
Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

author:Red Agate 666

WeiXian has a kind of staple food that everyone loves to eat every day, called yellow cake, yellow cake is made of yellow rice noodles produced by Weixian specialty, yellow cake has the characteristics of bright yellow color, soft texture, sweet and fragrant taste, and rich nutrition.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Yellow cake

【Yellow rice noodles】

Yellow rice noodles are made by hulling, grinding, and other procedures from a local crop called millet. Yellow rice is a crop in the north, and the dictionary interpretation is that it is the fruit of the shelled millet, which is slightly larger than millet, pale yellow in color, and very sticky after cooking. First of all, the yellow rice is called yellow rice after the shelling is removed, and then the yellow rice is ground into flour, that is, yellow rice noodles.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Yellow rice noodles

【Characteristics of The Yellows】

It is an annual herb suitable for growth in northern China, with drought tolerance characteristics, slender leaves, and parallel veins on the leaves.

Due to its geographical location and climatic characteristics, Wei County has nine droughts in ten years and droughts in spring every year, which is very suitable for planting millet seeds.

China has a long history of sowing millet, it has a short growth period, barrenness, drought tolerance, and strong competitiveness with weeds. Records such as the Qi Min Zhi Shu (Qi Min Zhi Shu) used the millet as a pioneer crop for newly opened wastelands.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown


【Nutritional value of yellow rice】

Yellow rice contains 8 kinds of essential amino acids, and the amino acid content is higher than that of wheat, rice, corn. In addition, yellow rice is also rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamin E, zinc, manganese and other nutrients, which has the effect of nourishing yin, lungs and intestines.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Fried cakes

【Preparation method of yellow rice noodles】

Yellow rice noodles can be made: yellow cake, fried cake and other delicacies.

1. How to make yellow cakes:

Weixian yellow cake is famous for its yellow, strong and hunger-resistant, and its production process is divided into three steps: noodles, steamed cakes, and cakes.

1. And noodles

Take an appropriate amount of yellow rice noodles and pour them into the basin, trying to use a heavier basin.

2. Take warm water and put it aside, pour a small amount of water into the basin at a time, stir in warm water several times, stir into flocculents, and then rub the noodles with the palm of your hand, roll into a block, and evenly sprinkle on the steaming cloth.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Rub the dough

3. Steamed cake

Steamed cake is a pot under cold water, from the steamer gas to start timing, 30 to 50 minutes can be, the time is too short to cook, the time is too long to eat, steamed cake to grasp the time is very critical.

4. Carry the cake

After the yellow cake is steamed, take it out of the steamer while it is hot and put it into the cake bowl, at this time you must be careful to burn your hands. Place a bowl of cold water next to the cake bowl and set aside.

When carrying the cake, the hand dipped in cold water to grab the cake, and then shake the fist to carry the cake, you can dip the water many times, but it is not easy to too much, after many times of cake, make the cake surface smooth into a ball, which is only good for experienced people to do.

Final step: Apply our local cooked sesame oil thinly while it is hot, and small bubbles will grow on the cake noodles, which are very tempting and appetizing.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Pasta cake

Second: the preparation method of fried cake:

Fried cake is made of flour cake after frying, can be dipped in sugar to eat, can be stuffed, there are brown sugar filling, white sugar filling, bean paste filling and so on.

1. Take the yellow rice noodles and steam them to make a yellow cake, then pull them into even small pieces.

2. Take a small piece of cake and knead it flat by hand, put in the pre-prepared filling, pinch the mouth, knead it by hand to form a round ball, or you can knead it into a dumpling shape.

3. Pour the right amount of oil into the pan, the oil temperature is 80% hot, put in the cake for frying, fry until the surface is golden and crispy.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Weixian yellow cake has a long history, is almost everyone's favorite noodles, whether it is noodle cake or fried cake, coupled with a pot of hot bubble cake stew, it is even more delicious.

Weixian special food yellow cake, the taste of hometown

Yellow cake kimchi

There are also many types of pickled cake dishes, cold mixed vegetables, large stewed vegetables, such as: dried gourd strip stew, eggplant stew, leek smoked tofu dried vermicelli stew, pickled shredded potatoes mixed with tofu and so on are very delicious. This is also our local cuisine.

The yellow cake in Weixian is very famous, and many tourists who come to appreciate it want to try this dish. Yellow cake is also the taste of hometown, a taste that can never be forgotten for a lifetime. If you're visiting Ulju, don't forget to try this dish!