
Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?



The phenomenon of "floating" in the entertainment industry

In other words, this entertainment industry is like a big stage, with actors coming and going, some crossing the sky like meteors, and some shining like stars for a long time. Recently, Liu Yifei talked about an interesting phenomenon in the live broadcast: "Some actors may really become popular too quickly. Let's talk about the story behind this "too fast".

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

1. Sudden light

Imagine that an ordinary college student suddenly became popular because of a drama and became the focus of attention of the people of the whole country. This sudden light, like the feeling of being struck by lightning, suddenly changed from an ordinary person to a star in the limelight. But the problem is that this light comes too quickly, too violently, and often catches people off guard. As a netizen said: "Hey, this is more exciting than buying a lottery ticket and winning the jackpot!" ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

Second, the accumulation of no experience

In the entertainment industry, experience and accumulation are very important. But for those actors who became popular overnight, they may not have had time to think about their acting skills before they were pushed to the front of the stage. It's like a primary school student who is suddenly pulled to take the college entrance examination, and the result can be imagined. Liu Yifei said that "I have not experienced some accumulation and tribulation in art", which is the truth. Think about it, if an actor has not experienced enough trials and setbacks, how can he play a role that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

3. Fluttering mentality

The word "floated" is a high-frequency word in the entertainment industry. When an actor suddenly becomes popular, he may feel that he can do anything and begin to relax his requirements for himself. For example, in the past, I would carefully ponder the script and study the characters, but now I may just be coping with things; In the past, I would humbly ask my seniors for advice, but now I may feel that others are inferior to me. This fluttering mentality will not only make your acting skills stagnate, but also make the people around you feel uncomfortable. It's like a netizen joked: "It's not floating, it's flying into the sky and the sun side by side!" ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

Fourth, the quality of the declining works

When an actor's mentality changes, the quality of his work often declines. Because they may no longer do everything with the same heart as before, but start to pursue the glamour on the surface. In this way, their work may become empty and lacking in substance. is like a netizen said: "I used to enjoy watching their dramas, but now watching them is like drinking boiled water." ”

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

5. Repercussions from the public and the circle

Public reactions to this phenomenon have been mixed. Some netizens expressed their understanding: "After all, they are also human, and they must be a little floating when they suddenly become popular." But more netizens were critical: "As a public figure, you should be responsible for yourself and the audience." And within the entertainment industry, those experienced seniors often express worries and dissatisfaction with these "floating" actors. After all, they know that if an actor wants to develop for a long time, he still has to rely on his strength and works to speak.

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

Sixth, the higher you float, the harder you fall

Finally, let's talk about Liu Yifei's sentence: "I believe these people can't go far." This sentence is not groundless! In the highly competitive stage of the entertainment industry, it is difficult to gain a long-term foothold without the support of strength and works. If those "floating" actors do not adjust their mentality and behavior in time, I am afraid that they will soon lose the love and support of the audience. When the time comes, don't say you can't go far, I'm afraid you won't even be able to stand firmly!

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

7. Conclusion: Down-to-earth is true

So, let's not be too envious of those actors who became popular overnight, after all, the pressure and challenges they face are beyond our imagination. And we should pay more attention to those actors who are down-to-earth and work hard, because only they can bring us more wonderful works and profound character experience. At the same time, I also hope that those actors who have "floated" can wake up as soon as possible, return to their original intentions, and continue to bring more excellent works to the audience!

Liu Yifei's live broadcast broke the news: The popular actor "floated"? Is this "floating" into outer space?

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