
The truth of the incident involving the second generation of Qin Fen, who broke the news, was solved


Recently, a series of revelations about the rich second-generation Qin Fen, have aroused widespread attention on the Internet. A female netizen named "NPD Dogs Don't Talk" claimed that she was almost killed by Qin Fen, and claimed to have mastered the major revelations of Qin Fen's and actress Gillian. However, then the woman suddenly changed her words, publicly apologized to Qin Fen, and emptied her social media accounts, making things confusing.

The truth of the incident involving the second generation of Qin Fen, who broke the news, was solved

The whistleblower said that Qin Fen's transcript was recorded in the Australian Police Department, posted a photo of the transcript, and provided Qin Fen's name and passport number. She also shared shocking photos of her rescue treatment in the hospital. However, her revelations did not provide enough evidence to confirm her statement, which caused many netizens to question.

The whistleblower claims that her purpose is not to hype or rub traffic, but to reveal the truth of the matter. She revealed that Qin Fen, who has left her residence, is currently recovering in Japan and will continue to disclose more information when she recovers. However, soon after, the whistleblower's social media account was emptied, but in her bio she wrote a sentence: "I am recuperating, and if I am in better spirits, I will hammer him to death, no hype, no marketing, no selling!" ”。 Previously, the whistleblower's dynamics were saved with screenshots, including suspected chat records with Qin Fen.

The truth of the incident involving the second generation of Qin Fen, who broke the news, was solved

Subsequently, some netizens discovered that Qin Fen's Weibo had not been updated for months, but his short video account had only recently updated a clip of skiing and showed that he was indeed in Australia. The discovery plunged Qin Fen's social media comment section into chaos, with many netizens asking him what had happened in Australia and why he had been reported and charged. Some people also traced Qin Fen's past scandals and mentioned the relationship with Gillian.

The scandal between Gillian and Qin Fen, which has always attracted much attention. In the past, there were reports that Qin Fen's affair with actresses such as Wei Xue and Xi Ge, and some even said that he had a son with Wei Xue. The whistleblower said that the relationship between Qin Fen's and Gillian has another story. Some revelations said that Qin Fen's even had an abnormal relationship with his father and had raised Gillian. While the veracity of these revelations is difficult to determine, there is some evidence that seems to ignite curiosity.

The truth of the incident involving the second generation of Qin Fen, who broke the news, was solved

Gillian used to post photos with Qin Fen, and celebrated his birthday, even using a kissing emoji. The photo sparked speculation about the relationship between the two, and despite the scandals, Gillian did not deny the relationship. There is also speculation that Gillian gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, and claimed to have been born in Shanghai. It has been noted that Gillian has recently gained significant weight and shown signs of hormonal effects, which has sparked speculation. Even the paparazzi "Zhang Xiaohan" once broke the news through comics, saying that a certain god actress secretly had a child with the rich second generation and won a mansion reward, but the two did not get married. At one point, some people speculated that it was Gillian and Qin Fen, but some people also broke the news that it was Gillian and Qin Fen's father. These revelations, combined with the events at hand, make people think and wonder.

However, the truth of the current events is still unknown. The whistleblower's sudden apology and account emptying made the whole incident even more confusing. In any case, we need more conclusive evidence to verify the authenticity of these revelations. It is hoped that the relevant departments can intervene in the investigation as soon as possible, restore the truth of the incident, and give the public a clear answer.


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