wall will be opened on a trial basis in 1987, he participated in the field visit in the early stage of Mutianyu tourism planning (due to the difference in the propositions of the two sides and did not continue). The first plan I participated in the review was Mr. Zheng Guangzhong of the Department of Planning of Tsinghua University's "Yellow River Qingtongxia Tourism Development Plan". To be honest, I was involved in a new and sincere learning attitude at that time.

In my major when I was in school, I was still more qualified to teach literature and culture courses in the academy, but later when I was asked to take on the work of tourism research and preside over the journal, my knowledge and ability were far from enough. It is gratifying that in the early 1980s, chen Chuankang and other famous teachers from sister universities came to the college to give lectures, and in the interaction with them, I learned the idea of entering the tourism discipline from multiple disciplines in order to jointly cultivate the tourism discipline; in 1988, when I was entrusted with editing and publishing the "Tourism Journal: Tourism Geography Supplement", I further understood the distribution classification of the earth's resources and how to use it to serve tourists from the research crystallization of geological scholars; in the same year, I was invited to give the "First National Farmers Tourism Management Cadre Training Class" The lecture forced me to think again from beginning to end about how the remnants of rural culture can serve the development of rural tourism... Having said all this, I also want to exchange a little personal experience with the current young scholars, if you want to get better growth, you must continue to learn, recharge yourself, and have the courage to break your own knowledge structure.

In my subsequent impression, China's tourism planning from the emergence of the 80s to the active exploration and prosperity of the 90s is indeed a stage of rapid development of tourism planning. However, from the late 1980s to the 1990s, on the one hand, tourism planning entered a period of exploration of interpreting imagination and verifying action, and at the same time, everyone consciously explored the "innovation" and "standardization" of tourism planning, among which, especially the "Specification for the Census of China's Tourism Resources (Trial Version)", published by the Resources Department of the National Tourism Administration and the Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1992 and compiled by Yin Zesheng and others, played a key role in it. On the other hand, some of the drawbacks and deficiencies of tourism planning also emerged at this time (for example, due to the emergence of more demand, some "capable people" who are eager to make money also took the opportunity to become active), which made the tourism industry and management very anxious, and also made the comrades in the academic circles very worried...

I clearly remember that Professor Chen Chuankang of the Department of Geography of Peking University discussed this matter with me more than once. In the second half of 1989, Teacher Chen mentioned to me about promoting the development of Tourism Planning in China. He told me that the Journal of Tourism studies is very influential in the academic circles and management of the whole country, and can we hold a seminar on tourism planning and bring together experts from different disciplines in order to achieve mutual exchanges and mutual discussions and improvements. Since I was the executive deputy editor of the Journal of Tourism Studies, I was invited to participate in many local tourism conferences, and what I saw and heard also made me feel that Teacher Chen Chuankang's words were reasonable.

The conference was prepared for a long time, until April 1993, when the "Academic Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Tourism Planning" jointly sponsored by the Beijing Tourism Society and the Journal of Tourism Studies was finally held at the Beijing Institute of Tourism Studies. At the meeting, chen chuankang (Peking University), Mao Zanyou (Peking University), Yin Zesheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Yang Yiyu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Song Lifu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Chen Anze (China Tourism Geology Research Association), Lu Yunting (Beijing Normal University), Qiao Yuxia (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Zhang Guangrui (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), Li Mingde (Beijing Tourism Society), Bi Fengxiang (Beijing Erwai) and other academics, as well as Liu Zhenli and me of Beijing Tourism Institute. They all made different forms of speeches, and although there were some differences in doctrine, they also reached a lot of consensus.

One of the important outcomes of the meeting was that the participating experts unanimously agreed to set up a "Joint Research Center for Tourism Planning and Development" to strengthen communication, exchange and research, and through Chen Chuankang's leadership and consultation with everyone, they unanimously elected Chen Chuankang, Zheng Guangzhong (Tsinghua University), Guo Laixi (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Qiao Yuxia, Li Liang (National Tourism Administration), Liu Zhenli and me as vice presidents of the center; recommended Zhao Ke, vice president of Beijing Institute of Tourism, as the chairman. As soon as the news came out, colleagues in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other places also wrote letters and calls to propose to join and join.

About two months later, the tourism research institute of another sister university in Beijing also announced the establishment of a center, but their direction was mainly not in research, but in the practice of tourism planning, so they boldly made a commitment to the hospital to raise their own profits and losses. Soon after, other colleges and universities across the country also began to give birth to many "tourism planning centers" of one or the other, and almost at the same time, some affiliated companies and private planning companies that were not too ostentatious began to surface.

The following year (1994), there were several meetings that were also of epochal significance. The Fourth National Academic Seminar on Regional Tourism Development, organized by Mr. Chen Chuankang and Mr. Sun Wenchang, was held in Shantou in April, which was jointly initiated by the Regional Tourism Development Committee of the China Tourism Association, the Tourism Geography Committee of the Geographical Society of China, the Department of Tourism of Qingdao University, the Department of Urban and Environmental Studies of Peking University, and the Beijing Joint Research Center for Tourism Planning and Development, and was attended by nearly 200 people from 27 provinces and cities, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other places. The meeting focused on the theory and practice of tourism planning, with a view to better improving the level of tourism planning in China and preventing some chaos of taking advantage of the opportunity to make money.

In September of this year, the "Fourth National Academic Symposium on Tourism Science Theory and Practice" held in Beidaihe also took the exploration of tourism planning as the theme of the conference, and more than 50 scholars and industry insiders from more than 20 provinces and cities exchanged together, also for the purpose of promoting the healthy development of tourism planning.

Also out of concern about the chaos of social tourism planning, in order to promote the scientific planning of tourism, in November of the same year, the China Tourism Future Research Association, Hainan Provincial Tourism Bureau, Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau and other five units initiated the "Tourism Development Planning Seminar". Since the provincial tourism planning of Hainan Province had just passed the review and acceptance in 1993, in order to learn from and learn from it, although the scale of this conference was not too large, there were more tourism planning practitioners and officials of tourism authorities attending the meeting.

Most of the well-informed planning professionals paid great attention to the above meetings, so they had a lot of positive impact. Because most local governments are very concerned about tourism planning, the convening of the meeting has also received active support from local governments and local tourism bureaus.

It is also worth mentioning in this period the preparation of the "Outline of Tourism Development Planning of Hainan Province" in 1992. As the introduction of the country's first provincial-level tourism planning, it should be said to be a milestone in the development of national tourism planning. It passed the expert review and appraisal organized by the provincial government in 1992, and was approved by the executive meeting of the provincial government in 1993, and was officially promulgated and implemented in the province.

I remember that at the review meeting at the end of 1992, experts from Beijing and experts from this province all agreed with the outline of "building Hainan into a tropical island resort", and they were also satisfied with the division and arrangement of the "six major tourism center system" of the compilation group, but also put forward different opinions on the establishment team positioning the main market of Hainan tourism in China first. Three of the four experts from Beijing advocated that the main market for Hainan tourism should be the international market and should focus on building the Hawaii of the East; I explicitly expressed my support for the choice of the research group. Because I have always believed that the tourism location of Hainan Island in China for Chinese mainland is like the Mediterranean region for Europe, the Caribbean region for North America, its climate, water and ecological resources and the number and demand of the population and demand of the source area, and quoted the world tourism organization", "Comprehensive Development Model of Tourist Resorts" book about Cancun examples; and even very stubbornly said that the main body of Hainan tourism is the domestic market at any time. As a result, the final review opinion had to use the phrase "market positioning needs to be further studied" (to the effect).

In April 1993, I gave a speech at the "Symposium on the Theory and Practice of Tourism Planning", "Tourism Planning Discussion", which was a positive exploration of the principle and operation of tourism planning, which was my first paper on "tourism planning" in the strict sense. My second tourism planning paper, "On the Dislocation of Several Basic Links in current Tourism Development - Tourism Planning Continuation", was a criticism of the bias that appeared in tourism planning at that time. At that time, there was a hot topic of debate in the tourism planning community: whether it was "market-oriented" or "resource-oriented". I published "On the Resource View and Market View in the Current Tourism Development" in China Tourism News, and also participated in this valuable analysis and discussion, and also intended to persuade the red-faced peers not to be too extreme.

Although there were many shortcomings and problems in tourism planning in the 1990s, overall, China's tourism planning work at this stage was indeed very effective. Because the demand and supply are quite sufficient, including the strategic planning of local tourism development, the overall planning of urban tourism development, the development planning of tourist areas, the construction planning of single scenic spots, etc., not only are there a large number, but also the enhancement of tourism supply and the improvement of quality in the whole country and various places have indeed played a very positive role. This is inseparable from the attention and efforts of local governments, tourism management departments, tourism planning and preparation units, and tourism planning workers.


The results of tourism planning are indeed gratifying, and the problems on the way forward are really worrying.

At the advent of the 21st century, the national tourism authorities have arranged some institutional designs in the field of tourism planning. For example, the official release of the Measures for the Administration of Tourism Planning and the Provisional Measures for the Qualification Determination of Tourism Planning and Design Units in 2000 and the promulgation of the General Principles of Tourism Planning in 2003 are also normative measures taken by the competent authorities in response to the chaos of tourism planning in the 1980s and 1990s and the disorderly entry of tourism planning units.

As early as 2000, the Tourism Research Center of the Newly reorganized Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was determined to further improve the quality of tourism planning preparation of the unit, so it prepared to hold a symposium between the unit and the tourism planning experts in Beijing, and it just so happened that the first draft of the "General Principles of Tourism Planning" of the National Tourism Administration was also ready to solicit expert opinions, so in March 2001 the two meetings were held in one.

In addition to the opinions of the "First Draft of the General Principles of Tourism Planning" issued at the meeting, the participating experts also discussed the theory and practice of the original theme of the research center. My own speech at the meeting, one is to put forward whether it is best to have a "conceptual tourism planning" before the preparation of tourism development planning, in order to clarify the characteristics of tourism planning (this is the origin of the humble "Tourism Planning Needs New Ideas - Three Discussions on Tourism Planning" (Part I) (Part II); second, on the confirmation of planning qualifications, I think it is possible to surpass the qualification permit system of planning units of the Ministry of Construction at that time and use the qualification certification of planners in the world. My reasoning is that birds love their feathers far more than some people feel for their "vests." In fact, my statement was prepared on the original proposed topic of the research center, and it had nothing to do with the topic of the competent authorities that were later merged, but it just collided by chance, but it made people mistakenly think that I was also one of the speakers with different opinions at the meeting.

In the 1990s, many places invited me to participate in the review of local tourism planning, and in the relevant contacts, I deeply felt that the most important problems in many planning at that time were not the program of the planning text, but the lack of tourism elements; in the academic conference exchange, even a well-known planner from urban planning publicly confided their troubles in the preparation of tourism planning. That's why I seriously wrote the relevant papers.

At this time, I also had the intention of withdrawing from the planning review, because Party A asked you to participate in the review or preside over the review, hoping that you could check for them; while some Party B preferred that you would guarantee that they would pass. In order not to lose my principle, I also offended many of Party B's participants and even friends who should not be offended. Besides, around 2000, there were also many planned projects that came to my institute of tourism, and if I was doing it myself and saying that others were not doing well, it would seem very inappropriate, so I simply took a blanket approach to the invitation to review tourism planning. Later, under the pretext of age, the preparation of tourism planning was rejected, and only one or two topics that were purely tourism research were occasionally accepted.

In the planning of provinces, cities, counties or specific scenic spots that I have presided over and participated in, the most impressive is the "Anyang Tourism Development Master Plan" concluded in 2002. Since Anyang City is a region with extremely rich history and an ancient Chinese cultural capital that is of great concern to the whole country and even the world, how to make good use of this large number of cultural heritage under the premise of protection is indeed a great challenge for me as the planning host. Therefore, in those two years, I went to Anyang repeatedly, read a large number of academic works, and also consulted cultural relics experts and tourism experts in Anyang and Henan. Finally, it was successfully passed at the expert review meeting with Xie Chensheng, former director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as the leader of the group, the director of the Henan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, and the deputy head of the Henan Provincial Tourism Bureau as the deputy leader, and won the praise of "excellent level of similar planning".

In order to welcome the arrival of the new era of tourism planning, in June 2001, the Journal of Tourism Science held a "2001 China Tourism Planning Summit Seminar". More than 100 tourism planning practitioners and researchers were invited and registered to attend the meeting, and rao quan, Wei Xiaoan, Li Rusheng, Zhong Haisheng, and leaders of some provincial and municipal tourism bureaus were also invited to participate in the exchanges. According to the minutes of the meeting, more than 60 people spoke at the three-day meeting, such as Chen Anze, Chen Xianbo, Di Minghui, Dong Guanzhi, Fan Yezheng, Guo Huancheng, Guo Kang, Guo Laixi, Hu Jing, Huang Anming, Li Shumin, Li Yuezheng, Liang Mingzhu, Lin Yueying, Liu Binyi, Liu Deqian, Liu Feng, Liu Zhenli, Luo Mingyi, Lü Jian, Peng Hua, Shao Chun, Song Zhiwei, Wang Dawu, Wang Yanyong, Wu Chengzhao, Wu Chucai, Xiao Xing, Xin Jianrong, Xu Dekuan, Yang Kaizhong, Yang Xiaoguo, Yuan Jian, Yuan Shuqi, Zhai Fudong, Zhao Liming, and Zhang Guangrui , Zheng Xiangmin, Zhou Jianguo, etc. (in chinese pinyin).

Most of these attendees had a number of high-profile tourism planning projects or writings at the time. It is said that this should be the largest gathering of tourism planning elites from all over the world since China's tourism planning. After the exchange of the conference, the Journal of Tourism Science successively selected the abstracts of the conference speeches and some papers.

Speaking of which, the book "Theory and Practice of Tourism Planning", edited and published by the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2004, must be mentioned. Because this collection of essays brought together the efforts of famous experts in the country, it contained many papers from this conference. The book was originally a collection of essays prepared by the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to collect the above-mentioned speeches at the March 2001 conference, but it was paused because there were too few papers. The Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences asked me to find a way to take over this work, and after communicating with both the center and the Journal of Tourism, I found a good carrier for a large number of excellent works of the June 2001 Tourism Journal Planning Meeting. My intention was to compile this collection of papers into a collection of papers that could cover the highest achievements in national planning research, but there were still quite a few accomplished experts who did not attend the above two conferences for some reason, so I sent a letter of appointment to Bao Jigang, Wu Bihu, Fan Jiaju, Yu Xuecai, and more than a dozen other famous artists, hoping that they could send me their most satisfactory recent works. Thanks to everyone's support, this collection of essays written by various families in tourism planning has finally been successfully edited, and I am personally very pleased, although the byline editor of this book is not me.

If one wants to understand the achievements and activities of China's tourism planning at that time, this book does have its historical value and practical guiding significance. For example, the gains and losses of the tourism planning for Tibet, Sichuan, Shandong, Yunnan, and other places compiled for China by foreign experts who are quite interested in the people at the beginning of the century are included in the comments of Luo Mingyi, Wang Xingbin, Wu Bihu, Zhang Wei, and Yu Xuecai.

Because I no longer review tourism planning and slowly leave the specific preparation of tourism planning, I can maintain a more objective attitude towards the problems in tourism planning regardless of the meeting. Although my understanding is somewhat different from that of officials, I still feel that the promulgation of the "Management Measures", "Qualification Determination Measures" and "General Principles of Tourism Planning" of the national tourism authorities is indeed an important process for tourism planning to move towards scientific, legal and standardized.

In the progress of China's tourism planning, several national civil society organizations have also played a very active role. One is the China Future of Tourism Research Association (now known as the Future tourism research branch of the China Future Research Association), and the other is the former subordinate professional committee of the China Tourism Association, and now its superior first-level association society has been replaced by the Tourism Geology and Geopark Research Branch of the Geological Society of China and the Regional Tourism Development Professional Committee of the China Regional Science Association. Their annual academic annual meetings not only focus on the research of this discipline, but also have great attention to the study of tourism planning, and the annual change of their meeting sites is intended to promote the scientific promotion of tourism planning and development in the province or the city and county, so it has been well received by many places.

Looking back at the first decade of the 21st century, when the competent authorities vigorously promoted the implementation of the General Principles of Tourism Planning, they also conscientiously implemented the qualification of tourism planning and design units. After investigation, the first nine Grade A qualification units were first identified, followed by several batches of Grade B and Grade C qualification units.

Based on the fact that almost all administrative levels such as provinces, cities and counties in the country have to do tourism planning, each planning unit has its own certain amount of business, especially when the relevant major measures of the state are introduced, when the national and provincial and municipal five-year plans are announced, the business volume of tourism planning units will surge. But by the end of the Five-Year Plan, the volume of business was reduced, and some chaos, or the so-called means of the market economy, emerged (such as vicious competition at extremely low prices, digging corners, and even disguised kickbacks, etc.). However, the most prominent problem at this stage is the unrealistic "big hand" of tourism planners and local officials and project leaders.

In terms of tourism planning research, I have the impression that in addition to newspapers and periodicals, there are at least hundreds of publications in recent years, and I don't buy much myself, and my reading is limited. Putting aside my own "Seven Discussions on Tourism Planning", I would like to recommend two related books to you.

One is Wu Bihu's "Principles of Tourism Planning" published in 2010, which is the author's in-depth study of tourism resources and the tourism market through the combing of nearly 2,000 kinds of global tourism planning research literature, combined with his own practice of personally presiding over tourism planning for many years. The other is "New Concepts of China's Tourism Development: Subversion and Reconstruction" published by Wang Yanyong in 2018. If Professor Wu Bihu's "Principles of Tourism Planning" is the crystallization of research that has been widely read by scholars and combined with their own practice, then Professor Wang Yanyong's "New Concept of China's Tourism Development: Subversion and Reconstruction" is the subversion of many opinions of others proposed by scholars according to their own continuous practice. Each has its own strengths, which may be of great benefit to both researchers and practitioners.


The Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China, which came into effect in 2013, as the most authoritative norm for tourism activities in the country, also has clear provisions on many aspects of tourism planning in its third chapter, "Tourism Planning and Promotion". This has laid a new foundation for the preparation of national tourism planning, and naturally will also bring the management of this aspect of the country to a new level.

In 2014, a document issued by multiple ministries and commissions on "multi-planning" brought rare expectations to the preparation of tourism planning. However, from the perspective of later practice, the effect is still different (local authorities attach importance to tourism, in the integration of multi-regulation, tourism gets more opportunities for development; if the attitude of local authorities is the opposite, the result will be very different). So that later, people have regained the understanding that how tourism develops depends on local tourism development planning.

According to the data in 2016, there are 100 Grade A tourism planning qualification units and 270 Grade B qualification units in the country, as well as a larger number of Grade C qualification units. According to recent estimates, there are about 2,000 tourism planning units in the country.

Among them, there are about 20 or 30 companies that are recognized by the academic community and the industry. Among them, zidang is Yang Zhenzhi's "Laiye shares", which is the first tourism planning unit in the country to obtain a listing license. There is also Yu Kongjian and his Beijing Native Landscape Planning and Design Institute, which have won many honors at home and abroad for their planning and design concepts and many successful cases.

In November 2016, a national planning conference was held at the Linglong Tower of the Beijing Olympic Park, and I think it should also be mentioned. In order to enhance the coordination of tourism planning agencies across the country and build a bridge between planning agencies and the government, it was jointly initiated by more than 50 relevant units. At the meeting, many leading figures of well-known units spoke one after another, and in addition to exchanging experiences, they unanimously hoped that the China Tourism Association could set up a "tourism planning branch" as soon as possible, with a view to transforming the leaders of relevant departments from the spirit of the document to the reality of specific work. It is not difficult to see that improving the quality of tourism planning services is indeed the unanimous voice of responsible planning units.

According to the minutes of the meeting, a total of 60 participants came from: Dadi Landscape, Boya Strategy, Pinnacle Wisdom, Lvwei Chuangjing, Dayan Zhiyong, Jiangshan Duojiao, Huahan Brigade, Tonghe Times, Kaisi Jiuzhou, Century Tangren, Tianyi Boguan, Institute of Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianda City, Shangshida Tourism, Jiangsu Oriental, Shanghai Hongdong, Zhejiang Da Landscape, Hangzhou Shangda Scenery, Hangzhou Huaqing, Zhejiang Yuejing, Zhejiang International, Zhejiang Poetry and Painting, Chengdu Laiye, Chengdu Convergence, Chongqing Haofeng, Chongqing Ningbang, Chongqing Haojian, Sichuan Travel Regulations, Xi'an Jianda, Shanshida Tourism, Guangdong Zhongjian, Guangzhou Haisen, Guangzhou Zhijing, Shenzhen Zhongying, Guangdong New Space, Guangxi Xida Tourism, Guangxi Tourism Regulation, Fuzhou Planning, Fujian Rongjing, Hubei University Tourism, Hubei Yuanlai, Wuhan University Jingyuan, Hubei World Travel, Shandong Tourism Regulation, Qingdao Deep Blue, Shanxi Scenery, Shanxi Tourism Regulation, Jiangxi Tourism Regulation, Ningxia Jingyuan, Tourism Planning and Design, etc.

In addition to the conference, there is also a "Grade A qualification for tourism planning" WeChat group of more than 100 people, and the leaders of famous planning institutions such as Urban Planning Institute Tourism, Tsinghua Tongheng, Turen Landscape, Zhongda Tourism, Shanghai Qichuang, Tongji City, Tongji Scenery, Nanjing Zhibo, Zhejiang Mingyuan, Shenzhen Colorful, and Zhongnan Ecology also often communicate and interact in the group.

It can be seen that at present, the national tourism planning does have a strong team.

The changes in the general environment that are noteworthy during this period are that the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "Measures for the Administration of Cultural and Tourism Planning" and the tourism industry standard "Classification and Evaluation Conditions for Tourism Planning and Design Units" in May of the second year after its establishment (2018). The juxtaposition of cultural planning and tourism planning in the document obviously brings better opportunities for the enrichment of the "soul" of tourism Chinese; and in the transformation of the evaluation conditions of tourism planning and design units from administrative licensing to standardization, such as the improvement of requirements in terms of personnel structure, equipment foundation, and previous performance, the quality of planning and design has been further promoted.

This change also prepares for the climax of tourism planning in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the 15th Five-Year Plan in the third decade of the 21st century. At present, the national "14th Five-Year Plan" has put forward tasks for the development of tourism and leisure in the country, and the tourism and leisure development plans of the whole country, provinces, cities and counties, as well as the regional tourism planning of cross-provinces, cities and counties are on the agenda. The transformation of some old destinations, the development of new destinations, and the tasks of "building a number of national-level tourism and leisure cities and neighborhoods with distinctive cultural characteristics" proposed in the national "14th Five-Year Plan" are waiting for our tourism planners to play a role, of course, this is also a rare "good business" for tourism planning units. Therefore, it must be done carefully with high standards and a high sense of responsibility.

After the "new crown" epidemic in 2020, tourism planning may usher in a new pattern of change. Tourism planning must not only deeply understand the resource situation of the area you want to plan, must have a deep understanding of the domestic and foreign tourism market and the situation of the market at all levels that you can obtain in the planned area, but also deal with the relationship between economy and nature, economy and society, economy and culture, economy and ecological environmental protection, handle the relationship between various related industries in the industrial chain, and also must comprehensively consider the balance of interests between all aspects of society under a more complex situation, and firmly grasp the concept of "people-oriented" and "people first". And in the constantly changing pattern, we will make general arrangements that can adapt to changes.

In the face of the current normalization of epidemic prevention, we must also seriously consider the changes in the demand for tourism products, such as the development of self-driving tour routes, the arrangement of self-driving camps and caravan camps, the diversion of tourists by trail scenic trails, the ecological arrangement of scenic spots and accommodations, the ventilation of restaurants and restaurants and reasonable intervals between guests, the linear resting places in public areas, etc., which require the wisdom of planners.

I have sincere expectations that China's tourism industry can achieve long-term and healthy development due to the efforts of the tourism planning industry.

Note: This article is compiled by the interview of teacher Zhou Yishui (teacher Zhou's Yishui cultural tourism public account is also full of work)

Mr. Liu Deqian is a teacher I like very much in the field of tourism planning, I once read his "Seven Opinions on Tourism Planning", which was very fruitful, this interview compiled and written by Teacher Zhou Yishui recorded Liu Deqian's review and prospect of the development of China's tourism planning in the past 40 years. I hope that the future of China's cultural tourism planning can have a broad road ahead and usher in new changes.

Liu Deqian, Professor of Beijing Institute of Tourism, Deputy Director and Senior Researcher of tourism research center of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, special researcher of Institute of Finance and Trade Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, honorary editor-in-chief of Tourism Journal.

He graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin in 1962 and has been committed to tourism teaching and tourism scientific research for more than 20 years. He has served as the head of famous journals such as Tourism Journal and China Tourism. In the past 10 years, especially in the tourism planning, tourism market and other aspects of China's tourism development research has made greater efforts, in addition to the early papers "Tourism Planning Discussion" (1993), "Tourism Planning Renewal" (1995) and the new work "Tourism Planning Three Discussions" (2003) have had an impact on China's tourism planning work, over the years, he has also participated in or presided over the tourism planning work of some provinces, cities and counties, and has been invited to participate in Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Ningxia and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and Hangzhou, Discussion or research on tourism development strategies of hot tourist cities such as Guilin and Chengdu. In 2002, after presiding over the completion of the project of "Anyang Tourism Development Plan" in China's historic city, he immediately transferred to a series of research on China's domestic tourism, and was the executive editor of "China's Tourism Development: Analysis and Forecast" (an annual research report on the continuous development of China's tourism industry, also known as the "Tourism Green Paper") of the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also the vice chairman of the China Tourism Future Research Association and the vice president of the Beijing Tourism Society.

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