
Scientific guidance for comprehensively promoting party building in the new era and the new great project

author:Golden Sheep Net

On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on party building and organizational work, requiring a profound understanding of the important thinking of the Party Central Committee on party building, in-depth implementation of the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, and in-depth promotion of the new great project of party building in the new era. The National Organization Work Conference officially proposed and systematically expounded "General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Thought on Party Building" for the first time, which is a landmark milestone in the history of the development of Marxist party building theory and the history of party building of the Communist Party of China. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building is an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, a scientific summary of the theoretical development and practical experience of party building in the new era, the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxist party building theory, and the fundamental compliance and action guide for comprehensively promoting the new great project of party building in the new era. We should take the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building as a major political task of party building in the new era, fully grasp its core essence, spiritual essence, rich connotation, and practical requirements, continuously deepen our understanding of its great significance, status and role, and theoretical contributions, further strengthen our consciousness and initiative in arming our minds, guiding practice, and promoting work, and further open up a new realm of self-revolution of the century-old party.

Deeply understand the great significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building is put forward on the basis of scientifically applying the basic principles of Marxist theory on party building, deeply analyzing the conditions of the world, the country and the party, and effectively solving the practical problems of party building. Practical significance, world significance.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building is a scientific summary of the practical experience of party building and governing the country in the new era. At what stage the cause of the party and the people has developed, party building will be advanced to what stage, and the theory of party building will also develop. In the new era, profound changes have taken place in the conditions of the world, the country, and the party, and the environment and problems facing party building are also changing. On the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the successful experience and fine traditions of party building, the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, in close connection with the conditions of the new era and the requirements of practice, has made in-depth thinking on the current situation and problems facing party building, profoundly answered a series of major problems facing party building in the new era, led the whole party to carry out a magnificent and comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party, adopted a series of major measures to strengthen and improve party building, and achieved a series of major achievements. The new understanding has endowed the new great project of party building with new connotations of the times, provided a powerful ideological weapon for party building, and formed a systematic and scientific theoretical system - General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building is a scientific summary of the practical experience of party building and governing the country in the new era, which originates from the great practice of party building in the new era, is produced, developed and formed in the process of party building practice, and at the same time returns to practice and guides practice, and then continues to enrich and develop with the development of party building practice in the new era, providing theoretical guidance and action guidelines for comprehensively promoting the new great project of party building in the new era.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building is the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxist party-building theory. Classic writers of Marxism have always attached importance to using the Marxist theory on party building to guide party building, and therefore they have also attached great importance to the creation, enrichment, and development of the Marxist theory on party building. The Chinese Communists, mainly represented by Comrade Mao Zedong, creatively applied the Marxist theory of party building to guide the CPC's self-building in the arduous and tortuous process of China's revolution and construction, formed a complete set of Chinese-style Marxist theory on party building, Mao Zedong Thought on Party Building, solved the problem of how to build a Marxist political party in backward countries in the East, and explored how the party should lead socialist revolution and construction under the condition of being in power. The Chinese Communists, mainly represented by Comrade Deng Xiaoping, conducted in-depth thinking and exploration on how the party should strengthen its own building under the conditions of ruling power and reform and opening up, formed Deng Xiaoping's theory on party building, opened up a new great project of party building, and pushed the Marxist theory on party building to a new level. In the course of forming the important thinking of the "three represents" and the scientific outlook on development, the Chinese Communists with Comrade Jiang Zemin as the main representative and the Chinese Communists with Comrade Hu Jintao as the main representative have continued to enrich and develop the Marxist theory on party building and have continuously scored new results. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, on the basis of profoundly summing up the experience of comprehensively administering the Party strictly, has paid more attention to using Marxist Party building theory to guide the self-building of the Communist Party of China in the new era, and put forward a series of new concepts, ideas and strategies for managing the Party and the Party, forming General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on Party building. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, profoundly summing up the lessons and lessons of the world socialist movement, and correctly grasping the law of Marxist ruling party building, not only inherits the theoretical creation of predecessors, but also puts forward a series of original new concepts, ideas and strategies on a new basis, scientifically answers the major questions of the times of "what kind of long-term ruling Marxist political party to build and how to build a long-term ruling Marxist political party", and has achieved a new leap and sublimation of Marxist party building theory. It has made new and significant contributions to the development of the Marxist theory on party building and pushed the Marxist theory on party building to a brand-new realm.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building have guided the party's self-revolution to open up a new realm. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has stood at the height of history and the overall situation, focused on the general trend of social development, the general pattern of world changes, and the great cause of national rejuvenation, summed up and applied the historical experience of the party's centennial struggle, carried forward the great party-building spirit, and promoted the comprehensive and strict management of the party with firm determination, tenacious will, and unprecedented strength. Groundbreaking achievements that have had an all-round and profound impact. The Party's leadership has been comprehensively strengthened, the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee have been strongly guaranteed, and the Party's political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization and social appeal have been significantly enhanced. The anti-corruption struggle has won an overwhelming victory and consolidated it in an all-round way, eliminating serious hidden dangers within the party, the state, and the army. The building of the party's work style has achieved remarkable results, and the party's work style, government style, and people's style have been completely renewed, providing a strong work style guarantee for the great changes in the new era. The building of the cadre contingent has been continuously strengthened, the standards for good cadres in the new era have been fully implemented, the leadership and gatekeeping role of party organizations has been fully displayed, and the timeliness, pertinence, and timeliness of cadre education and training, supervision and management have been significantly enhanced. The construction of talent team is powerful and effective, the construction of important talent centers and innovation highlands in the world has been solidly promoted, and major innovation achievements have emerged. The building of grassroots party organizations and the ranks of party members has been comprehensively advanced, the party's organizational system has been further improved and improved, the organizational strength of grassroots party organizations has been further enhanced, and political and organizational functions have been further revealed. The internal laws and regulations of the party have released strong governance efficiency, and the level of scientific, institutionalized and standardized party building has been significantly improved.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building has promoted historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building guide the party's great self-revolution and lead the great social revolution. The guidelines have promoted high-quality economic development, led high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization with high-quality party building, and achieved a historic leap in the mainland's economic strength, ranking second in the world. The guide has realized the thousand-year dream of the Chinese nation, and won the largest battle against poverty in human history. The guidelines have promoted the reform and opening up to achieve historic changes, systematic reshaping and overall reconstruction in many fields, the socialist system with Chinese characteristics has become more mature and more formalized, and the modernization level of the national governance system and governance capacity has been significantly improved. The guidelines have promoted the construction of a rule of law in China, the party's leadership over the comprehensive rule of law has become stronger and stronger, and the party's ability to use the rule of law to lead and govern the country has been significantly enhanced. The guidelines have promoted the establishment of the world's largest education system, social security system, medical and health system, and improved people's lives in all aspects. The guidelines have promoted historic, turning and overall changes in ecological environmental protection, significantly enhanced the consciousness and initiative of the whole party and the whole country to promote green development, and significantly improved the quality of the ecological environment. The guidance has promoted the overall revolutionary reshaping of the people's army, and the fundamental principle and system of the party's absolute leadership over the people's army are rock solid. The guidance has promoted major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics to open up a new situation in the great changes in the world, the party's leadership system and mechanism for foreign affairs work have been sound and perfect, and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind has become a clear banner leading the trend of the times and the direction of human progress. The guidance has promoted a high degree of cohesion of the hearts of the party, the military, and the people, the core values of socialism have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the sense of community of the Chinese nation has been continuously forged, and the Chinese people in the new era are marching forward with their heads held high on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building has far-reaching world significance and major international influence. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core analyzes the difficulties of the big party, diagnoses the problems of the big party, eliminates the shortcomings of the big party, and renews the rule of the big party, so that the world's largest political party is still young and grows into a towering giant tree after a hundred years of glory. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building have attracted the attention of the world and become an important source of our party's international influence, appeal and leadership. In the context of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, political parties seek survival, the country seeks strength, governance seeks change, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building have broken the myth of the Western party system, and provided Chinese solutions for mankind's exploration of a better social system with its lofty value orientation and unique ideological charm. The international community, mainly represented by various political parties and political organizations, has undergone important changes in its attention to the CPC: from asking "can the CPC" to eager to know "why the CPC can", from marveling that "the CPC can" to thinking "how can we do it", expectations of China's ideas and Chinese solutions are constantly increasing. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building are of great world significance, putting forward China's propositions and solutions for the development of world political civilization in the era of globalization, contributing Chinese wisdom and pointing out China's direction for the progress of human political civilization.

A scientific system that fully grasps General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building profoundly expounds the status, role, goals and tasks, fundamental principles, main lines, responsibilities and missions, and practical requirements of party building in the new era from a commanding height, broad vision, rich connotation, broad and profound, rigorous logic, and scientific system, and profoundly expounds the status, role, goals and tasks, fundamental principles, main lines, duties and missions, and practical requirements of party building in the new era from the perspective of history and reality, the connection between managing the party and governing the country, and combining theory and practice, marking that our party's understanding of the law of the Communist Party's ruling power, the law of socialist construction, and the law of the development of human society has reached a new height.

It clearly puts forward that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and adhering to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee is the highest political principle, which profoundly reveals the intrinsic unity of the Party's leadership and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and highlights the extreme importance of the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and its status and role in the Party's leadership system. Stressing that upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership has a bearing on the future and destiny of the party and the country, and that all our undertakings are based on this foundation and rooted in this most essential feature and greatest advantage; To uphold the party's leadership, we must first take a clear-cut stand and stress politics and ensure that the whole party obeys the central authorities; Uphold and strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Party's leadership is comprehensive, systematic and holistic, and must be implemented comprehensively, systematically, and as a whole; Improve the Party's leadership system that oversees the overall situation and coordinates all parties, improve the mechanism for the implementation of major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, ensure that the whole Party maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in political stance, political direction, political principles and political road, and ensure the unity and unity of the Party; Wait a minute. It clarifies that the party's leadership is the essential prescriptive nature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and provides theoretical guidance for incorporating the party's leadership system into the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system as the fundamental leadership system of the state, so that the rule of law, system, system, mechanism and organizational system of the party's leadership are more perfect, and more effective in practice.

It clearly puts forward that the party's self-revolution is the second answer to jumping out of the historical cycle of chaos and rise and fall, which profoundly shows the true meaning of our party's practice of constantly moving from victory to new victory. Emphasizing the courage of self-revolution is the most distinctive character of our party, and through unremitting efforts, the party has found the second answer to self-revolution, which jumps out of the historical cycle rate of chaos rise and fall; As the world's largest Marxist ruling party, our party must always maintain a sober and firm determination to solve the unique problems of the big party in order to always win the support of the people and consolidate its long-term ruling position; The whole Party must bear in mind that comprehensively administering the Party strictly is always on the road, and the Party's self-revolution is always on the road, and must persistently promote the comprehensive and strict management of the Party, deeply promote the new great project of Party building in the new era, and lead the social revolution with the Party's self-revolution; Wait a minute. This points out the fundamental way to build a Marxist political party that has been in power for a long time, and expands the connotation and carrier of promoting the party's self-purification, self-improvement, self-renewal, and self-improvement.

The clear proposal to put the party's political construction in the first place and to use the party's political construction to guide all aspects of party building has highlighted the fundamental problems and key measures of party building in the new era. Emphasize that the political building of the Party is the fundamental building of the Party and determine the direction and effect of Party building; Political discipline and political rules should be strictly enforced, and every Communist Party member, especially leading cadres, must firmly establish a sense of the Party Constitution and consciously use the Party Constitution to regulate his or her words and deeds; Stressing politics is concrete, and the "two safeguards" should be embodied in the actions of resolutely implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, in the practical results of performing one's duties and doing one's own work well, and in the daily words and deeds of Party members and cadres. Enhance the political, epochal, principled and combative nature of political life within the Party, make good use of the weapon of criticism and self-criticism, and continue to purify the political ecology within the Party; Strengthen the building of political culture within the Party, so that the ideals, beliefs, values and fine traditions advocated by the Party can penetrate into the minds and hearts of Party members and cadres; Improve political ability, consciously strengthen political experience, enhance political self-control, and always be a "person who understands" and "honest" in politics; Wait a minute. This points out the extreme importance of the party's political construction and the quality requirements of party members and cadres to take a clear-cut stand on politics and be good at analyzing and solving problems politically.

It clearly put forward that Jiangshan is the people and the people are Jiangshan, and profoundly expounded the essential requirement of building the party for the public and ruling for the people for the benefit of the people, and adhering to the original mission, which is the source of motivation for our party to forge ahead courageously and strive forever. Emphasize that the Communist Party of China leads the people to fight and guard the rivers and mountains, and guards the hearts of the people; We must never forget our original intention and keep our mission in mind, and we must always grasp it unremittingly as an eternal task for strengthening party building and a lifelong task for all party members and cadres; The whole party should adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses, and always accept criticism and supervision from the people; It is necessary to realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people, take more measures to benefit the people's livelihood and warm the people's hearts, and strive to solve the people's urgent, difficult, and anxious problems; We must always inherit and carry forward the great party-building spirit of "adhering to the truth, adhering to the ideal, practicing the original intention, undertaking the mission, not fearing sacrifice, fighting heroically, being loyal to the party, and living up to the people"; Wait a minute. This runs through the 100-year history of the Party, expresses the hearts of the Communists who put the people first and their original intention never change, embodies the organic unity of the Party's nature, purpose, ideals and beliefs, and fighting goals, and sends out the strong voice of the times that our Party is unswerving, forging ahead, winning the hearts and minds of the people, and winning the future.

It clearly put forward the ideology of building the party and strengthening the party in theory, and scientifically explained the winning code of our party that has risen up continuously through setbacks and hardened into steel through hardships. Stressing the importance of ideological party building and theoretical strengthening of the party is a distinctive feature and glorious tradition of our party; Strengthening ideological education and theoretical armament is the primary task of the party's political life and the prerequisite for ensuring that the whole party is in lockstep; Political firmness stems from theoretical sobriety, and mastering the depth of Marxist theory determines the degree of political sensitivity, the breadth of thinking horizons, and the height of ideological realm. Comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological construction, and unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul; Wait a minute. This points out the fundamental path to ensure that the Party remains the strong leadership core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

It clearly puts forward the strict party's organizational system and strengthens the political and organizational functions of party organizations, which highlights the inherent requirements of the material support and systematic construction of the party's strength. Stressing that a strict organizational system is where the Party's strengths and strength lie, Party organizations at all levels should perform all duties entrusted by the Party Constitution, properly implement the Party's line, principles, policies and decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, and unite the broad masses of mass organizations in all fields; Adhere to the clear orientation of vigorously grasping the grassroots level, and build the grassroots Party organizations into strong fighting fortresses for effectively realizing the Party's leadership; It is necessary to encourage Party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role and maintain the advanced and pure nature of the Party member ranks; Wait a minute. This points out the starting point and foothold of strengthening the building of party organizations, and points out the key to enhancing the creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party and ensuring that the party always maintains vigor and vitality.

It clearly puts forward the 20-character criteria for good cadres in the new era of "firm conviction, serving the people, being diligent and pragmatic, daring to take responsibility, and being honest and honest", and clarifies the basic principles of what constitutes a good cadre, how to become a good cadre, how to select a good cadre, and the fundamental standard for creating a contingent of high-quality cadres. Emphasize the construction of a contingent of high-quality cadres worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation, and implement the standards of good cadres in the new era; Establish a correct orientation for the selection and employment of personnel, select high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and select and strengthen leadership groups at all levels; Persist in putting political standards in the first place, conduct in-depth and down-to-earth examinations of the political quality of cadres, and highlight the importance of political and clean work; Strengthen practical training and professional training, and pay attention to sharpening cadres in major struggles; Improve the cadre assessment and evaluation system, guide cadres to establish and practice the correct concept of political performance, and promote cadres to be able to move up and down, and to enter and exit; Adhere to the combination of strict management and love, strengthen all-round management and regular supervision of cadres, implement the "three distinctions", and encourage cadres to take on responsibilities and actively act; Wait a minute. This not only enriches and develops the connotation of the times of our party's standards for cadres, provides a fundamental basis for the selection and employment of personnel, but also points out the direction for the healthy growth of the vast number of cadres.

It clearly puts forward the comprehensive implementation of the new concept, new strategy and new measures for talent work in the new era, and gathers talents from all over the world to use them, and profoundly answers the major theoretical and practical questions of why to build a strong country with talents, what is a strong country with talents, and how to build a strong country with talents. Emphasizing that education, science and technology, and talent are the basic and strategic support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country, we must adhere to the principle that science and technology are the primary productive forces, talents are the primary resources, and innovation is the primary driving force, and deeply implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and the innovation-driven development strategy; Adhere to the principle of the party managing talents, implement a more active, open and effective talent policy, and guide the vast number of talents to love the party and serve the country, dedicate themselves to their work, and serve the people; Improve the strategic layout of talents, accelerate the construction of the world's important talent centers and innovation highlands, strive to form comparative advantages in international competition for talents, and gather outstanding talents in all fields to the cause of the party and the people; Deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism, and train, introduce and make good use of talents in an all-round way; Wait a minute. This highlights the strategic position of talent-led development and points out the way forward for talent work in the new era.

It has clearly put forward opposition to and rectification of the "four winds," implemented the eight central regulations, persisted in upright conduct and discipline, and clarified the goals and ideas for the building of work style and discipline in the new situation. Emphasize that we should adhere to a strict tone to strengthen healthy trends and discipline, persevere in implementing the spirit of the eight central regulations, continue to deepen the rectification of the "four winds", focus on correcting formalism and bureaucracy, and resolutely eliminate privileged thinking and behavior; The party's style is the party's image, which has a bearing on people's hearts and minds and the life and death of the party; The problem of work style is stubborn and repetitive, and the construction of work style is always on the road, and we must grasp the regular, meticulous, and long; To manage the party and administer the party strictly, it must have a strong system as a guarantee; first of all, the party's discipline and rules must be established, strictened, and implemented in place; Strict political discipline and political rules, and promote the comprehensive strictness of all disciplines; Wait a minute. This not only deepens the understanding of the regularity of style building and discipline building, but also gives new connotation to the style building and discipline building.

It clearly states that anti-corruption is the most thorough self-revolution, that the anti-corruption struggle is always on the road, and that it is necessary to promote the unity of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, and showing the Party Central Committee's determination and courage to "offend hundreds of thousands of people and live up to 1.4 billion yuan" and the determination and courage of scraping bones to cure poison, fierce medicine to eliminate poison, and heavy punishment to curb chaos. Stressing that corruption is the biggest cancer that endangers the vitality and combat effectiveness of the Party, and that as long as there is soil and conditions for the emergence of corruption problems, the anti-corruption struggle cannot be stopped for a moment, and the clarion call must always be blown; Adhere to no forbidden areas, full coverage, zero tolerance, adhere to heavy containment, strong pressure, and long-term deterrence, insist on investigating bribery and bribery together, and insist that all cases must be investigated and corruption must be punished; Resolutely punish those who do not restrain or stop and act recklessly, resolutely investigate and deal with corruption that intersects political and economic issues, and resolutely prevent leading cadres from becoming spokespersons and agents of interest groups and powerful groups; Wait a minute. This reflects our party's new exploration and new progress in punishing corruption with the concept of systematic treatment and both symptoms and root causes, and promotes the mutual coordination of various measures in policy orientation, mutual promotion in the implementation process, and complementarity in work results.

It is clearly proposed to improve the supervision system of the party and the state, build a supervision system with unified command, comprehensive coverage, authority and high efficiency of the party, promote the integration and coordination of various types of supervision, and enhance the overall synergy of the supervision system of the party and the state. Emphasize intra-Party supervision as the lead, promote the integration and coordination of all types of supervision, promote the coordination and connection of discipline supervision, supervision and supervision, stationing supervision, and inspection supervision, and promote the effective integration of intra-Party supervision with state organ supervision, democratic supervision, judicial supervision, mass supervision, and public opinion supervision; Improve the supervision system of the party's unified leadership, comprehensive coverage, authority and efficiency, give play to the role of the sword of political inspection, implement the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and make good use of the sharp weapon of accountability; Power must be locked in the cage of the system, and power must be set up, regulated, restrained, and supervised in accordance with discipline and law, so as to ensure that the power granted by the Party and the people is always used to seek happiness for the people; Wait a minute. This is a far-reaching plan to ensure the party's long-term ruling power and long-term stability, and it is also an active exploration of our party to rely on self-revolution to jump out of the historical cycle of chaos and rise and fall under the condition of long-term rule.

It clearly put forward the system of improving the system of comprehensively administering the party strictly, adhering to the system of administering the party and administering the party according to regulations, and profoundly pointed out the long-term and fundamental policy for comprehensively administering the party strictly. Emphasize the integration of system building into all aspects of Party building; It is necessary to adhere to the organic unity of governing the country according to law and governing the party according to regulations, and ensure that the party not only governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and laws, but also manages the party and administers the party strictly in accordance with the internal party laws and regulations; To establish rules and systems, we must adhere to systematic thinking, dialectical thinking, and bottom-line thinking, and embody guidance, pertinence, and operation; It is necessary to do a good job in the "supply-side structural reform" of the system, grasp the establishment of gaps and absences, improve them as soon as possible if they are not comprehensive, and promote mature experience in a timely manner; The whole party must strengthen the awareness of the system, consciously respect the system, strictly implement the system, resolutely safeguard the system, improve the authoritative and efficient system implementation mechanism, and strengthen the supervision of the implementation of the system; Wait a minute. This has provided a fundamental basis and injected strong impetus into strengthening party building in the new era and consolidating the cornerstone of the system of comprehensively and strictly administering the party.

It is necessary to enhance the awareness of administering the party strictly, implement the responsibility of administering the party and the party, and regard doing a good job in party building as the greatest achievement, which profoundly points out the key to administering the party in an all-round and strict manner. Emphasize that party building must be comprehensive and strict, and party organizations at all levels and their responsible persons are the main body of responsibility; Without clarifying responsibilities, implementing responsibilities, and pursuing responsibility, it is impossible to strictly administer the party; Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels and departments must establish a correct concept of political achievements, persist in looking at problems from the overall situation of consolidating the party's ruling position, and regard doing a good job in party building as the greatest political achievement; Party committees at all levels should properly shoulder and implement the responsibility of administering the party strictly; in evaluating the responsible persons of party organizations at all levels and departments, especially the secretaries of party committees (leading party groups), it is first necessary to look at the actual results of party building, and to increase the weight in this regard in evaluating the work of other party-member leading cadres. Implement the responsibility of managing the party and embody the strengthening of the party's leadership in party building, management and supervision; Wait a minute. This is of great guiding significance for deeply understanding the political connotation and practical requirements of the main responsibility of comprehensively administering the party strictly, and promoting the in-depth development of comprehensively administering the party strictly.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building is a scientific, complete, organic and unified theoretical system, with distinct epochality, practicality and openness. With the continuous advancement, concrete development and gradual deepening of the theory and practice of the new great project of party building in the new era, our party will continue to expand new horizons, put forward new propositions, make new judgments and form new generalizations in self-building, and the logic, structure and theoretical form of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building will be richer and more complete. On the basis of deeply understanding the core essence and theoretical essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, we should strive to achieve comprehensive and systematic study, timely follow-up study, and in-depth thinking, and truly complete, accurate and comprehensive grasp of the scientific system of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building.

Comprehensively promote party building under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building

In the magnificent practice of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching towards the second centennial goal, in order to consolidate its long-term ruling position, always win the heartfelt support of the people, and smoothly complete its mission and tasks, our party must be guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, always maintain the soberness and firmness of "catching up for the exam", and always maintain the sobriety and firmness of solving the unique problems of the big party. Studying, researching, publicizing and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building is a major political task for the whole party and the whole country, and it is also an important political responsibility for party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres. We must conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Organization Work Conference, further enhance our political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action awareness, conscientiously study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, thoroughly understand the basic spirit, grasp the core essence, clarify the work requirements, effectively arm our minds, guide practice, promote work, and continue to write a new chapter in party building in the new era.

Strengthen the study and training of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building. Take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building as an important content and key work for party organizations at all levels to study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially to carry out the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, make special plans and arrangements, and achieve full coverage of learning through individual self-study and study meetings, report meetings, seminars, training courses and other forms, and truly learn and understand thoroughly. Take General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building as the key study content of the theoretical study center group of party committees (party groups) at all levels, and organically combine it with the overall study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era through special meetings and special seminars, as the fundamental compliance of leading party building work. Organize the compilation of authoritative reading materials to provide teaching materials for the majority of party members and cadres to systematically study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building. Incorporate General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building into the national education and training plan for party members and cadres, and take it as a key course of party schools (administrative colleges) and cadre colleges, and systematically train party members and cadres, effectively internalize them in their hearts and externalize them in their deeds. Focus on cultivating new talents of the era who will take on the task of national rejuvenation, promote the integration of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building into school education, into the teaching system of public theory courses in colleges and universities, and do a good job in teaching materials, classrooms, and minds.

Deepen General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideological research on party building. From the perspective of combining the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with China's excellent traditional culture, and composing a new chapter in the Sinicization of Marxism, we have well studied, studied, interpreted, and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building. Establish a research center as soon as possible, coordinate the national party building research resources, comprehensively, systematically and deeply carry out the research and interpretation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, and strive to build the research center into an important position, an important think tank, an important platform, an academic highland, and a demonstration model for studying, researching, and publicizing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, and lead the study, research and publicity of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building. Incorporate General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building into the Marxist theoretical research and construction project, the construction of the discipline system of party history and party building of the Communist Party of China, set up special research directions, set scientific research topics, and strengthen the construction of teachers, curriculum systems and teaching material systems. Deepen the research on General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideological and theoretical system, discourse system, and teaching material system on party building, strengthen the exchange between party building workers and party building researchers in party schools, universities, scientific research institutions, and media think tanks, make overall plans for the use of research forces of all parties, excavate and refine the original contributions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, conduct in-depth research on the historical origin, rigorous logic and rationale and philosophy of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, and do a good job in academic and theoretical interpretation. Academic expression, systematic construction, and mass communication work, pay attention to theoretical accumulation, research accumulation, knowledge accumulation and transformation and application of achievements, strive to build a Chinese-style Marxist party building theoretical system, knowledge system, discourse system, and discipline system, and transform General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building into deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, profound and lasting theoretical power and truth power.

Do a good job in publicizing and explaining General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building. Combined with the profound changes in the world, national conditions, and party conditions, clearly explain the epochal, theoretical, practical and world significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, clearly explain the theoretical system, core essence, innovative views, spiritual essence and practical requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on party building, thoroughly explain the positions and views and methods that run through it, and guide the vast number of party members, cadres and the masses to continuously strengthen their political, ideological, theoretical and emotional identities. Pay attention to the use of various media integration means and platforms to strengthen the publicity and interpretation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, organically combine propaganda interpretation with propaganda and reporting on the progress results, experience and practices of all localities and departments in implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, and promote the practice and experience of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, promote the study and propaganda to go deeper, to the truth, and to the heart, and guide the whole party and the whole society to unswervingly promote the new great project of party building in the new era. Do a good job in the external propaganda of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, adopt different language methods and communication methods for different countries and political parties, continue to expand international influence, and provide Chinese wisdom for foreign political parties to strengthen their own construction; We will continue to tell well the story of China and the story of the Communist Party of China, especially the story of the Communist Party of China in strengthening its own construction, transform the unique advantages of the Communist Party of China in managing the party and the country into theoretical and discursive advantages, continuously expand the discourse power and influence of the Communist Party of China on the world political stage, demonstrate the inherent unity of our party's people's stand, purpose for the people, international vision, and human feelings, and promote the international community to strengthen unity and cooperation and work together to cope with challenges.

Promote the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building. Organize party building research associations at all levels, member units, professional committees and the vast number of party building research workers at all levels to consciously arm their minds, guide practice and promote work with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, and consciously become firm believers, professional researchers, active communicators and exemplary practitioners of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, so as to provide strong theoretical support and intellectual support for the in-depth promotion of the new great project of party building in the new era. Guide the vast number of party members, cadres and the masses to enhance the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two safeguards", further unify thinking, clarify the mission, forge ahead, implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building in the whole process and all aspects of the new great project of party building in the new era, and earnestly transform scientific thinking into vivid practice and practical results of party building. Guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on party building, actively participate in the practice of comprehensively administering the party strictly, give play to the important role of think tanks, closely focus on the major issues in the current party building work, carry out in-depth investigation and research, and strive to clarify the situation, identify problems, and improve countermeasures, so as to better serve the overall situation of the party and the country.

Editor: Nie Yue

Source: Study Times