
I love that piece of Datong's yellow cake

author:a small word

There is no more proof than the love to eat yellow cakes that you are a datong person (Yanbei), Datong people's love for yellow cakes is sincerely like and deeply attached, in the minds of Datong people, do not eat a meal of yellow cakes for three days, the heart is like a lack of soul, the stomach and intestines have begun to strike, strong stimulation of brain nerves, it is time to eat a yellow cake. Good cakes, to be yellow, to be soft, but also to have strength. A pound of noodles out of the pound half to pound seven two yellow cake, out of the pot guess (Datong words, the same sound) good cake, yellow cake in the noonday sun flashed a golden luster, put on the Datong unique sesame oil, that incense, not to mention how mouthy. As the saying goes: thirty miles of noodles forty years of cake, ten miles of soba noodles hungry waist. This means that the yellow cake is not only delicious, but also hungry.

I love that piece of Datong's yellow cake

I also talk about the memorable fun of eating yellow cakes.

The first impression of the cake eating experience: I remember that in 1971, when I was ten years old, there were cadres stationed in the village who came to my house to eat pie rice, surnamed Pang, the secretary of the commune, who was particularly kind to our children and amiable. Because the village is small and the number of households is small, it is generally a two-day distribution, and the cadres stationed in the villages give meal money and food stamps in accordance with the provisions of the state. The brigade has a subsidy for the families who deliver meals, and can go to the brigade to receive the prescribed yellow rice and millet (cheap price). Because my family has few adults and many children, they can't eat food, so they don't have to go to the brigade to lead it.

On this day, my mother got up early and killed a chicken. After breakfast, my mother got busy (my father worked in a suburban factory in the city and only returned home once or twice a month), and since it was winter and there were no fresh vegetables, my mother went to the tofu room of the breeding house to catch a few pieces of tofu, and there were dried dried vegetables at home, as well as yam eggs and yam egg powder. Lunch dishes include stewed chicken, marinated eggs, yam egg braised noodle tofu, steamed yellow cake, and my mother fried the oil cake.

Secretary Pang came to my house at almost twelve o'clock in the afternoon, Secretary Pang and my father are very familiar, so he came to our house, we are also very happy, one is to be able to eat a good meal, the other is that the secretary of the commune came to my house, and we also have a light on our faces. Secretary Pang saw a table of good rice and said happily that his brother and sister's meal was too rich. After eating, I saw Secretary Pang eat one bite after another, eating a mouth full of oil, and giving our children meat in the middle.

A few days later, Secretary Pang came to my house and bought delicious candy for our children, and we were very happy. Later, I learned that Secretary Pang was fair and honest, and because he was familiar with my father, my mother did not say anything about eating chicken and fried cakes, and bought us candy in return for our family's feast. If someone else's family made so much delicious food, he would pay more for the meal at that time and settle down not to deliberately do it well, asking the members to eat what they usually eat when it is his turn to eat, if he does not listen, the next time he will not let him be sent to the family's home. The members of the society will lose face because of this matter and secretary Pang will not come, so they will listen to Secretary Pang and arrange meals according to their usual schedules. Another task is that when Secretary Pang arrives at his home, he will help the family to do half-day farm work, one is to close the relationship between cadres and the masses; the other is to conduct field investigations, conduct investigations and studies, and understand the peasants' ideas, so as to carry out the next step of work.

Think about the practices of party cadres in the past, serving the people is always in mind, and it is strange that the people do not support it.

The second time I ate cakes: I remember that in 1975, my family had moved to the location of my father's factory, the living area of the factory, the bungalow. One day at noon, the father brought back a stranger from work, and the mother said that it was a Cantonese, who came to the father's unit on a business trip, and their iron ore supplied the father's unit. My mother asked my father what to eat, and my father said to steam some rice (my father can buy a hundred pounds of rice a year), fried cake, if you like to eat fried cake, then eat; if you don't like to eat, then eat rice. Because southerners like to eat rice. Since it was noon and my mother had to go to work in the afternoon, the oil cake could only be eaten without filling, and then sprinkled with a layer of white sand sugar. Dishes are also scrambled eggs and large risotto. What I didn't expect was that this Cantonese people like to eat oil cakes, although it was the first time to eat, after my father's guidance, chewed three or two bites to swallow into the stomach, very smoothly ate the first bite of oil cake, while eating while saying that it was delicious and delicious, eating seven or eight (very large) in one breath, we listened to his difficult Cantonese, half understood and half understood and looked at him, actually loved to eat our yellow cakes, and ate so much. The next day was Sunday, more than eleven o'clock, this Cantonese came to my house again, bought us a lot of snacks (in that era, most people were reluctant to buy these things), at noon my family arranged to eat fried cakes, this time, my mother put bean paste filling, vegetable filling and sugar sprinkled oil cake three kinds, my father gave the wine to drink.

When this Cantonese man was leaving, my family took the cake noodles and told him the method, and he also saw my mother's method and knew how to make cakes.

After half a year, this Cantonese man came to his father's unit on a business trip, came to my house, and brought Guangdong specialties, southern tropical specialties that we had never seen. He said that he especially wanted to eat our cake, so he had the opportunity to come. My family is naturally warmly welcomed.

This is the Cantonese I have ever met who loves to eat our Datong cake the most.

The third impressive cake eating experience: also in 1975, in the summer, the sky was hot, my parents came home from work, my mother steamed the cake, my family of six people, the amount of cake steamed at noon included dinner. Dishes are large stewed vegetables and scrambled eggs. Just after the eggs were scrambled, my family came to the guest, my fourth uncle (my mother's uncle's child) and his companions, driving horses and small carriages to Fengzhen to dig up chicken dung, passing by my house, of course, to eat his sister's meal. My mother divided a large piece of cake into two, slightly deviated, it must have been my fourth uncle's piece of the big piece, kneaded into a cake shape, the scrambled eggs were also divided into two and wrapped in the cake in a deviated manner, for the two of them to hold, anxious to go to Feng town in the dark.

They passed by every three or five minutes, every year, and my mother took the same food for them and was equally biased toward my fourth uncle. The sister and brother had a deep affection, and the fourth uncle's family was not as good as my family's, so my mother took good care of them. After that, the package was delivered to the household, and the fourth uncle was no longer seen passing by. When we meet again, it is time for relatives to do red and white things with each other. Whenever we met, my fourth uncle saw that my mother was extremely affectionate. Now my mother is seventy-eight years old, I asked about this matter, my mother said that she can remember, but the impression is not very deep, it can be seen that the mother helped her brother, I think it is a matter of course.

The fourth unforgettable cake eating is a story, not my own experience, but the affair of a classmate in my hometown. I went back to my hometown and listened to what my classmates said, and because it was interesting, almost everyone in the village knew about it. The story seems to take place in 1974. My classmate went to his relatives and went to his second aunt's house in a foreign village. I went to school with this classmate for two years, and in the third grade, my family moved to my father's unit. My classmate is more famous in the village, famous because their family is poor, and poor because their family can eat. In addition to his parents, there were three of their brothers, he was the second in line, there were brothers and brothers, and his mother worked in the fields three days after giving birth to him. The three brothers, although they are all children, but half the size of the child, eat the collapse of the old man, especially their family, the top can eat, the three brothers can eat the amount of strong labor six or seven people, that will be everyone in the village's rations are fixed, although their family can work (remember to dig a tree pit, I can only dig one a day to earn five cents, generally energetic male classmates dig three a day, he can dig ten a day to earn fifty cents), high work scores, more money, but more money earned is not enough to buy more grain for them, I remember that my family's grain was sold to their family. Their families are honest and honest, and they will not turn over new tricks in their homes and in their own land, often other people's own land has as much food as his family. Although his family could work, his agricultural skills were poor. Therefore, their family always has not enough to eat, and the clothes they wear are faster than those of other people's children, and the patches fall off, making his family poorer than others. Later, because there were few people in the village, there was more wasteland and more saline land, and the members of the community were allowed to reclaim themselves, and whoever reclaimed the land, even if the land was owned, the brigade also had the heart to take care of his family, so they gave their families some more self-reclamation land, so that their family reclaimed a lot, and when I returned to the village in seven or five years, people said that his family did not lack grain.

Back to the point, it was said that when my classmate arrived at his second aunt's house, it was already 1:30 p.m., and they had all eaten, and they only made it for him alone. His second aunt knew about their family. Usually, the second aunt's family eats a yellow cake, that is, a cake that is not peeled and ground into a steamed noodle; the peeled one is called yellow rice, and the yellow rice ground into noodles is called yellow cake. The older ones know it, but the younger ones don't know it. On this day, he specially steamed yellow cake, the amount is three times that of adults, steamed cake said to him if you are hungry, first eat a bite of cake pad to make up for it, with a shovel cut a cake head to eat himself, and cut a piece to him (Datong has to pay attention, said that men eat cakes dead mother-in-law), and said to give you scrambled eggs, immediately good. When the second aunt scrambled the eggs, served on the table, a look at the cake bowl, the cake has been eaten by my classmates, the second aunt was stunned, the second uncle was also stunned, asked him did not eat it, don't break the stomach, my classmates were a little embarrassed to blush and said that it was okay, the second aunt asked my classmates with concern whether they were full, my classmates shyly said that they still wanted to eat, the second aunt tears fell down, and said painfully that the second aunt steamed another piece for you. Another piece was steamed, and this time the second aunt steamed more, but did not dare to let him eat more, for fear of eating badly. As a result, my classmate ate another pound of cake and eggs. After dinner, he told his second aunt that he had finally eaten enough yellow cakes at his second aunt's house today!

The fifth interesting thing is a personal experience told by my father: my father went to the township of Xinrong District for two years from 1975 to 1976, and was assigned to the Organization Department of Xinrong District, mainly responsible for the construction of rural areas in the countryside. Once, I went to a village in Jincheon Commune and ate pie rice. On this day, I arrived at a family, lived in a kiln house, looked at the family, at that time also lived a solid life, cleaned up, the courtyard raised chickens and pigs, the hostess cooked at home, winter time, the father and another to the countryside (then was the general manager of the Yungang Hotel) young man (thirty-five or six years old), on the kang, the hot kang is really comfortable, and soon it will drive away the cold on the body. See the hostess braised good fragrant pork raw (datong: pork squirrel) braised noodles tofu cabbage, loaded a large basin to the Kang table, and then the yellow cake also came out of the pot, this is to entertain valuable guests to eat yellow cake, the hostess put the steamed cake powder into the red tile basin, ready to guess the cake, just the hostess sweated, and the nose also has a nose, habitually, the hostess took the back of the hand to wipe the sweat on the head, plus the nose itch, along with the nose wiped the nose, probably also know that there are guests, embarrassed to red face, He wiped the back of his hand on the clothes behind him twice, and continued to guess the cake, which was just seen by his father and colleagues in the countryside, and the two were stunned and embarrassed to say it. Began to eat, the father and colleagues on the process of a reflection (the same words), eat is not, do not eat and hungry, rice and fragrant, hungry desire is greater than a reflection, eat it, bone Lu bone Lu, hu holding huzhi to eat a lot of ,......, out of the yard, the two tacitly looked at each other and smiled.

I love that piece of Datong's yellow cake

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