
Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

author:Chinong said

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Text|Editor: Iron Hammer

"I don't eat a single egg from him."

These are the words of the famous Peking Opera artist Li Weikang.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was stunned: "Could it be that these two have a bad relationship"?

You must know that she and Geng Qichang are a loving couple that everyone envies in Liyuan.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

The acquaintance was at the end of the day, and the family gap was very large.

Geng Qichang was stingy to this point?

After all, can the relationship between the two not withstand the pressure of reality?

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

1. The love and respect behind the AA system

In 1975, Li Weikang and Geng Qichang, who had known each other for more than ten years, entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

When he first got married, all the expenses of the family were borne by Geng Qichang alone.

Li Weikang saw that Geng Qichang was working very hard to make money every day.

He made a very bold decision.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang decided to come to AA with Geng Qichang.

In this way, the pressure on Geng Qichang to make money can be reduced a little.

Geng Qichang disagreed with Li Weikang's idea at first.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

At that time, most husbands were responsible for earning money to support the family.

There is no such thing as an AA system.

However, seeing that Li Weikang had always insisted on Geng Qichang's idea, he had to choose to respect his wife.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Since then, the couple has implemented the AA system.

Now, more than forty years later, the two old men are in their seventies.

After retirement, the couple began to enjoy a happy old age.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

The couple would go for a walk in the park together after dinner.

They will also intimately prepare dinner for each other.

From the teenager to the white-headed Li Weikang and Geng Qichang's love is really enviable.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

It seems that mutual respect is the way to make love last.

Li Weikang was able to produce such a trendy idea as the AA system in that era.

It is also inextricably linked to her childhood experiences.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Second, the love story of Li Weikang and Geng Qichang

Li Weikang's family conditions were very favorable at that time.

Li Weikang's parents are both high-achieving students from prestigious universities and like Peking Opera very much.

Under the influence of his parents, the little Li Weikang also fell in love with Peking Opera.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

At the age of 11, Li Weikang applied to the Chinese Opera School at the suggestion of his parents.

Li Weikang passed all the way.

Among more than a thousand people, he was successfully admitted to the Chinese Opera School.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang, who learned that he was admitted to the Chinese Opera School, was very happy.

At this time, Li Weikang did not know what he would face in the future.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After entering the opera school, Li Weikang was required to get up at four o'clock every day to practice.

The teacher had high hopes for Li Weikang, so his requirements for Li Weikang were particularly strict.

After practicing every day, Li Weikang was so tired that he couldn't stand upright.

And there are bruises all over his body.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang's mother saw her daughter learning opera and suffering like this, and she was distressed for a while.

Li's mother advised her daughter not to give up her studies and return to school to continue her classes.

Under the persuasion of his mother, Li Weikang also had such an idea.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

But Li Weikang was very envious when he saw the appearance of the senior brothers and sisters performing on the stage.

So Li Weikang gritted his teeth and persevered.

Li Weikang's persistence was not in vain.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

When he first performed on stage, Li Weikang's performance was appreciated by many people.

After seeing so many people praising him, Li Weikang was very happy.

During the eight years of his time in the Chinese Opera School, Li Weikang studied various trades.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Because of his excellent performance, Li Weikang was often arranged by the school to perform in rural areas.

At this time, Li Weikang had a very fulfilling life.

That's when the accident happened.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

When Li Weikang was about to graduate, the "Cultural Revolution" came.

Li Weikang, who is usually very good, became the target of criticism.

Everyone in the class isolated Li Weikang.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

They not only spoke ill of her, but also punched and kicked her.

Li Weikang's heart was under great pressure.

She was so sad that she lay in bed every night and secretly cried.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

She didn't understand why she was being targeted like that.

Is it because you are too good?

Just when Li Weikang felt that there was no hope in life, Geng Qichang appeared.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Geng Qichang and Li Weikang were admitted to the Chinese Opera School in the same year.

The two are classmates.

Li Weikang had no impression of the usually unknown Geng Qichang.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

But Geng Qichang has been in the same class as Li Weikang for several years.

He had already developed different feelings for Li Weikang.

Geng Qichang likes Li Weikang, who shines on stage, very much.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

However, Geng Qichang's family conditions are different from Li Weikang's, and his family conditions are very bad.

Geng Qichang came to study at the Chinese Opera School not only because he liked it.

Another reason is that singing is a very lucrative business.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

The poor family conditions made Geng Qichang very inferior.

He did not dare to go near the girl he liked.

When he saw Li Weikang being bullied and isolated by the people around him, Geng Qichang stood up.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

He would silently accompany Li Weikang to calm her emotions.

She will also help Li Weikang drive away the classmates who bullied her.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang also developed a good impression of Geng Qichang under Geng Qichang's company day after day.

However, both young people were too shy to express their thoughts.

I can only hide this liking silently in my heart.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

In 1967, Li Weikang was transferred to the Peking Opera in China.

She became an actress in the Peking Opera.

After graduation, Geng Qichang joined the Peking Opera in order to follow in the footsteps of Li Weikang.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang and Geng Qichang, who became colleagues, had more opportunities to get along.

In getting along again and again, Geng Qichang finally plucked up enough courage to confess to Li Weikang.

After exchanging hearts, the two began to fall in love.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

The two have been in love for eight years.

After eight years together.

Geng Qichang believes that Li Weikang is the one who can spend his life hand in hand with him.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

So Geng Qichang proposed to Li Weikang.

Faced with Geng Qichang's marriage proposal, Li Weikang readily agreed.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Three. Li Weikang and Geng Qichang's dream of Peking Opera revival

In the sixth year after his marriage to Geng Qichang, Li Weikang gave birth to a daughter.

After having a daughter, Li Weikang did not give up his career.

When his daughter was three months old, Li Weikang handed the child over to his parents.

He went out to act.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

At this time, China's Peking Opera market was in a very sluggish state.

Li Weikang and Geng Qichang, who love Peking Opera, can't bear to see traditional Peking Opera fall into loneliness.

The couple made a very bold decision.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

They took out all the theater company that continued to work on and contracted it.

After contracting the troupe, Li Weikang set up a plan for the troupe.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

That is to use the national tour to build the company's popularity.

In this way, Li Weikang and Geng Qichang took the whole troupe to start a national tour.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

As the head of the troupe, Li Weikang took on the heavy responsibility of the heroine.

In addition to playing the heroine, Li Weikang is also responsible for logistical issues such as the performance venue of the troupe.

At the beginning of the tour, I was tired, but everything went smoothly.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

As time passed, Li Weikang's money could no longer support the troupe.

In order to be able to make money, Li Weikang found another way out.

Under the introduction of a friend, Li Weikang entered the crew of "Four Generations Together".

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

In this play, Li Weikang played the role of Yunmei.

Yun Mei is a very important role in this play.

Li Weikang, who has never acted in a TV series, has a great psychological pressure.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

In order to be able to play this role well, Li Weikang studied the script very carefully every day.

When I encounter something I don't understand, I humbly ask people around me for advice.

Li Weikang successfully interpreted the role of Yunmei with his outstanding learning ability and singing foundation.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After the broadcast of "Four Generations Together", the ratings climbed steadily.

Li Weikang also won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress for her outstanding performance.

Because he starred in the TV series, Li Weikang received 500 yuan and gained great fame.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Many people know this Li Weikang, who loves acting.

After gaining popularity, Li Weikang did not choose to continue acting.

She returned to the troupe with her salary and led the troupe on tour again.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After that, Li Weikang and Geng Qichang led their troupe to tour the country.

Due to the hard work day and night, Li Weikang's body also turned red.

After falling ill, Li Weikang spent all his family's money when he was hospitalized for surgery.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Although Li Weikang completed the operation, most of the money was needed for subsequent medicine and nursing.

This can make Geng Qichang very anxious.

He started looking for people to borrow money, but the money he borrowed was not enough.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

The leaders of the Ministry of Culture heard about Li Weikang.

Immediately said that he would reimburse Li Weikang for medical expenses.

The leader said that Li Weikang and Geng Qichang had paid so much for the revival of Peking Opera.

Reimbursement of medical expenses is due.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After receiving care from the government, Li Weikang soon underwent a second operation.

The operation went smoothly, and Li Weikang's condition was greatly relieved.

But Li Weikang still left a very serious sequelae.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

For physical considerations, Li Weikang had to quit his job in the drama troupe and rest at home.

The troupe is fully responsible for the work of Geng Qichang.

When Li Weikang resigned, his daughter was already a high school student.

Seeing her daughter Li Weikang felt very guilty in her heart, she was determined to use the time to make up for her daughter.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

4. Li Weikang and his daughter

Li Weikang's daughter grew up with her grandparents.

Without the company of her parents, she is very introverted.

I was also a loner when I was in school.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Li Weikang was also aware of his daughter's problems.

She felt very guilty.

If she hadn't been busy with work all day, perhaps her daughter's personality wouldn't have been like this.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

In order to make up for his daughter, Li Weikang often accompanies her daughter to travel during her vacation.

Usually, when his daughter is in school, Li Weikang also seriously cooks for his daughter.

When her daughter encounters a problem, Li Weikang will also help solve it as soon as possible.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Under Li Weikang's efforts day after day, her daughter gradually became lively and cheerful.

And he was admitted to Peking University with excellent grades.

After graduating from the bachelor's degree, her daughter was admitted to Peking University as a graduate student.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After his daughter was admitted to university, Li Weikang had a lot of free time.

Sometimes she goes to the troupe to see performances.

When the interest came up, Li Weikang also had to sing a song himself.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

After graduating from graduate school, Li Weikang wanted to help his daughter find a job.

But she was rejected by her daughter, who told Li Weikang that she wanted to rely on herself.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Now Li Weikang's daughter also has a small family.

After the daughter got married, the old couple lived a happy two-person world.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

Now the 79-year-old couple has not given up promoting opera.

In their spare time, they also perform on stage.

It seems that as soon as they sing the play, they can return to the spirited youth of the past.

Li Weikang: I have been married to Geng Qichang for 47 years, and I insist on AA life, and I will not eat more than one egg

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