
Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Zhu Yao

In this season, if you want to ask where the queue in Hangzhou is long, the September life with the squeezed vegetables and fresh meat mooncake out of the circle is enough to have a name. The latest news is that this year, foodies who want to eat fresh meat mooncakes with squeezed vegetables can no longer queue up.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

September Life × Hema's "upgraded" squeezed vegetable fresh meat mooncake

The reporter learned that the "net red" September life of the Hangzhou mooncake session was the first time this year and the Hema Workshop launched a "joint model" fresh meat mooncake.

As soon as 30 minutes, foodies living in the "box area room" can eat freshly grilled vegetables and fresh meat mooncakes.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

Fresh meat mooncakes with squeezed vegetables

September Life joined hands with Hema to launch an upgrade "joint model"

The appearance is a bit unassuming, and it is not civilized enough to eat, but every year around the Mid-Autumn Festival, Hangzhou foodies only recognize this bite - squeezed vegetables and fresh meat mooncakes. On average, more than 1300-1500 pigs are used up in a year, and the filling recipe is so simple that only fresh pork leg meat, squeezed vegetables and soy sauce are left, Xu Hongping, general manager of September Life, said that the fresh meat mooncakes of September Life have been on fire for so many years, but they have not been taken out in their stores.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

"If there is no guarantee that the taste will not be discounted to the user, we would rather not make a new channel." With a 32-year history of September life, when it comes to this "strong and strong alliance", Xu Hongping said that what really impressed him was hema's very mature and stable baking "hot out" ability.

"Unlike what is sold in ordinary stores, the 'co-branded model' will make customized adjustments to the skin-filling ratio and oil-to-salt ratio of mooncakes on the classic taste of September life." Xu Hongping said that Hema fully considers the consumption habits of users' online delivery, makes targeted adjustments to the hot out standard, and after continuous testing, this has the September life × that everyone eats today.

It is understood that in order to cooperate with the online and offline integration of Hema sales model, the "joint" fresh meat mooncake is no longer the store's paper bag packaging, specially designed with a fixed bottom bracket of the new packaging.

"In this way, it can not only reduce the loss of freshly baked puff pastry during the packaging and transportation process, but also ensure that the taste experience of the fresh meat mooncakes that consumers receive at home is not inferior to that of the store." Shang Dachun, head of hema Hangzhou, said that the joint mooncake launched by September Life and Hema Workshop will also break through the traditional sales cycle of "September limit" and become a fixed product for long-term sale in Hema.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

The reporter saw in Hema that there is less than a month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and many "players" have joined this year's mooncake war.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest
Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

The "Heart of the Heart" mooncake from the Forbidden City Food, the outer packaging reveals a strong ancient style element, the storage design of the "Jin Box" has won many fans; the mooncake of the net red Li Ziqi is mainly based on the popular national tide wind; the hot launch of taro salted egg yolk, peach pop cheese flavor, upgraded to return to such a large mooncake, but also attracted a wave of young people who love to try new.

More Zhejiang Laodizi cuisine out of the hometown

Not only is the hangzhou people familiar with the fresh meat mooncake brought into the "box area room", the hema workshop has always been constantly integrating local characteristics into new delicacies.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

The reporter inquired in advance that on the basis of the taste of fresh meat of classic squeezed vegetables, Hema and September life will continue to "do things" around the mooncake: jointly develop new flavors based on local ingredients in Zhejiang, and Anji dried bamboo shoots and Shaoxing plum dried vegetables have entered the first wave of "candidate lists" of new products.

According to Hema, the recent "mysterious taste" mooncake will also be randomly blindly tested in the Hema workshops of various stores in Hangzhou, and finally the next joint new product will be decided according to the real feedback of consumers.

Hangzhou people love to squeeze vegetables fresh meat mooncake new "joint model"! September Life joined hands with Hema to deliver home in 30 minutes at the earliest

The reporter learned that through technology, Hema Workshop has changed the craftsmanship and sales mode of traditional cuisine, and also broken the geographical restrictions of local seasonal delicious food. At present, Hema Workshop has covered 23 cities across the country, not only in each city to achieve local conditions, local taste, but also brought many local cuisines to various places, forming a mobile national food map.

For example, Lusheng, a well-known beef brand in Hangzhou, and Zhou Shengji, who specializes in halogen products, have tried the "lock fresh" technology for the first time in Hema Workshop. After using the "lock fresh loading", a five-spice fresh brine beef tendon meat in Lusheng has become the first cold dish sold by Hema Workshop for 4 consecutive months, and Zhou Shengji's signature brine chicken feet have sold nearly 10,000 orders this summer (June to August).

In the past few years, long-established restaurant brands, craftsmen, internet celebrity brands, etc., have cooperated with Hema Workshop to test the waters and achieved very eye-catching results. The bosses of huzhou's traditional rice dumpling enterprises have cooperated with Hema for four years, and the local "pillow dumpling" process has been sold to Zhejiang through Hema and become the fist products of the Hema Workshop in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai during the Dragon Boat Festival, and the sales of hot dumplings in this year's Dragon Boat Festival have been five times that of 2019.

(Photo courtesy of interviewee)

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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