
Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage


Fu Xinbo and Yinger's "AA system" marriage once became the focus of heated discussions among netizens and was regarded as a "negative example". However, in the entertainment industry, there is also a pair of trendy old artists, who have been in the same boat for 48 years, and they have been practicing the "AA system". This couple is Peking Opera masters Li Weikang and Geng Qichang.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Li Weikang and Geng Qichang met in Weiwei, and the two had a tacit understanding at work, which became a match made in heaven that everyone envied. Despite their harmonious relationship, this unnatural way of getting along makes one wonder: how do they maintain harmony on the whole, and why do they choose to get along in this way?

It all starts with Li Weikang's experience. In the long years of marriage, Li Weikang and Geng Qichang overcame all kinds of difficulties and lived together. Their stories will reveal the secrets of their harmonious relationship and why they chose this unique way of getting along. Let's explore the stories behind this pair of veteran artists, and learn about their views on love and philosophy of life.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage


Li Weikang, born in 1947 in a family of Beijing intellectuals, her parents were both top students at Yenching University, and both of them have a deep love for Peking Opera. Although they were not professional, they formed an amateur Peking Opera troupe with their ticket holders.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In this family full of Peking Opera atmosphere, Li Weikang developed a strong interest in Peking Opera without special cultivation, especially those exquisite heads, which made her fall in love.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

At the end of the fifties, theater ushered in a period of prosperity. At the suggestion of his parents, 11-year-old Li Weikang and his younger brother applied for drama school together. However, due to the fierce competition, her younger brother unfortunately lost the election, while Li Weikang stood out among the thousands of people and became one of the lucky ones. This fully demonstrated her talent and potential in Peking Opera, and also laid the foundation for her brilliant achievements in the field of Peking Opera in the future.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Knowing that she was successfully admitted to the school of her choice, Li Weikang was full of pride in her heart, and she was full of expectations for the upcoming campus life. However, she didn't realize that what awaited her was not honor and ease, but hard work day after day.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Life at the opera school is far more difficult than she imagined, which is very different from her petty fights in the past. Students need to get up at four o'clock in the morning to practice, and every movement is required to be rigorous and in place. Take the most basic kicking action, the toes must touch the door of the head, which undoubtedly puts a lot of demands on the students.

In order not to get hurt, Li Weikang learned how to control the force. However, the process was not all smooth sailing, and she had bruised her head many times due to excessive force.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Such a day makes Mother Li see it in her eyes and hurt in her heart. She tried to persuade her daughter to give up several times, but Li Weikang's answer was always firm: "No!"

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

After more than half a year of hard work, Li Weikang finally ushered in the opportunity to perform on stage. Although these days were difficult, she never gave up her love for opera. Now, she will stand on the stage with a new attitude and show what she has learned. On this arduous road, Li Weikang has succeeded step by step with firm belief and perseverance.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

At that moment, she felt the excitement of adrenaline. Perhaps, she is destined to be an elf born for the stage. That performance made her deeply fascinated by the stage and made her the focus of attention of the school. At the same time, her fate with Geng Qichang is also quietly narrowing the distance between each other.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage


Geng Qichang and Li Weikang, both alumni of the same class, both stepped into the door of the drama school when they were 11 years old. Although they did not have much intersection in the early years, in Geng Qichang's heart, Li Weikang was like a treasure given by God.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Li Weikang is talented, not only proficient in Tsing Yi, Hua Dan, Dao Ma Dan and other skills, but also holds various cadre positions in the school. What impressed Geng Qichang was that when he applied to join the group, the examiner was Li Weikang.

The god of fate favored him, and at the age of 14, Geng Qichang was able to work hand in hand with the goddess in his heart.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Since then, they have rehearsed and performed together, and spent countless quality times together.

In that innocent era, even if the two got along day and night, they were limited to a deep revolutionary friendship, and they never had the slightest thought of crossing the line. However, in the process of Geng Qichang coming forward again and again to defend her, the relationship between the two gradually became more and more delicate and difficult to speak.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In 1965, Li Weikang became famous with the role of Cui Ping in "Guerrillas of the Plains".

During her eight-year drama school career, she has participated in countless plays and achieved remarkable results. At that time, she and her classmates were convinced that Li Weikang's future would shine on the stage. However, the world is impermanent, and overnight, she went from being the center of attention to being the object of avoidance.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

When he was 19 years old, the domestic environment suddenly changed, and many art creators were affected, and Li Weikang's family was not spared. Her parents and brother were forced to leave and scattered. Li Weikang, who was in a drama school, was still regarded as a model, but he was discriminated against and ridiculed.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

During those days, no matter where Li Weikang went, he couldn't escape the trouble of whispering. Sometimes it will even be suddenly pulled to the center and hold a criticism meeting. Such a dark day made her nervous and live like a year.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Faced with uncontrollable emotions, she could only cry bitterly to her hometown in the south after nightfall. Why did she choose the South? Because that's where her family lives. Although her emotions were cathartic, the pain in her heart intensified. It was during this moment of extreme vulnerability that Geng Qichang became her "medicine for the soul".

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

He has worked with Li Weikang for a long time and knows her character well. In the face of overwhelming groundless accusations, he firmly believes that there is a reason for it, but he is helpless. I can only be silently by her side every day, comforting her softly.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Until one day, he witnessed Li Weikang being criticized again, and he couldn't bear it anymore, so he resolutely rushed to the stage to defend her. Although his words did not convince everyone, looking at Geng Qichang on the stage, Li Weikang felt a strange feeling in his heart. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, but she understood that it was called "heartbeat".

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Later, in the process of getting along with Geng Qichang, she always blushed unconsciously and longed to be with him all the time.

However, in this relationship, she is not the first to be tempted.

Before she realized this emotion, Geng Qichang had skillfully conveyed his thoughts through a note.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

When she first received the note, she was going through a low point in her life. Therefore, she put her career first and politely rejected the other party.

Despite the rejection, he did not give up easily.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

As the relationship between the two gradually warmed up, Geng Qichang attacked again and carefully handed over a note: "What position do I occupy in your heart?"

Such a straightforward and expectation-filled temptation made Li Weikang, who was also excited, irresistible.

"You have a special place in my heart. She responded sincerely.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

As a result, their relationship ushered in a substantial turnaround.

He has never been involved in relationships, and like many young couples, he has many contradictions in his daily life. Due to family changes, Liu Weikang, who was not in a good mood, often clashed with his partner Geng Qichang.

Once he senses his girlfriend's unhappiness, he is inevitably affected and becomes depressed.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Although the two often argued, they never had the idea of breaking up. After 8 years of trials and run-ins, they finally overcame many difficulties and became husband and wife.

The so-called difficulty stems from the fact that after the two were together, the team asked them to put their careers first, and getting married too early was not allowed.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Even if they enter the palace of marriage, the husband and wife are not allowed to have children to ensure that their careers will not be affected.

Given the clear rules, they had to devote all their energy to their careers. However, fortunately, God did not disappoint them.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In the mid-70s of the 20th century, the tide of the special era receded, and the careers of the two ushered in new vitality. With the song "Butterfly Loves Flowers", Li Weikang caused quite a stir in the Peking Opera industry, and Geng Qichang also successfully joined the China Peking Opera Company.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Although Li Weikang has once again become a bright star in the Peking Opera industry, it is still difficult for her to get a lot of opportunities to perform on stage in the circle of seniority. Therefore, she chose to devote herself to the performance of film and television dramas across the border.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

At that time, television had just become popular across the country, and TV dramas had gradually replaced drama as the new favorite of mass entertainment. Under the recommendation of a friend, Li Weikang took over the role of "Mrs. Xiaowen" in "Four Generations in the Same Hall". Because this role is similar to her experience, she also loves and engages in the art of opera.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

However, after the director met, her role changed from the original supporting role to the heavy role of "Yunmei". For this role to challenge for the first time, she was full of apprehension. On the one hand, they worry that their lack of experience will ruin the quality of the TV series, and on the other hand, they worry that they will not be able to interpret the essence of the characters and damage their reputation. But with the encouragement and persuasion of the director, she finally accepted the challenge and bravely took the first step in her acting career.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In 1984, the TV series caused a sensation as soon as it was broadcast, and she won the Golden Eagle Best Actress trophy for her outstanding performance. Although she has opened a new chapter in her career, she has not given up on her original purpose. In the mid-80s of the last century, the Peking Opera Company underwent major adjustments, and she served as the head of the Second Troupe.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

During that time, their husband and wife joined hands with the actors to fight in the north and south, and they always showed themselves as a model couple. However, the "AA system" lifestyle practiced by the two has caused a lot of controversy.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In fact, when Li Weikang proposed this idea, she had her own considerations. Due to the heavy burden on the family, in order to avoid putting pressure on the other party, she took the initiative and implemented this strategy.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

In addition to a clear division of money, they also implement the AA system in the division of household chores and meals. In her years of married life, she didn't even eat an extra egg.

Although this practice is not acceptable to most people, it makes their lives easier and more harmonious.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

For example, in many households, one person often does most of the housework. However, this clear division of labor does not mean that the two sides have reduced their care for each other.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

Taking Li Weikang as an example, when she was sick and hospitalized, Geng Qichang took care of her in every detail, so that she did not have to worry about it until she recovered. Such mutual support has allowed them to go through 48 spring and autumn together. Their daughter also graduated from Peking University and became a member of the financial industry.

Peking Opera master Li Weikang and Geng Qichang have been in the same boat for 48 years: the secret of the "AA system" marriage

The couple used their life experiences to show us the true meaning of the relationship: the true way of being a couple is not about following a traditional way of life, but about being able to support and tolerate each other at all times.

The balance between career and love is not difficult to find, as long as we have a heart that is willing to give and sincere. What do you think of this view?

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