
Use digital technology to promote the popularization and modernization of public welfare

author:Upstream News

The annual National Charity Carnival 99 Giving Day was officially launched recently.

This year marks the ninth anniversary of 99 Giving Day. On August 31, Tencent's general office said in a letter to all employees, "I am very glad that we have been doing a difficult but correct thing in the past nine years, that is, to promote the popularization and modernization of public welfare with digital technology." ”

In the past nine years, with the grasp of science and technology, public welfare has continuously burst out greater energy, making many "unimaginable" slowly become "possible", making many "difficult" become a reality little by little, and "public welfare for all", "digital public welfare" and "transparent public welfare" have gradually shone from ideal to reality.

Relying on the foundation of digital technology, 99 Giving Day creates a national public welfare atmosphere through "easy-to-use tools" and timely digital feedback. This year's 99 Giving Day also ushered in a larger scale of open innovation, constantly innovating in public welfare social gameplay, platform openness and co-construction, etc., to build a bridge of "trust" between public welfare and the public.

At the same time, with the help of technology and the growth of the industry in the past 9 years, the Internet public welfare industry has gradually solved the doubts of credibility, and the perfect feedback link can provide real-time feedback to the question of "where did the money we donate go".

The online art exhibition focuses on five major public welfare themes, and "Divided Donation" is officially launched

On September 1, the main venue of 99 Giving Day has officially launched the "One Flower One Dream" public welfare art exhibition, showing the concept of public welfare and public welfare dreams through lines and colors, and netizens can support the public welfare dreams advocated by the paintings by sending love symbols "little red flowers", donations, forwarding and diffusion, etc., to help the landing and realization of dreams.

Three months ago, these paintings were widely solicited from donors, recipients, public welfare industry practitioners, media, celebrities and other groups, focusing on the five themes of "for children, for the countryside, for life, for the earth, and for care". For example, the famous writer and Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan and autism painter Bi Changyu jointly created the painting "Walking with the Star", which evokes more support, understanding and respect for children and families with autism and congenital heart disease through the deep and colorful starry sky; Deaf painter Liu Minzhi depicted a complicated road home in a "labyrinth" city with the title "Going Home", calling on more people to create a barrier-free travel environment; Xiao Han (pseudonym), a 5-year-old bereaved child, hopes to pass on the warmth and growth he has gained through his love and help in public welfare projects through his painting "Stepping on the Clouds"...

The "One Flower, One Dream" online art exhibition expresses public welfare propositions and depicts public welfare projects through a variety of paintings, so that everyone can more intuitively understand public welfare, participate in public welfare and spread public welfare.

This year, WeChat Pay has also increased the innovation of public welfare scenarios, further lowering the threshold for public welfare participation, allowing users to "do good things at will" in their daily digital life.

On September 1, when the payment amount of WeChat Pay users is greater than 5 yuan and is not an integer, the "donation" entrance will appear on the payment success page, and users can choose to donate the less than the whole amount to the public welfare project, up to 0.99 yuan each time. After the donation is completed, you can set the "Little Red Flower" to WeChat status. From September 1 to 9, the Tencent Foundation will also match each user donation of RMB 0.99, and after the donation is used, it will push feedback notifications to users to make the donation more transparent.

At present, "sub-donation" has opened up nine public welfare projects for users to choose from: subsidizing the rehabilitation treatment of hearing-impaired children, sending aesthetic education bags to rural children, sending love parcels to mothers in difficulty, helping girls in distress to go to high school, installing water purifiers for rural schools, sending literacy classes to rural children, sending eggs to rural children, building book corners for rural schools, and improving rooms for children in difficulty.

In addition, more than 80 products of Tencent Group, such as Tencent Games and Tencent Video, will participate in the 99 Giving Day, further expanding the connection and co-construction depth of social networking, payment, office, games, entertainment and other scenarios with public welfare, and users can also click the love symbol "Little Red Flower" in more office, life and entertainment scenes to easily participate in public welfare.

In recent years, Tencent Charity has upgraded the Xiaohonghua account system and gradually built a "fingertip public welfare" ecosystem, where users can do good things by answering questions, donating steps, and donating meeting time, so that everyone can participate, which is also the consistent proposition of 99 Giving Day since its inception.

Use digital technology to promote the popularization and modernization of public welfare

In the ninth year of 99 Giving Day, the bridge of "trust" has become wider and wider

Since its launch in 2015, 99 Giving Day has grown from China's first Internet charity product to an open platform linking hundreds of millions of caring netizens, tens of thousands of charity organizations and caring enterprises, driving a total of 280 million people with a total of 13 billion yuan in charitable donations, benefiting more than 130,000 recipients of public welfare projects, and growing into one of the world's largest national charity festivals.

If you do nothing, you do not believe, and if you do not believe, you will not do anything. Solving the fundraising problems of the charity industry, building trust between public welfare and the public, and letting public welfare "live in the sun room" are the goals that 99 Giving Day has been adhering to for nine years.

Talking about why 99 Giving Day is held, Chen Yidan, founder of Tencent Foundation, once said, "We strive to be transparent about every donation, from the moment the donor donates, he will continue to get feedback, telling the donor where the funds go, as if he sees his donation traveling in a transparent glass world." ”

Tencent Philanthropy uses diversified digital tools to create a "bridge built by trust", allowing donors to approach public welfare, making the implementation of public welfare organizations open and transparent, forming a sustainable positive feedback, and encouraging more people to become long-term philanthropists.

In 2017, Tencent's charity platform pioneered the financial disclosure link, building an access mechanism for 99 Giving Day based on transparency. In the following years, the transparency formation continued to upgrade and iterate, and the stricter transparency requirements of "financial disclosure + independent audit + random inspection" came into being, and with the blessing of blockchain technology, each donation data can be traced and retrospective, so that every public welfare project runs under the sun.

In the past two years, Tencent Philanthropy has continued to deepen the construction of transparent modules, and created key projects such as "shareholders' meeting" and "public welfare true exploration", allowing public welfare organizations to face the probes and inquiries of donors. Questioning and onlookers can ensure openness, participation, efficiency and transparency of public welfare projects, and give donors a sense of security and gain. The public welfare detectives came to the project site with curiosity and their own good ability, personally participated in the project, and let the progress and actual results of the project "what you see is what you get".

It is reported that after the end of this year's 99 Giving Day, Tencent Charity will invite the top 10 public welfare organizations to launch a public welfare real exploration action and accept visits and supervision from donors.

At the same time, in order to share the power of digital technology with the whole society, Tencent has opened up its platform capabilities, opened the "digital toolbox" to non-profit organizations to help the industry operate efficiently, and successively launched a number of special projects such as the "Digital Talent Open Plan", "Thousands of Plan", and "Technology Philanthropy Venture Capital Program" to support non-profit organizations in cultivating professional digital talents and developing digital technology innovation capabilities.

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