
Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

author:Daddy talks about education
Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

In recent years, there have been more and more young scholars, and Wei Dongyi, who made headlines some time ago, became a professor in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University before the age of 30. There is also Professor Feng Lei, who was on the hot search a few days ago, graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a ph.D. in advance at the age of 25 and became a senior professor at Chongqing University, a 985 university. Today, this article also introduces a very powerful scholar for everyone, he is from Shijiazhuang, Hebei, the university teacher Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke the record held by Qian Xuesen, and now, at the age of 39, he has become an academician of the Four Academies of the United States, he is Zhang Feng.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > a Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with Jurassic Park</h1>

Born in 1982 in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, Zhang Feng immigrated to Des Moines, Iowa, with his parents at the age of 11. He eventually chose to embark on the path of biological research thanks to a movie he saw when he was 12 years old, "Jurassic Park", in which the dinosaurs were made, which made him have a great interest in bioengineering. At that time, after being discovered by his teacher, he found him a volunteer job at a human gene therapy research institute, where he could participate in some biology-related work after school.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > undergraduate was appreciated by Zhuang Xiaowei</h1>

With interest, coupled with the guidance of the teacher, the young Zhang Feng ran all the way on the road of biology, and at the age of 15, he won the famous Intel ScienceTalent Search Award, which originated in 1942 as the cradle of the Nobel Prize, and 8 winners later won the Nobel Prize, zhang Feng was 15 years old and 17 years old, twice won the award.

After graduating from high school, he was successfully admitted to the world's famous university Harvard University chemistry and physics major, because of the solid scientific research foundation and outstanding performance, undergraduate stage, he was recognized by the famous Chinese scientist, the winner of the "MacArthur Genius Award", the academician of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the national academy of medical sciences, the foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Zhuang Xiaowei, into her laboratory to study.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > graduate students inherit the "father of optogenetics"</h1>

After graduating from undergraduate, he chose to go to Stanford University for graduate school, originally wanted to visit nobel laureate Steven Chu as a mentor, and as a result, he met carl di sairos, the "father of optogenetics", and after a short period of communication, Karl persuaded Zhang Feng to join his laboratory, and a magical combination was born, and they left their names in the history of brain science development. In 2009, after receiving his Ph.D. in chemical and biological engineering from Stanford University, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and began his own independent research work.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="10" > breaking the record held by Qian Xuesen</h1>

Since 2013, his research has been repeated, and he has gradually become a special favorite for major awards around the world. Briefly speaking of a few particularly dazzling awards, in 2017, he received the Alberni Biomedical Prize, the second Chinese scientist in history to receive this award. In the same year, he also received the most important young scientist award in the United States, the Blavannik National Young Scientist Award. It was also the year that at the age of 35, he became a tenured professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, breaking the record of the youngest tenured professor held by Qian Xuesen.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > was elected to the four american academies of sciences</h1>

In April 2018, he was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Humanities and Sciences. Founded more than 240 years ago, the American Academy of Humanities and Sciences is the oldest independent academic society and policy research center in the United States, with more than 60 Pulitzer Prize winners and 250 Nobel laureates. The following month, Zhang Feng was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Sciences. In December 2020, he was elected a fellow of the National Academy of Inventions. Not long ago, on October 18, 2021, he once again became the darling of the American scientific community, elected a member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, and at the age of 39, he won the highest honor in the field of medicine. Previously, Chinese scientist Gao Fu and others were selected as foreign academicians of the academy.

Hebei boy Shi Chengzhuang Xiaowei, 35 years old broke Qian Xuesen's record, and now become an academician of the American Academy of Sciences A Shijiazhuang boy who fell in love with "Jurassic Park" was accepted by Zhuang Xiaowei To graduate student Shi Cheng, "Father of Optogenetics" broke the record held by Qian Xuesen and was awarded the title of academician of the four major sciences in the United States: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are outstanding talents from China, but why do they all stay abroad to engage in scientific research work?

Today, Zhang Feng, who is only 39 years old, is already an academician of the four major science academies in the United States, and his legendary experience, even if the novel does not dare to write it. He is now one of the most popular candidates for the Nobel Prize. I wish him to be able to continue to make breakthroughs in the scientific research path he pursues and bravely climb the peak. I also hope that in the future, like Chinese scientists Shi Yigong, Rao Yi and others, he can give up his American citizenship, return to the embrace of the motherland, and devote himself to national construction together.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > topic of this issue: Zhuang Xiaowei, Yan Ning, Yin Xi, and even the protagonist of this article, Zhang Feng, are all outstanding talents from China, but why do they stay abroad to engage in scientific research? </h1>

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