
Twin Cities "Nian Wei" vlog | I fried a bowl of Datong yellow cake in Shanghai

author:Take a look at the news

Look at the news knows reporter Li Ke

2021-02-05 10:20

During the Lunar New Year of 2021, the epidemic has affected the pace of our return to our hometowns. Do a good job of protection, reduce mobility, and stay in the city where you study and work for the New Year has become everyone's choice. Everyone's memory always has a delicacy linked to the memories of family affection, in the local New Year they choose to do it themselves, go to the kitchen to make a mother's taste, in the oil, salt sauce and vinegar and sour, sweet and salty spicy sustenance.

We specially planned to let young people who stay at home and abroad and do not go home for reunion, cook a taste of hometown from the perspective of vlog, use remote video connection to the cloud to visit the New Year, and tell about home.

Twin Cities "Nian Wei" vlog | I fried a bowl of Datong yellow cake in Shanghai

Hu Siqi was born in Datong, Shanxi, and grew up longing for the modern sense of Shanghai's skyscrapers. After graduating from graduate school, he stayed in Shanghai to work as he wished, climbing to the top of the building to overlook the way he often used to relax himself. In response to the call this year's Spring Festival, Hu Siqi did not go home for the First Time for the New Year. However, my mother's courier transported Shanxi ingredients unexpectedly, and a Shanxi special fried yellow cake is the Spring Festival memory shared by three generations of the family. As long as there is food and blessings to accompany, it is the Spring Festival.

Twin Cities "Nian Wei" vlog | I fried a bowl of Datong yellow cake in Shanghai

(Look at the news Knows reporter: Li Ke Editor: Xiao Zhen)

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