
@ National Foodie - Weixian Yellow Cake

author:Ulsan Rong Media Center

Filed in Ulsan

Some people think of folklore, some people think of kasbahs

And for foodies

Can only think of eating... eat..... eat......

So, today is for everyone

The most delicious staple food in Ulsan

Friends can follow one by one to find Oh

Morning porridge, noon cake

At night, the yam is mushy

The people of Weixian have a special love for yellow cakes, and the local proverb is: "Thirty miles of noodles, forty miles of cakes, twenty miles of dumplings are hungry and broken waists."

Weixian yellow cake is made of yellow rice noodles, in addition to "hunger relief", yellow rice noodles are rich in protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese, etc., which can help us supplement a large number of nutrients, and the vitamin E content in yellow rice noodles is more prominent in cereals, which can play a role in protecting the lungs, beauty and skin care, can greatly reduce the chance of suffering from ischemic heart disease, and can promote blood vessel and visceral health. At the same time, the carbohydrates contained in yellow rice noodles can provide a large amount of dietary fiber to the human body and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestive function. Yellow rice noodles are also rich in potassium and have a low sodium content, which is especially suitable for patients with high blood pressure. We often eat yellow rice noodles can also treat yangsheng yin deficiency, spleen and stomach weakness and other diseases. Therefore, eating cakes regularly can play a good therapeutic role and is very good for our health.

In Wei County, every day at noon, every household's dinner table is indispensable to cakes, to see if a person is a Wei County person, first of all, we must see if he will "eat cakes", even when he says that someone can't do anything, he often says "You should eat cakes!" ”

Therefore, when you come to Wei County, a national-level historical and cultural city, you can't underestimate the matter of eating cakes. Will eat cakes, boil a pot of leeks, smoked dried tofu, vermicelli, meat, a huge piece of cake, on the dish swallowed in one bite, you can still hear a "grunt" sound, that is simply a human delicacy, next to the people, saliva will flow out; will not eat the cake people, eat into the mouth, will stick to the throat eyes, can not swallow. Therefore, in Wei County, eating cakes is also a "technical job".

@ National Foodie - Weixian Yellow Cake

Yellow cake is made of yellow rice peeled and peeled, ground into flour as the main raw material, mixed with water into a powder ball, steamed in a pot, and then kneaded into a lump shape by hand (can be dipped in a little cold water) into a lump! Finally, a little cooking oil is applied to the cake block, so that it is a dough yellow cake.

@ National Foodie - Weixian Yellow Cake
@ National Foodie - Weixian Yellow Cake

It can also be made into a fried cake. After the yellow cake is cooked, cut into suitable small pieces, wrapped in brown sugar or bean paste, fried in a frying pan, fried until golden brown, plated, you can eat.

If you come to Ulsan

Be sure to eat a yellow cake